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Feedback uFlow - Visual Code Editor

Discussion in 'Immediate Mode GUI (IMGUI)' started by PhilipRit, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. PhilipRit


    Mar 26, 2017
    Welcome to this thread for uFlow and standalone visual coding solution for Unity games, software and apps.

    I wanted to make this post so I could share the application I have been working on for the past few months with all of you and keep doing updates on the development of it.

    What is uFlow
    uFlow is a standalone application that parses C# code files and generates visual node based script blocks based on variables, states and methods in this file.

    uFlow is the perfect tool for programmers who would like to have better performing code, script there games visually and have the freedom to create there own nodes without the need of touching any source code.

    uFlow is capable of performing and reaching the same goals hand written code would be capable off and its as simple as importing a script and you are ready to go.

    uFlow is a tool that can also work with visual graphs of similar tools such as Flow Canvas, Playmaker, Node Canvas and Bolt. Most of these files output there graphs as a XML file which you can simply load inside of uFlow and keep expanding on.

    uFlow also detects the purposes of a node where nodes based on GUI will have a function based on GUI.

    There is much more to talk about which we get to in a bit.

    Why uFlow
    uFlow is not just one of those other visual code editors its actualy your personal assistant that can help you in any game engine or project you are working on. Since uFlow generates its visual features based on your C# code files are you able to use it in Unity for games and on the other side for apps & software development inside Visual Studio/Code.

    The main purpose of uFlow is to assist others making there products come alive and thats why I try to constantly expand on top of the already includes features where community feedback would be amazing.

    Another reason to use uFlow which we mentioned in some form above already is that its capable of opening visual graphs of other tools such as Bolt and Playmaker but other game engines of choice can be used for this purpose as well.

    I am currently working on making the Shader Graph system of Unity work with uFlow which would allow you to also work out these things and directly combine them with your code.

    The biggest reason why uFlow is so much better than other solutions is that it offers its own environment. I mean its a standalone application so you got your very own workspace to work and develop your workflow in.

    How difficult
    U might wonder how difficult it would be to get started with uFlow and the only 2 words I would have to say are ¨Its¨,¨Not¨

    Code you write works together with a special FlowParser which will connect your code with Unity´s game engine. The 2 required scripts are included in the package and are fairly well documented to let you know how to get started and how the engine can work with your flows.

    Is it non programmer friendly
    uFlow is currently not welcoming to new developers yet since you need to create the nodes that are available yourself. However before we open up any access to uFlow we will make sure that there are a lot of nodes available that would allow you to create simple games yourself however for more complex games is a good C# programming knowledge still the main road to walk on.

    Current Features
    uFlow is under development for a few months now but has some great core features that will make it worth the wait and to use in the future.

    • Parses C# Files and generates node coding blocks based on the C# classes inside of the code files.
    • Currently creates variables, states and methods based on your C# code.
    • Has the option to create additional triggers from within the application
    • Easy setup for a seamless workflow with Unity.
    • Outputs as .xml files
    • Capable of opening visual graphs of other visual coding solutions on Unity that format there files into .xml
    • Can be used for game, app & software development
    • Quick bootup and can be run both on 32bit and 64bit systems
    • High performance
    • Code Debugging & Error solving.
    • Reconizes where the code is made for and creates node block names based on these.
    • Capable of creating complex games

    Planned Features
    uFlow is as mentioned under constant development and there are a lot of features I am planning on adding in the future what will make uFlow the one stop solution for development of many purposes.

    • Unity Shader Graph integration
    • Lua code support (To open up doors for game engines such as Roblox, Cry Engine and Lumberyard)
    • C++ support
    • Integrated Nodes (For a better non programmer friendly environment)
    • Code Documentation (Document your own code or read the documentation generated behind the code you are using.
    • Comment Integration (Allows users to put comments directly under there nodes)
    • Grouping with group commenting
    • Terrain generation Node support
    • Audio Node support
    • Unity Plugin (Replaces the scripts and will create a connection between the application and Unity which allows to save uFlows directly inside of the project in .uasset format.
    • Live editor (See what your code does before you save it inside of a game engine.)
    • Live Editing (Editing node blocks while you test your game)
    • Behavior Editor (New tab inside of the application with a dedicated editor tab inside the Unity Plugin for creating behaviors for AI, Objects and instances.)
    • Dialog Editor (An additional integration which would allow developers to create node based workflows focused around dialogs within ther games.)
    • UI Editor (Build bullet proof UI compenents faster)
    • Web Development support (Allows web developers to develop there websites and applications using uFlows flow graphs.
    • Reworked UI (Creates a much better user experience)
    • Much more to come...

    What is looks like
    We talked about a lot of stuff now and I am not done yet as you probably would love to see what uFlow looks like. (This will be updated soon)

    Help uFlow grow

    I would love it to get feedback on the project, see your ideas and talk with you about what uFlow could do for your project. Simply responding to the thread is enough and that keeps me busy when I am not working on uFlow.