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⚡️ Ultimate Editor Enhancer - Boost your productivity. Much and immediately!

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Alex-Vertax, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. dock


    Jan 2, 2008
    I don't think you need to do it. Honestly, I was just having awkward first impressions after using middle click to toggle quickly in the other tool.
  2. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013

    Ultimate Editor Enhancer v3.8 changelog:

    [Autosave] Disabled autosave of Untitled scenes.
    [Breadcrumbs, Context Menu Components, Hierarchy Enable] Added support for Undo when enabling and disabling GameObject.
    [Core] Fixed window sizes when using UI Scaling.
    [Core] Fixed ability to edit components when selecting multiple GameObjects.
    [Create Browser] The preview area is now always visible.
    [Duplicate Tool] Fixes Duplicate Tool when the size of one of the object's sides is zero.
    [Hierarchy Enable] Added the ability to toggle the enable state of a GameObject when middle-clicking on a row.
    [Long Text Editor] Now it's disabled for VisualScripting.
    [New] Added the ability to create notes for GameObject.
    [New] Added a button to quickly create folders in a project.
    [Quick Access Bar] Now the tooltips of the items are shown to the right of the button.
    [Quick Access Bar] Fixed drawing of collapsing line.
    [Runtime Save Components] Added the ability to save components through the context menu of the component.
    [Settings] Added setting for creating folders by shortcut.
    [Settings] Added the ability to export and import Empty Inspector Items and Header Rules.
    [Unity] Fixed warning on Unity 2022.2.
    [View Gallery] Fixed constant redrawing of the window.
    [Waila] Fixes Waila for multiple Scene Views.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2023
    Mark_01 likes this.
  3. dock


    Jan 2, 2008
    @Alex-Vertax thanks so much for adding middle click enable toggle!

    Is it possible to disable Inspector behaviour for UEE, or to improve compatibility with other editor enhacing tools?
    I use another editor addon called Inspector Gadgets Pro which lets me expand any referenced asset or object. Unfortunately if I use UEE this functionality stops working.

    With UEE: Unity_7C4ZGd71qD.png

    Without UEE: upload_2023-2-26_16-37-56.png
  4. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013
    Yes, you can disable UEE inspector enhancements completely or partially.
    In this case you need to disable Edit / Project Settings / Ultimate Editor Enhancer / Inspector / Nested Editors.
  5. dock


    Jan 2, 2008
    Unfortunately this doesn't seem to fix them. I tried turning off all of options in the Inspector category but it still clashes with Inspector Gadgets. I appreciate that compatibility with other addons is always going to be difficult.

    For now on this project I've decided to remove UEE because I need that Inspector Gadgets feature, but I'll try again in a few weeks to find a workaround.
  6. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013
    The patch is attached.
    Apply the patch, open Edit / Project Settings / Player, in the Scripting Define Symbols block add "UEE_DISABLE_OBJECT_FIELD_DRAWER" and click Apply.

    Attached Files:

    dock likes this.
  7. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013

    Ultimate Editor Enhancer v3.9 has been released.

    One of the major new features of Ultimate Editor Enhancer is the ability to color the folder icons based on rules. This feature makes it easier for developers to quickly identify different types of folders in their project, saving them time and effort.

    Another new feature is the ability to quickly create scripts and materials in the project window. This feature helps developers to create new scripts and materials in a more efficient manner, without having to navigate through multiple menus.

    Perhaps the most exciting new feature, however, is the ability to move selected GameObjects to a point under the cursor by pressing the "C" key. This feature makes it incredibly easy to move objects precisely where they need to go, and it can be a real game-changer for developers who need to make quick adjustments to their game's environment.

    [Collections] When a GameObject from a collection is selected in a scene, the entire collection will be selected first.
    [Component Window, Row Enable] Added support for Undo.
    [Context Menu] Added ability to breadcrumbs to select parents when multiple selections are made.
    [Context Menu] Added ability to open GameObject in Properties window.
    [Context Menu] Fixed an issue where some buttons wouldn't click.
    [Duplicate Tool] Added the ability to create duplicates based on the rotation of the original object.
    [Enum Field Search] The search box will not be used if at least one of the items contains a slash.
    [Getting Started] Added ability to sort slides by version.
    [Hierarchy Component Icons, Inspector Bar, Object Toolbar] Added ability to switch components on/off using the middle button.
    [Hierarchy Component Icons] The style of the buttons has been changed.
    [Inspector Bar] This is now also displayed in the Properties window if a GameObject is open there.
    [New] Added the ability to quickly create scripts in the project window.
    [New] Added the ability to quickly create materials in the project window.
    [New] Added the ability to colour the folder icons based on rules.
    [New] Added ability to move selected GameObjects to a point under the cursor by pressing C.
    [Note] Added the ability to show notes in a hierarchy.
    [Other] Added option to disable Object field Property Drawer using UEE_DISABLE_OBJECT_FIELD_DRAWER scripting define symbol.
    [Pivot Tool] Fixed setting the pivot to the vertex.
    [Project Create Folder] Added the option to select standard folder names when right-clicking.
    [Runtime Save Components] Added option to automatically save the component when exiting Play Mode.
    [Search] Fixed the caret position when opening a script search.
    [View Gallery] Added option to set camera position from View State.
    Mark_01 likes this.
  8. laurentlavigne


    Aug 16, 2012
    I use ucontext only to get icons in hierarchy. Which folder can i delete to only get that function?
  9. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013
    You can't delete folders, simply because the asset features are highly integrated with each other.
    Deleting some script or folder in almost 100% chance will break the asset.
    You just need to disable the features you don't use in the settings.
  10. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013

    Ultimate Editor Enhancer v3.10 has been released.

    One of the most significant new features in the latest version of Ultimate Editor Enhancer is the ability to search for serialized component fields.
    This powerful new feature will save developers a great deal of time and effort by allowing them to quickly and easily locate the specific fields they need within a serialized component.

    Another key feature of the new version is the ability to copy, paste, export, and import components as JSON.
    This new functionality will allow developers to easily move components between projects, as well as share them with other developers or with the wider Unity community.

    Finally, the latest version of Ultimate Editor Enhancer also includes the ability to work with notes at runtime.
    This new feature will allow developers to add or edit notes to GameObject during runtime, allowing you to save your thoughts on the fly.

    [Bookmarks] Fixed exceptions when labels in the project are null.
    [Bookmarks] Fixed deleting of non-existing bookmarks.
    [Core] Improved serialization in JSON.
    [Core] Changed the fuzzy search algorithm, increasing accuracy and performance in all the tools that use it.
    [Hierarchy Components] Fixed too frequent refreshing of elements in Component Icon Drawer.
    [Hierarchy Headers] Fixed bugs and optimized code in HeaderRule.
    [Hierarchy Icons] Added five second texture cache for Best Icon Drawer.
    [New] Added search by serialized component fields.
    [New] Added ability to copy, paste, export and import component as JSON.
    [New] Added the ability to select a LOD Group in a scene as a single entity.
    [Notes] Added ability to work with notes at runtime.
    [Notes] Made note height limitation.
    [Settings] Added ability to disable all group features in settings.
    [Settings] Added setting to disable Select Next Custom Tool and Toolbar.
    [View Gallery] Fixed exceptions of View Gallery in play mode.
    Mark_01 likes this.
  11. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013

    The main new feature is the Custom Pivot Rotation Tool, which allows you to rotate GameObjects around a custom pivot, without changing the main pivot.

    Note Manager has been added for easy management of notes in open scenes.

    When you need to play a scene step by step, you can use the Stepper instead of manually pressing the Step button.
    This automatically takes steps at specified intervals.

    [Component Header] Added a button to quickly add the component to bookmarks.
    [Component Header] Added button for quick copy, paste, export and import component.
    [Core] Fixed displaying CustomPropertyDrawer in the inspector without implemented OnGUI.
    [Custom Tool Switcher] Holding down U for 0.5 second opens the tool selection menu.
    [Drag And Drop To Event Field] The menu for selecting a method will now be displayed immediately after dragging.
    [Hierarchy Icon Drawer] Fixed a rare exception where the best component has no texture.
    [Hierarchy Notes] Clicking now opens the Note Manager.
    [New] Added Custom Pivot Rotation tool.
    [Notes] Added Note Manager which displays all notes in the scene.
    [Post Header Items] Added a button to quickly add GameObject to bookmarks.
    [Quick Access Bar] A button to open the Note Manager has been added.
    [Smart Selection] Added the ability to quickly disable GameObject with a middle mouse button click, and to open the context menu with a right-click.
    [Time Scale Window] Added a stepper that will switch to frame by frame after a specified time.
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
    Mark_01 and Lars-Steenhoff like this.
  12. Slashbot64


    Jun 15, 2020
    Could you add a feature like this .. .it's dead on newer Unity versions.. total disappointment can't work with Unity without it as it is essential to bringing back changes made in playmode back to various changed components after exiting playmode.. just think unity are braindead to still have not provided an adequate solution to this that I'm still relying on third party addons who's authors have moved on.
  13. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013
  14. Slashbot64


    Jun 15, 2020
    I really just like the way copy clipboard works.. can copy components to it and have it opened for reference as a floating window
  15. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013

    In the Project window, hover over the line that contains Audio. A button will be displayed that allows you to preview audio without selecting it or opening it in a third-party application.

    When GameObjects have more than one child, click the "..." button and select "Sort By Name" to sort the children by name.

    Note: If the GameObject name has numbers in it, they are sorted as numbers instead of a charcode. For example Box9 will be above Box10.

    Out of the box, Unity Editor has two behaviors for collapsing Tree View elements:
    • Left-clicking on the triangle collapses/expands the current element.
    • ALT + left-clicking on the triangle collapses/expands the current element and child elements.
    Ultimate Editor Enhancer adds new behavior:
    Right-clicking on a triangle collapses child elements but not the current one.

    This works for all Tree Views in the editor, including third-party assets.

    When multiple GameObjects are selected, a block displays in Transform Editor to align and distribute GameObjects along the axes.

    Full changelog:
    [Component Header Items] The sorting of buttons has been improved.
    [Component Header Items] Removed Align and Distribute item.
    [Component To JSON] Undo support has been added.
    [Component To JSON] Fixed serialization of arrays.
    [Context Menu] Fixed the layout on multiple displays.
    [Hierarchy] Improved display of bookmarks and component icons together.
    [Hierarchy Component Icons] Added ability to hide regular components like Transform, Rect Transform, etc.
    [Inspector Bar] Fixed exception when GameObject contains a component for which there is no editor.
    [New] Added the ability to play AudioClips in Project window.
    [New] Added ability to sort child GameObjects by name.
    [New] Added ability to collapse all children but not itself for TreeView.
    [New] Added Align and Distribute feature to Transform Editor.
    [Pivot Tool] Added warning if user tries to change pivot for GameObject containing MeshRenderer.
    [Project Folders] Added the ability to make the rule work only for the root folder or not recursively.
    [Runtime Save Components] The ability to save a field now doesn't use unsafe features and is available for the Apple M1.
    [Toolbar] Button styling has been improved.
    [Unity] Fixed warnings for Unity 2023.1.
  16. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013

    Click the button to create a material with Standard shader and set the texture to Albedo.

    In most cases, GameObject / Frame Selected, Move To View, Align With View, Align View To Selected features are used for the camera, so Ultimate Editor Enhancer adds these actions to the Camera Component header for quick access.

    Hover over the tree line in the hierarchy to see the name of the parent GameObject.

    Hover over the triangle in the hierarchy to see the number of children.

    Full changelog:
    [Core] Fixed the scene name in the save changes dialog box.
    [Custom Tool Switcher] Fixed tool triggering when you press U in a text field.
    [Empty Inspector] Added ability to re-import items from Window menu.
    [Hierarchy Backgrounds] Added the ability to make rule-based backgrounds.
    [Hierarchy Components] If the default components are hidden, they will be displayed in an additional menu.
    [Hierarchy Tree] Added the ability to display the number of children when hovering over a triangle.
    [Hierarchy Tree] Added the ability to display the name of the parent element when hovering over a line.
    [Hierarchy Tree] Added line highlighting for children of the selected element.
    [Missing Script Fixer] Added the ability to select a script to replace.
    [Missing Script Fixer] The selection of the best candidate for replacement has been improved.
    [New] Added Align With for Camera Component in the inspector header.
    [New] Added Project Context Action to create a material from a texture.
    [Note] Added the ability to open Note Manager by right-clicking Note icon in the inspector.
    [Note] Added the ability to open Note Manager through the main menu.
    [Project Context Actions] Optimized code.
    [Welcome] Added a link to Discord.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
    Mark_01 and Lars-Steenhoff like this.
  17. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013
    2023.11.24 - Ultimate Editor Enhancer v3.14.jpg

    Project File Extensions.png
    When Project Window uses single-column mode, file extensions will be displayed on the right side of the window.

    Move Light Target.png
    Hold down B button to display handles for moving the Directional and Spot Light target point.

    Project Create Custom Editor.png
    Hover over a row or cell in a project that contains a script inherited from MonoBehaviour to display a button to quickly create a Custom Editor for that script.

    Full changelog:
    [Drag And Drop To Event Field] Added a display of the Dynamic section.
    [Drag And Drop To Event Field] Fixed display of classes with namespaces.
    [Empty Inspector] Improved notification of new asset versions.
    [Empty Inspector] Added option to disable notification of new asset versions in settings.
    [New] Added the ability to show file extensions in the single-column Project window.
    [New] Added the ability to move the Spot and Direction light target point when the B button is held down.
    [New] Added ability to change the value of numeric fields with the mouse wheel when it has keyboard focus and mouse cursor over it.
    [New] Added ability to quickly create CustomEditor for MonoBehaviour in a project.
    [Pivot Tool] Fixed tool working in some cases.
    [Platforms] Fixed issues on Apple M2, M3.
    [Project Create Scripts] Added templates for creating PropertyDrawer and ScriptableObject.
    [Settings] Added option to disable checking for updates.
    [Unity] Fixed issues in Unity 2023.1+.
  18. Alex-Vertax


    Sep 16, 2013
    2023.12.19 - Ultimate Editor Enhancer v3.15.jpg

    Scene Backups.png
    Ultimate Editor Enhancer backs up open scenes 24 hours.
    The backup interval can be changed in the settings.
    If the interval is set to 0 hours, a backup copy will be made at each save.

    Mini Layout.png
    Mini Layout is one or more floating docked windows.
    You can save and load your own window combinations.

    Search By Folder.png
    When you want to isolate the search context to a specific folder, right-click on it in the Project window and select Search By Folder.

    Full changelog:
    [Autosave] Added ability to make autosaves to separate files (disabled by default).
    [Empty Inspector] The style of the element group has been changed.
    [Hierarchy Best Icons] Fixed the problem that icons were not always immediately displayed correctly after compiling scripts.
    [Menu] Changed menu path to Tools / Ultimate Editor Enhancer.
    [Menu] The order of menu items has been improved.
    [New] Added the ability to make scene backups.
    [New] Added ability to save and load mini layouts.
    [Other] Cross scene references warnings when using Unity API have been silenced.
    [Pin And Close Window] Fixed a problem with moving the target window.
    [Quick Access Bar] Fixed a problem that the save and open scene buttons were ignoring visibility settings.
    [Search] Added the ability to limit the search context to a folder.
    [Settings] Resetting to default settings now also affects backgrounds rules, empty inspector items, mini layouts, project folder icons.
    [Recent Windows] Expanded the list of windows that should not be included in the list of recent windows.
    [Unity] Fixed issues in Unity 2023.2+.