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Trouble with CMD pip commands on Unity Smart Karts Training Mod

Discussion in 'ML-Agents' started by jzavala8942, Sep 20, 2020.

  1. jzavala8942


    Sep 20, 2020
    Hello, when I started the Unity Karting Mod project I think what started this whole mess is that the project was saved in a temp folder called 63009a. When I followed the Smart Karts tutorial the issue might have started around 8:10 when I ran the command "pip install -Iv mlagents == 0.13.0" on a project saved in a temporary directory. Everything was going fine until I decided to exit the program, it then gave me an option to save the project somewhere else and I chose my desktop. When I started the project again, the real issue was on 12:00 when i tried running the mlagents-learn <path-to-project>/Assets/Karting/Prefab/AI/kart_mg_trainer_config.yaml --train command. I would one of the two errors in the picture . Now I dont know what to do to fix this. I tried uninstalling ml agents through pip. Re-installing python, and I was even able to re-do the "pip install -Iv mlagents == 0.13.0" command on the right folder but im still getting these issues, I dont know what to do

    the pictures wont load, the errors were either "mlagents is not recognized as an internal or external command" or "Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using"

    -EDIT i figured it out I think, i was typing mlagents instead of mlagents-learn, so can someone close this thread
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2020