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Tutorial - Here's How You Can Find the OffMeshLinks a NavMeshAgent Will Take | AI Series 43

Discussion in 'Community Learning & Teaching' started by ChrisKurhan, Oct 18, 2022.

  1. ChrisKurhan


    Dec 28, 2015

    Hey all! Happy #TutorialTuesday!

    This week (in Part 43 of the AI Series!) you'll learn how to find at which points on a NavmeshAgent's path they'll take an OffMeshLink!

    To showcase how it works, we'll show the NavMeshAgent's path via a LineRenderer and show the exact path they'll take over an OffMeshLink with the custom AgentLinkMover script we made in Part 17. Don't worry! No previous AI Series watch history required to understand this tutorial!

    As always, the full project for this video is available on GitHub!
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