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srp multiple render pass problem

Discussion in 'Graphics Experimental Previews' started by ftc1718, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. ftc1718


    Mar 7, 2018
    What should i do to get object rendered with the same Pass tag in SRP
    Pass1{ Tags{"lightmode" = "forward"}};
    Pass2{ Tags{"lightmode" = "forward"}

    When i use

    `var drawSettings = new DrawRendererSettings(camera, new ShaderPassName("forward"))`

    it only renderd the first pass and the other pass of tags(forward) skiped.
    But in default pipeline(Unity standard) it rendered first pass then the next pass.

    I want to render all the pass with same "lightmode" = "forward", not just the first one in SRP, and how to do that?