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Ui Incremental Social Network (adicade)

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Deleted User, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    Adicade is an Asset to help you create a Social network, and/or a Game Launcher inside your games.

    Adicade help you in many ways.

    It can help players find solutions or tips of any nature...and it can help developpers find bugs or most valueable informations for new development. It keeps your community connected to other players in the intro of the game or inside the game.

    It can be use for many type of project.

    Common uses/features :

    -Game Launcher.
    -Social Network.
    -Incremental Social Network.
    -Community support.
    -Company Brainstorming Board.
    -Developement Optimisation.
    -Research management.
    -Human Resources management.
    -Content filtering
    -English/French dictionary (20 000+ words) to filter category of topic and level of negativity.
    -Topics creation with positive sentence validation.
    -Display content by type or relations
    -Display Topics by category of topics
    -Display Topics by predefine category (base on scholarship and hobbies)
    -Topic Category Selector
    -Display Topics by region : Country - States/Province / City.
    -Multi-language interface with all-in-one script editing for adding new language.
    -Localisation System.
    -Config Panel with many options.
    -Private chat
    -Hubble system for consulting answers
    -Key system to get the Keys elements of questions.
    -Registration system with scholarship/hobbies selector.
    -Friends list
    -Add/Accept Friends

    It's a base that can make you save alot of time.

    Functions are almost basic and easy to edit.
    (Marked compatible with 2 versions but should be almost compatible with Unity 3D 5.0+)
    SQL server needed.

    References and Nomenclature inside to get on board easly.

    Two years of full time works.

    Hope you like it ! Thanks!

    Philippe Pelchat
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2019