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Udemy course and copyright

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sty14, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. Sty14


    Nov 22, 2014
    Hola a todos.
    Voy a sacar un curso de pago en Udemy, me pueden ayudar a saber si habria algún problema en derechos de autor si yo utilizo el video de Unity para mi curso dandole las referencias que ese video les pertenece ya le escribi al correo de brand Unity pero no me responden. Les dejo el link abajo, por cierto hablo español por si no entienden el video.

    Hello everyone.
    I am going to take a course of payment in Udemy, can help me to know if there would be a problem in copyright if I use the video of Unity for my course giving the references that video belongs to them and I wrote to the mail of brand Unity but They do not answer me I leave the link below, by the way I speak Spanish in case they do not understand the video.

    Todo lo traduje con traductor google por si se lee raro.

  2. wccrawford


    Sep 30, 2011
    If you distribute a private video without permission, that is illegal. You cannot do that.