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TakeThumbnail Method Failing on Nexus 4, but Everyplay Still Runs

Discussion in 'Unity Everyplay' started by Brad-Keys, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. Brad-Keys


    May 1, 2006
    I've encountered a strange scenario where the OnReadyForRecording event is true, but upon using the Everyplay.TakeThumbnail method there is a noticeable lag and OnReadyForRecording event is now false. Shortly after it automatically raises the event as true again, which is frustrating as my game will continue attempting to take thumbnails which lag the game.

    For now I've had to make it so if OnReadyForRecording is ever false, it will never accept a new change. The downside being the user will always experience the lag from attempting to capture a thumbnail at least once. The TakeThumbnail method works just fine on any iOS device I've tested with.

    If the Nexus 4 simply isn't supported, then maybe it would be good to have an Everyplay.IsThumbnailSupported() check.