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This question has been rejected by the Unity Answers Moderators.

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by Riviere Delta, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Riviere Delta

    Riviere Delta

    Aug 26, 2014
    Dear Unity Answers Moderators,

    You have rejected my question in answers community.
    I would like to know what went wrong.
    Please help and suggest to re post it.
    riviere delta
  2. MD_Reptile


    Jan 19, 2012
    Tell us what the question you posted is, because chances are pretty much, close to 100% that the single moderator who rejected your question, will never ever see this post. So tell us what you asked, perhaps even copy/paste the contents of your question, and who knows, maybe you won't need to post it to unity answers if somebody here knows the answer!

    EDIT: disclaimer: no scientific calculation went into the likeliness of a mod from UA to come here and find this post :p
    Beennn likes this.
  3. Riviere Delta

    Riviere Delta

    Aug 26, 2014
    I am trying to build a project where player moves and draw lines randomly on a grid.which can create rectangles. I want to fill the rectangle with color or texture when the player completes the rectangle. How do I measure that all four edges of rectangle are drawn to fill the color? Its kind of a effect like a Sega Zoom game.

    I am using arrow keys to control player movements. and trail renderer to draw lines.

    Please help me to resolve this.
  4. MD_Reptile


    Jan 19, 2012
    Ok I watched a video about Sega Zoom which I hadn't played before, and to make that is not too tricky.

    First you need to figure out a way to keep a network of every small section of the "trail" lines of the level. Like say 4-6 triggers in each position, so that when the player jumps it doesnt try to complete the box since they werent touching the line at that time.

    As each trigger gets hit you can change the color of that small section of the line, and eventually, after hitting every section in a straight line it would look like Sega Zoom with the line being a different color following the player. Once a section of lines has been hit (maybe have variables attached to each trigger saying which boxes that trigger is contained in)

    So here is a pic to show what I mean;

    So if every line section has maybe six triggers, like near the red text visualizes, then the player hit the far left of those triggers, jumped, and hit the last couple to the right of that set of triggers, the box could not be completed until the player returned and crossed over the middle section of those triggers.

    And having those triggers be part of multiple boxes wouldn't be hard, just have each "box" have a array containing every trigger that needs to be... err... triggered to set them off, and when each has been hit, transition to the complete box appearance.

    I hope that all makes sense! To code this will definitely take some time, and trial and error, but I bet if you set your mind to it, and break down the process into smaller chunks (so you can ask more precise questions on UA) you could handle it.

    Think of it like a list of parts to make up this recipe:
    -learn triggers, placing and having them do stuff when collided with player
    -arrays that are probably hand set in inspector (like public Collider[] NeededTriggers; ) where you take each set of triggers that make a complete box (some belong to multiple boxes ofcourse) and assign them to a certain box.
    -animation of the box between regular inactive state, to a flashing state, then solid active state (maybe look into animation with sprites)
    -character controller who only moves on a grid and is forced to turn when hitting the edges of the map
    -lots of other small challenges :)

    Best of luck!
  5. Riviere Delta

    Riviere Delta

    Aug 26, 2014
    oh my god! Thanks a ton for taking out so much time to write and explain me this stuff specially with a drawing.
    it was a great help. now I can start working on small small parts step by step.
    While working on this I may need your guidance again and again. :):)
  6. MD_Reptile


    Jan 19, 2012
    Sure, I'll keep an eye out for anything I can help with.
  7. phamngocha212


    Mar 26, 2015