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StarLust - A space based RTS game focusing on custom ships you put together!

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by UnicornOfDoom, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. UnicornOfDoom


    Jun 8, 2013
    We have an alpha out! You can download it here

    Right now we only have a Windows standalone but in the future we hope to support Mac and Linux.
    There is a lot more info on our website though.

    You can design and build your own ships but to actually play you'll have to play multi. You can either find random people who are playing or grab some friends and make a private server if you want to test it out.

    There are lots of bugs and things to work on but let us know what you think!

    Hi everyone!

    For the past few months a friend and I have been working on an RTS game called StarLust. We started out with a concept of a strategy game where you could design your own units and have gotten really far! In StarLust you can build your own fleet using ship parts and weapons and put together a fleet that matches your playstyle. Then you fight for control of a randomly generated solar system. We have planets, starbases, space ships and explosions!

    Here is a video of our pre-alpha ship designer. There are 4 manufacturers to choose from and they each have their own specialties. When this video was made there were no indications of each manufacturers stats but we added that in recently. We've also added a ton more ships! There are plenty of UI changes we've been adding in as well!

    Once you've built your units the gameplay is essentially about exploring the solar system and conquering it. It's a fairly fast paced conquest style RTS. You take control of planets and build your ships using starbases. Each planet has unique characteristics. This means you should be careful when choosing what planets to colonize and when! Here's a preview of some of the planets in the game:

    And to end our little introduction, here are some previews of the programmer and I fighting each other!

    We'll be recording a full gameplay video soon with commentary to help show how the game functions. Also we'd like to send out an Alpha copy for demo at some point in the very near future! Our website is up and running at and we try and keep it pretty updated. Most likely our alpha client will be downloadable from there and we do have forums set up for game discussion if people ever start playing it!
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2013
  2. Destructicorn


    Feb 19, 2013

    I'm the programmer on this game. We would love some feed back or answer any questions you might have on it. Let us know what you think!
  3. UnicornOfDoom


    Jun 8, 2013
    Hey everyone,

    We just added in bullet effects for our direct fire weapons so I thought I'd throw up a couple new images! I have a lot of work ahead of me to make them look a lot nicer but at least they're finally implemented. For so long we were fighting each other but you couldn't see what the ship was shooting at! Soon we'll post a full video of an entire game being played!

  4. tweedie


    Apr 24, 2013
    This game is looking very cool :D I've always thought about making a space game where you build a ship, not an RTS, but i think that it works very nicely in this genre :) I like the style, the only thing that bothers me a bit (and this is simply preference) is the chubbiness / thickness of the selection box, i think it's very bold and draws the player's eye a bit too much. That's my only crit! Good luck, looks great, all the best :D
  5. UnicornOfDoom


    Jun 8, 2013
    Thanks a lot! I appreciate any critiques you have, we're still defining a lot of the art assets so finding out what people think about them is very helpful! We'll be posting a full gameplay video soon so I'll be very curious as to what people think when they can really get a feel for it.
  6. UnicornOfDoom


    Jun 8, 2013
    Hey everyone! We made a full gampley video last night! It's a bit long but Corbin and I have a full battle and go over most of the game! Check it out and let us know what you think!
  7. UnicornOfDoom


    Jun 8, 2013
  8. UnicornOfDoom


    Jun 8, 2013
    We just updated the alpha and added some new features! First off is a repair bay that you can build as one of your starbases expansions! It'll slowly repair any ship or structure in the gravity well over time.

    We also added a much needed alert system. Now when you're zoomed out you'll be notified when your starbases and planets are under attack. Currently the notification is only visual but in the future we'll be making it more robust and we'll also be adding audio cues of some sort to let you know more information.
  9. Jallen182


    Aug 21, 2012
    This looks awesome! I would love to play a game like this. I'll download the alpha in a bit and give you some feedback after. Will be following this project. Awesome work so far, keep it up!
  10. UnicornOfDoom


    Jun 8, 2013
    Thanks! Let me know what you think, we definitely want lots of feedback! Most of the game is multiplayer so you'll need someone to play with. Let me know if you need an opponent!
  11. Emperor PooMan

    Emperor PooMan

    Jun 26, 2014
    I created an account just to say this looks f***ing epic! good work:cool:
    Origxn likes this.