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Bug Sprite Assets not working on Switch port

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by SeashellStudio, Jan 10, 2023.

  1. SeashellStudio


    Oct 17, 2019

    I've integrated the Sprite Assets for TextMeshPro (3.0.6) using the EmojiOne as a base example, with the corresponding Sprite Data Source and Import format Json Array, and everything works fine in the Editor, as well as on a build for PC, but when I try to export for Nintendo Switch the Sprite Images are lost, sometimes they show up as if they were added with a very different offset value and scale, I've tried several attempts to fix this, like setting the Game viewport resolution to match the Switch version, changing the values of Face Info, trying to send the atlas id instead of the name from the TextMeshPro Component, all of them without luck, even when using the EmojiOne example, the Sprite assets on the build for Switch are not working properly.
    I'll attach some examples of the way they look in the editor and pc builds, as well as the ones with the bug on Switch.

    I hope you can help me out.

    Regards. bug1.JPG bug2.JPG
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2023
  2. SeashellStudio


    Oct 17, 2019

    Problem just got solved, for anyone else that may have the same issue, it was just a matter of changing the Default Texture type of the atlas to Sprite and UI, for some reason Unity Editor and a PC build can work with the Default Texture Type, but it won't work when building for Switch.
