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Question Teleportation Area and automatic selection of a Teleportation Provider

Discussion in 'XR Interaction Toolkit and Input' started by RyanFL, Feb 6, 2023.

  1. RyanFL


    Dec 6, 2016
    I'm developing a multiplay job in VR where I need to instantiate the players on stage. However, the "teleportation area" does not automatically recognize a "teleportation provider" if it is not previously in the scene. I tried to instantiate using "Void Awake()", without success.
    I tried to select the "teleportation provider" from the prefab that would be cloned, but without success either. I'm out of ideas, someone help me please.

    Foto 1.png Foto 2.png Foto 3.png

    Edit: Something that I could think of as a temporary solution was to activate the GameObject from the ground after the player is instantiated, that way it correctly detects the "teleport Provider" of the player, although this is not ideal it is the only working solution that I found
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2023