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Official The Future of Unity Feedback

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Buhlaine, Feb 21, 2019.

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  1. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    With that logic, Unity Engine should drop the current GameObject workflow the moment ECS comes out, and now that LWRP they should drop in the built-in pipeline.
  2. WTF?
  3. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    Fair enough, I did not notice that
    Lurking-Ninja likes this.
  4. okumasama2


    Aug 25, 2014
    Sorry if the latest version solves this issue.

    I wonder why Unity editor can only import purchased assets through Asset store main page. Is there any reason to forbid downloading and importing those assets without opening Asset store page?
    I have never thought this specification was useful. Can you make only "Import assets" window or sequence to manage them?
    transat likes this.
  5. andybak


    Jan 14, 2017
    Before deleting your data without asking - surely Unity should have migrated Lists > Tags. Tags are versatile enough to emulate lists and it would have been a couple of hours work tops.
    GermiyanBey and joshcamas like this.
  6. fct509


    Aug 15, 2018
    Is there a way to load a ComputeShader from C# and only C#. I know that we can place a ComputeShader attribute on a MonoBehavior and use the Unity Editor to then refrence the ComputeShader that we want, but what if I don't want to give the Game Dev the option to change (or de-reference) the ComputeShader. There are methods for loading Shaders in the Unity API, are there any for loading ComputeShaders?
  7. Stexe


    Feb 2, 2014
    So... how about FLAC support?

    There are so many requested features that I see people looking for over and over and yet it has been 8+ years since any progress has been made on some of them.

    Would be nice if you could compile requested features and users could thumb up the ones they want.
    nco2k likes this.
  8. Phong


    Apr 12, 2010
    I have a feature request that should be very easy to implement. If a build succeeds could unity print "build successful" to the console.

    I often leave my computer to get a snack while builds are building. When I return I am never 100% certain if the build has succeeded or not. There is sometimes a "build failed" message. In this case I know that the build failed. Sometimes there are errors unrelated to the build (not being able to connect to the cache server, or inspector UI errors). I am not certain if these caused the build to fail or not. The only somewhat reliable technique I have found is to check the file modification time of the files in my build folder, but this doesn't feel very satisfying and is irksome that it is necessary. It would be so easy if there were a "Build Successful" printed in the console.
    joshcamas likes this.
  9. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    You can add this on your own!


    Code (CSharp):
    2.     public class BuildLogger : IPostprocessBuildWithReport
    3.     {
    4.         public int callbackOrder { get { return 0; } }
    6.         public void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildReport report)
    7.         {
    8.             if (report.summary.result == BuildResult.Succeeded)
    9.                 Debug.Log("Build Succeeded in " + report.summary.totalTime + " seconds!");
    11.             if (report.summary.result == BuildResult.Failed)
    12.                 Debug.Log("Build Failed!");
    14.             if (report.summary.result == BuildResult.Cancelled)
    15.                 Debug.Log("Build Canceled!");
    16.         }
    17.     }
    Phong likes this.
  10. fct509


    Aug 15, 2018
    I'm not 100% sure, but I think they used to have something a bit like this, where they gave users a limited number of Upvotes. I don't know if they still have it, but the Unity website has a bit of a tendency to move features over to a place that hasn't implement said feature while removing the feature from a spot where it was fully implemented. For instance, I clicked on the feed-back button one or two days ago, and instead of bring up a form like I vaguely remember, it showed a message stating that that feature has been moved over to the forums with a link to the forums. What do I see when I follow the link, a big a** mess.
    Stexe and joshcamas like this.
  11. phongtruongit


    May 5, 2019
  12. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    Where are we supposed to leave feedback that will receive replies @Buhlaine? I'm a bit confused.
    transat and Shawn_Flanagan like this.
  13. unity_5fpsmegasupergiperprogramer


    Dec 1, 2017
    Unity 2019.1.1f1 BUG.

    Internal: JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than 4 frames old - this is not allowed and likely a leak
    To Debug, enable the define: TLA_DEBUG_STACK_LEAK in ThreadsafeLinearAllocator.cpp. This will output the callstacks of the leaked allocations

    As I understand the error Editor.

    I disabled all scripts and objects in the scene, it didn't help.

    I use "Lightweight Render Pipeline", tried to disable it (remove from Graphics) also did not help.
  14. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    joshcamas likes this.
  15. Casper-Chimp


    Feb 12, 2018
    That used to be the case, thats actually what this thread was created for. Announcing the old feedback site will be removed without a replacement in place. Now we have this thread that people enter through cashed search results and just ask questsions about wathever. And the new way to give Feedback (posting it in the relevant forum with a [Feedback] tag) seems to mostly be ignored with no replies, not to mention people now using the Feedback tag to ask for feedback for their games instead of giving feedback.

    Who could have ever predicted this...
    fct509 and halley like this.
  16. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    It's kind of funny tbh
  17. Other feedback methods weren't answered either. Feedback does not require response. It require read. They will tell us when they change something for better or worse. Unity (software and the company) and the user base is too big to keep answer every single bit of idea. IMHO.
    They promised, that they will read it, I believe them because they haven't lied to us so far, so I give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Please if you see this, report it and potentially ask the person to stop using the tag for this purpose. It makes Unity's job to keep up reading our feedback exponentially harder.
  18. andybak


    Jan 14, 2017
    That's a fairly sisyphean task. The real solution is to make it entirely clear and obvious in the UI how to leave feedback. I've similar before in this thread - scolding users isn't a fix for bad UI.

    I just tried to start a thread to see how the tagging works. I just see "available tags" with nothing after it. How is this meant to work? How are people meant to know the correct way to leave feedback and the correct use of tags?
  19. Well, this is what we have right now, let's make the best of it instead of whining that everything is sh*t.
  20. andybak


    Jan 14, 2017
    Nobody is "whining". Personally I'm hoping someone will take a quick look at the UX around tags and do something to make it better. Even some hard coded help text might go a long way to solving the problem with people using tags incorrectly.
    fct509, GermiyanBey and joshcamas like this.
  21. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    Leaving feedback is not whining lol
    BradZoob, halley and GermiyanBey like this.
  22. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    You don't read much feedback threads, do you? :p
    Lurking-Ninja likes this.
  23. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    I read lots of feedback threads :p
  24. SolarianZ


    Jun 13, 2017
    Is there any possible to make Unity Inspector officially support Markdown?
  25. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    What for?
  26. spinaljack


    Mar 18, 2010
    Please add a collab update UI to the Hub as loading the project in the editor makes it impossible to remove dlls as they are never unloaded once loaded. At the moment you have to delete files from folder and then reload unity but allowing updates in the hub would let us skip the reload step.
  27. Lars-Steenhoff


    Aug 7, 2007
    Please add wacom pen pressure support for the terrain painting
    khos, fct509 and Thall33 like this.
  28. KingKRoecks


    Jul 28, 2013
    So I've been trying out Betas and such recently. Trying to stay on the cutting edge to test out new packages, maybe help out if there's any areas where I can, etc.

    I have to say...
    As a professional programmer doing this in my free time, the way you guys handle is REALLY frustrating from the customer point-of-view.

    In experiencing the Beta, I've had several bugs that have led me to search for answers.
    Here's one such problem:

    Having just upgraded and getting this error, I went to google with a string literal search of the error code:

    This issue is the only thing there that matches this absolute error:

    And you guys closed it as Duplicate. And didn't link the duplicate. And it's closed, so I can't vote on it.

    This isn't the only bad experience. I also have had experience where another issue I was tracking got closed with this status:
    "fixed in package"

    Sounds like it was fixed, right? I pulled down the newest version of the package and got the same results. When that happened, I commented on the issue that it didn't appear to be fixed in the latest of the package, so I asked what version it was fixed in.

    Next day, the issue is updated with "fixed in release" or build or something that indicated it was fixed in a new unity version. Sure, whatever.

    None of those times did I ever get a notification of an event / edit on the issue that I cared enough about to comment on.
    I went to the site multiple times and tracked it manually.

    None of those times did whoever was fixing it actually give any information so that I could verify the fix.
    I've had to guess, or do more digging with no results, because all searches lead back to the thing you closed with no leads.

    If you want me to be your QA and open issues so you can make your software better, you could at least enter a build or something when you claim the issue is fixed. Or link me to the duplicate when you close an issue.

    Clearly this bothered me enough to write a forum post. So, take that as you will.
  29. Thall33


    Sep 18, 2013
    I would, as many others, really appreciate and hugely benefit the value of a more detailed, clear and up to date road map page. This thing seems to get a glance over now and then and honestly almost never reflects whats going on besides the odd changing what version is now in beta and alpha (which by the way is now a few days old)

    Fully detail this thing, I don't understand why its so hard, you have indicators for in progress, research and what not, you don't have to provide dates, I realise that promising content and features by certain dates isn't easy as that.

    Please update it regularly and fill it out with the rest of the features and packages as you release info about them, knowing whats going on with the engine to specifics involves getting shreds of evidence from multiple youtube gdc talks, dev forum posts and snippets from the blogs, its not really transparent or cohesive at all.

    I check this thing out almost daily and have been for over a few years, it never gets much attention at all. I get super excited reading about whats going on about the engine I love to use and support. Show it some love, ya?
    Lars-Steenhoff likes this.
  30. Samasab


    May 13, 2018
    I'd love and input field in the unity console, allowing me to do certain operations (like editor script commands)

    If I, for example, need to add 100 cubes with an offset of 0.5 units, I'd be able to do this with 1 command from the console, instead of having to do this in a runtime editor script.

    Or to give another example; rename substrings of a large selection of a lot of gameobjects using one console command.
    Last edited: May 14, 2019
  31. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    You could probably use Iron Python to achieve something like this :)
  32. facejets


    Oct 7, 2018
  33. fct509


    Aug 15, 2018
    The way I use it is, I type in 'aa' and read what comes up. If anything relevant comes up, I click it. When I'm done with 'aa', I type in 'ab', then 'ac', all the way till I get to 'zz'. This is how I do it. The reason I do it this way, is because when you type in a character, it brings up a selection of tags that start with what you typed in. I would just use the first character, but if there's a lot of tags that start with that character, then only some of them will show up. Their tag system isn't very good. Also, when there's a lot of tags that start with the same first two letters, I throw in a third letter. Now that I think about, this raises a bit of feedback that didn't cross my mind before.

    How about improving the tag system so that people can see the available tags and what those tags represent. Like, if I hover my mouse over the feedback tag, there's a popup stating that the tag is meant for giving feedback on Unity.
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
  34. fct509


    Aug 15, 2018
    Reminded me of a bug that I came across in the Light Baking System. I found the bug in two different parts of the forms, and both times, it was marked as closed. When I tried adding feedback to it, stating that I also had the same bug, and I had it in a much newer version than the one in which they fixed it, all I got was that the issue was closed, so I ended up just opening a new thread (or something) for it.
    BradZoob likes this.
  35. SFBTom


    Aug 19, 2015
    Feature request: I would love to be able to make Unity Cloud Builds for the tvOS platform, it's the one missing target for our game at the moment, meaning I've had to set up an old MacBook as a build machine just for tvOS. I think there are going to be a lot more Unity devs targeting tvOS in the next few years!
    Lars-Steenhoff likes this.
  36. BradZoob


    Feb 12, 2014
    Damn, read all this and still don't know why the Unity application freezes for 30 minutes when it loads the Assets list, then freezes again if you click anything, lol.

    And then you go searching for a solution and find something somebody posted elsewhere in the Unity ecosphere, and because they're using integral features of the internet in their communication they post a LINK to some info about the problem, which happens to also be on one of Unity's web properties, so, you click the link - ah ha! but of course you end up here because some genius had an idea and nobody with experience was around to tell them "no, we don't do that because A B and C will be the result, instead we do <this>".

    What a nightmare system, lol
    transat and joshcamas like this.
  37. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    I wonder if someone could make a browser extension that automatically opens any feedback link with the waybacj machine. :eek: I've never made an addon but I might fiddle with that today

    EDIT: Dang! I started working on this, and then halfway into it realized the wayback machine didn't record the individual feedback pages :((
    Last edited: May 19, 2019
  38. transat


    May 5, 2018


    Nov 15, 2013
    There was a lot of info in the comments of the feedback.unity3d site. Would it be better to keep the site up as read-only?

    Now when I google for a problem, and I find a result, it links to this thread instead of the comments in the feedback page (eg

    I have no idea what the status of the above issue is, or if anyone in the comments posted a workaround.
    Casper-Chimp and artincz like this.
  40. davenirline


    Jul 7, 2010
    I am confused. Where should we start threads about giving feedback? Is there a specific forum? It was not specified and I can't find an appropriate forum from the main page.

    Anyhow, here's my feedback. How I wish Unity has its own mailing list solution like how they did for user reports. I didn't know that there are legal stuff involved when collecting such information. You can't just capture an email and use it for email marketing in the future (like say for your new game). There are technicalities involved like the user must have consent, they must know that marketing materials would be sent to them, and they must be able to opt out if they don't want it anymore. I wouldn't mind if this would only be available for paying users.

    I know anyone can just spin a server on Digital Ocean and make a PHP-MySQL app for this. But if Unity is going to be a well rounded game development solution, this is one feature that I'd like to see.
  41. wayneh654


    Nov 25, 2012
    Hi. I will try to communicate this way. This seems a good place as it talks about the future.
    If Unity3D is to have a future then your paid customers (me) need communication. I renewed my subscription but it took 1-month payment and then 12 months. So you guys owe me money, my money. This is my 4th attempted to get refunded.

    I play around with the hope to one day make a bit of money on the side. So no I am not rolling in money so every cent matters to me.

    If it was not for the Bolt plug-in, I would have no other reasons to stay with Unity3D. So please communicated, not hide behind virtual doors. Maybe you have becomes so big that you forgot the people that have been with you for a very long time and been a big part of your success of Unity3D.

    Look at ZBrush. I send an email and within 4 days I get an answer. And... upgrades for ZBrush has been free from way back when I first got it. Your paid system now is just greedy. And don't say its free. The free version does not have the bits I needs so I am force to pay.

    If you don't support your paid customers then people will... Hmmm, what's over there, it looks good also, and free with all features including dark gray interface. I wounder if it has a Bolt like system.

    I will have no more communication after this. Next move is yours Unity3D
    Stardog and joshcamas like this.
  42. BradZoob


    Feb 12, 2014
    LOL i'm back here for ANOTHER problem lol. Jesus, it's doing me whiplash, *clicks link to solution or further info* "why am i on this random forum page?? oh.. ffs."

    Thanks transat, I ended up using tagging and setting all new unity assets to tags "new" and a tag for their type, then limit the loading that way - after i download the item i remove it from the new group, i can browse the assets using the local stored cache after that... man Unity loves to make things painful as hell at times :p
  43. SaltwaterAssembly


    Mar 8, 2016
    Submitted a bug for this and got asked to put it here instead - the too hard basket? Anyways, we request that this get sorted out asap, please Unity.

    No option for Application.systmLanguage UK or AU English detection

    We must have this as some of our apps are educational and we do not want to present UK and Australian kids with incorrect US spelling. This is an issue with Unity that's been around for a long time. Yes, we could ask them in game to swap language, but want to avoid this step for kids - device language detection is required.

    Thanks for your response, Unity.
  44. Stardog


    Jun 28, 2010
    (Case 1157406) Scroll wheel while WASD moving around in scene changes fly speed.

    Please restore the old functionality. We have lost it without being able to get it back.

    Solution: Change fly speed to something other than scroll wheel, or remove it completely. There is already a menu to change the fly speed (and of course it doesn't save and resets itself at random).

    I don't know why I bother, because I can guarantee you will never change it back.
  45. guycalledfrank


    May 13, 2013
    I posted a bug about MSAA being broken in scene view since 2018.2.0b3 and was told it's "by design", even though it was only a problem for outline rendering (somehow) and SRPs.
    This is kinda sad, especially if you specifically work with MSAA-aware shaders (centroid sampling, alpha-to-coverage). Not everyone uses the outline (I don't), not everyone uses SRPs (I write my own gfx hacks), not everyone likes postAA.
    (Case 1157135)
    fct509 and Lars-Steenhoff like this.
  46. fct509


    Aug 15, 2018
    Was looking at the new Unity Learn section of the website when I noticed a big problem. I can't open links in a new tab/page. The only time I come across this is when it's a design decision, and most of the time, it's a bad one. Is there some reason why I'm not allowed to scroll through the list of courses and open the courses/tutorials I'm interested in inside of new tabs. I had to copy the root page of Unity Learn, and each time I came across a tutorial or course that I think I might be interested in, follow it's link, open a new blank tab, post the root address of Unity Learn into the blank tab, and start scrolling through the list of tutorials (and courses) from the very start. Like I said, disabling the ability to open the link in a new tab/window is piss-poor design decision.
  47. fct509


    Aug 15, 2018
    Not a repost:

    Was looking at the new Unity Learn section of the website, and the tutorial section is a total mess. Some of the tutorials are obviously part of a series but aren't grouped together in any way. At the very least, add something like, sort by date, or sort by Unity Version, sort by name, etc.. This thing has two sections, Featured and Everything. That Everything section really needs some organization because it currently has none.
  48. Peter77


    QA Jesus

    Jun 12, 2013
  49. Flavelius


    Jul 8, 2012
    Even though feedback is gone: Serialization of polymorphic data is still much wanted.
    joshcamas likes this.
  50. joshcamas


    Jun 16, 2017
    This is happening apparently.

    EDIT: Alright, looks like it was moved to 2019.3. Also, looks like it's pretty limited (and slightly confusing) on how it works.

    Someday having polymorphic values serialized would be very nice, instead of using this new "by reference" thing which isn't exactly the same thing (but can sometimes be used for the same results)

    OR of course simply don't use Unity's serialization at all, and use Odin's. That's always a solution that is bound to work for every serialization issue.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
    Flavelius likes this.
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