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Question Static vs Dynamic Data Text

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by Pelor, Jan 22, 2023.

  1. Pelor


    Jul 18, 2018
    What is best practice for static vs dynamic text?

    Say I have
    resource type: value
    . Should I use two TextMeshProUGUI objects? If I should use two, should I try and attach as much static text to the static (unchanging) TextMeshProUGUI as I can or is it negligible?

    If I should separate static and dynamic text should it look like this?
    Where the "Static Item 0" is one TextMeshProUGUI object and each numbered Dynamic Item is a separate TextMeshProUGUI?

    I've heard regeneration is costly, so I figured I should at least be aware of best practices.
