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U5b Network Views not supported for building for Win or Web (fails PUN)

Discussion in 'Unity 5 Pre-order Beta' started by dougdodd, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. dougdodd


    Apr 18, 2014
    This alone is disturbing, but also has the effect of Photon Networking failing. My builds (with PUN) crash immediately with a windows exception tracing back to the connect method. I discovered the "views unsupported" while rolling my own with Unity Networking when the compiler gave me the error. Same with publishing for Web. I switched back to Unity 4.6, and it works fine (same for all the PUN demos).

    Interestingly, the Load balancing demo from the PUN SDK, works fine in U5b (builds and network communication work as expected), but this demo doesn't even use PUN, it wraps the Photon LoadBalancingClient and doesn't use views (which is probably why it works).
  2. PhobicGunner


    Jun 28, 2011
    PUN doesn't use Unity's network views, so it's a problem with PUN itself.
  3. dougdodd


    Apr 18, 2014
    You're right: PUN uses its own "Photon" views, but they fail in U5b, but they fail silently while building and crash when launched (in all cases where I used them). However, attempting to used Unity's Network Views, the compiler chokes on them during the build and won't build (hence nothing to crash), giving the error that Network Views are unsupported for publishing to Win (or web). They may be unrelated, but whatever PUN is doing (through their extensions, attempting to use the Unity 5 API) is not flagged by the compiler during builds. I have been a lead engineer involved in many software production cycles, and this kind of information is very valuable in finding bugs (I know, b/c I was a bug-finder). If I was a trouble-shooter on the Unity 5 team, I would want this information. I have also reported this problem to Exit Games.