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Spam in the forum

Discussion in 'Meta-forum Discussion' started by doarp, Dec 28, 2019.

  1. doarp


    Sep 24, 2019
    There is quite some spam in the forum. A simple step is to prohibit new users from posting links until they gain some activity level in the forum (comments, time since sign up etc).

    It proved effective on a different forum I’m moderating on the same platform.
  2. doarp


    Sep 24, 2019
    As some spammers also avoid direct links, two more sub suggestions:

    1. prevent new users from posting new threads until some time passes since registration (N days).
    2. Block a message from being posted if it contains black listed words (for new users only) like http or penis (just saw a spam post like this a moment ago).

    I also assume that such uses get instantly banned (user and IP level) when found, if not they should be.

    There might also be an extension to the forum system that auto finds and blocks spam like in an email server, these should be easy for 99% of them.
  3. MegaMileyStudios


    Aug 19, 2017
    Nr 1 doesn't seem that good to me, it would be a barrier of entry to real new users who just created their account to post a legitimate thread.
    Nr 2 seems better but you'd also have to consider legitimate posts which link to the documentation, a tutorial on a different website or some other legitimate source, just banning links in general wouldn't be the way to go.

    Having a list of 'trigger' words that would be deemed inappropriate and holding a post from becoming public would work better I'd assume, then the moderators can take a look first and decide wether they want to allow it or not and can ban the user if it was obvious spam or anything else against the rules.
  4. User340


    Feb 28, 2007
    What about requiring a reCAPTCHA when joining the forum?