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Tips for tracking down causes of Editor crashes (out of play mode, have crash logs)

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by Tset_Tsyung, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. Tset_Tsyung


    Jan 12, 2016
    Hey all,

    We are currently working in Unity 2019.3.6f1. One of the members of the team I'm on is occasionally having Unity crash.

    I was getting similar crashes (when I tried to replicate), but after removing a debug spam, and having Unity recompile the script I no longer have it crash in or out of Play Mode. However my colleague is still suffering random crashes (even when in Visual Studio and isn't actively using Unity). We were concerned it was a model problem (clutching at straws), so opened inBlender, exported and reimported - he still is having issues. Previously the model came straight from one of our previous Unreal projects.

    We have the Crash.dmp, editor.log and error.log files. Is there anything we should be looking for in tracking down the cause of this repeated crashing? We are hoping that the team member can move to another machine whilst we run hardware tests (memory burnin and the like), but I couldn't say if this will be possible...

    I'm WFH atmo, so will see if I can get hold of the logs tomorrow and post on here for your reference.

    As always any and all help is appreciated and any replies are greatly appreciated.
