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Touchable button

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by barciu, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. barciu


    Mar 20, 2017
    I'm creating a single screen 2D game and I want to create mobile touch controls for the player. I'd like an invisible slider/button that would give me the position of the current touch relative to the button's position. In other words, it should work like a horizontal slider that would be able to change it's position based on the user's finger location. I'm not interested in pointer down/pointer up events only, but I need to continuously check the position of the finger. I hope my description is clear enough. Please, help me, because it's my first Unity game and I'm struggling.
  2. barciu


    Mar 20, 2017
    I ended up adding an empty game object with a RectTransform and then calculating the local click coordinates with the following equation:
    localTouchPosition = touchPosition - transform.position
    then I can use the local position to transform it further into a percentage position:
    percentagePositionX = localPosition.x / rectTransform.rect.width
    percentagePositionY = localPosition.y / rectTransform.rect.height