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Tutorial Accountability

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by UltimateCodeWarrior, May 29, 2019.


Should Tutorials be User Reviewed and Ranked

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. UltimateCodeWarrior


    May 28, 2019
    As I am going these Tutorials featured on the Unity-Hub : Learn -- in a lot of Tutorials, I'm not at all impressed as most don't work. I'm sure others have had the same bad experience as myself. All is not lost, but ... there is no way to offer feedback to the authors or those who should be maintaining the integrity of the Tutorials.

    Couple of things should be present:

    #1 - User Voting System to Vote up Down various Tutorials. Reviewers should be able to offer explanations and allow other users to offer critique or solutions, or to post expectations or requests for more information. Other users would also have a chance to vote up or down other users comments. A stack overflow experience. of a sort. After some time has passed, Unity should read the top comments and see if Authors are fixing mistakes or making their tutorials better. Five star Tutorials should bubble to the top, One star should be scrapped.

    #2 - Name of Author w/ Contact information/email address to report bugs.
    Would like to send some feedback to authors to perhaps help the Tutorial's understandibilty.
    Also if there is an Author who is notorious for writing half-thought-out Tutorials, I can skip the next ones all-together.

    #3 - Date of Original Post, Last Modification Date, # of Tutorial Bugs, # of Stars, # Highest Unity IDE Tested with.
    Some sort of indication of how supported this tutorial is. Is it mainstream, or long abandoned.
  2. afshinity


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 31, 2017
    Thank you for your feedback.

    Enhancing the learn tab is in our roadmap, and there is a dedicated team to address issues like the ones that you mentioned.
    I am going to share your ideas with them.
