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Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by madcalf, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. madcalf


    Jan 12, 2006
    tions and duplications (some of which et al (1999) Mutations in ABC1 in Tangier partite targeting sequence. Specifically, a
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  2. Samantha


    Aug 31, 2005
    Hi madcow, thanks for bringing this up. I'm working on the documentation for the next release, and the Character Controller falls under my domain. So your post forced me to actually figure out what it does :)

    Here's what I was able to discover:
    Height-- the height of the capsule collider for the character. Changing this will scale the collider along the Y axis in both positive and negative directions.

    Radius-- the length of the capule collider's radius. This is essentially the width of the collider

    Slope Limit-- limits the collider to only climb slopes that are equal to or less than the indicated value

    Step Offset Min Move Distance-- I couldn't figure out what these did either. Perhaps Joachim can shed some light on them for us.

    Skin width-- it looks like this is a pseudo collider. It will offset the collider's position along the Y axis, basically making the character taller, or floating. The collider will not extend below the bottom of the character, so collisions will still need to make contact with the character for physics simulation/messages to occur

    Center-- this will actually move the capsule collider in world space, and won't affect how the character pivots.

    I hope this helps, and this info will be in the next verson of the Component Reference.
  3. aigam


    Dec 31, 2005
    Mmmm, what is the diference of use a rigidbody and a character controller?

    I search in the forum but I don't find any good information :(
  4. Joachim_Ante


    Unity Technologies

    Mar 16, 2005
    Step off set is for climbing stairs. You can only climb a stair case that is lower than the step offset.

    skinWidth is an extra width around the collider where collision messages occurr.
    You should always have this as value larger than 0. Otherwise your character can get stuck. A value of 5% from the radius works well.

    slope limit is the maximum angle surfaces the character can walk up on.
  5. madcalf


    Jan 12, 2006
    Yes, this was very helpful, thanks. Still wondering what Min Move Distance does. Any ideas?

    Also, wondering what advice you might have for using the character controller for a character that's very short on the Y axis and long on the Z (e.g. a snake)? The standard vertical capsule shape or doesn't work so well for this and a sphere shape covers too much area. There doesn't seem to be a way to make the capsule collider long in any dimension but Y.

    And if the snake changes its shape when moving (e.g. sometimes straight sometimes an s-shape), what's the best way to deal with that? Do I just make the capsule cover the biggest possible shape?

    thanx again!
  6. Joachim_Ante


    Unity Technologies

    Mar 16, 2005
    You can't use the character controller for that, since a character controller is always straight up. You have to use a rigidbody with capsule collider instead.

    Min move distance will keep the controller from moving very small distances.
    Usually leaving it at 0 is good, but a very small value might work too. It can be used to avoid jitter.