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Sorting NativeArray failed when entities of them contains different ISharedComponentData

Discussion in 'Entity Component System' started by 5argon, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. 5argon


    Jun 10, 2013
    I have 20 entities of random integer number component `IntData`. Each one has an ISharedComponentData `Category` indicating that the random number is an odd number (gets category 1) or even number (gets category 0) The component group `cGroup` then contains both `IntData` and `Category`.

    1. I print all, I sort only even number, then I print all numbers again and seeing the even part sorted. (as expected)

    Screenshot 2018-06-01 15.25.32.png
    all : 20 [91 55 79 95 75 63 92 10 28 72 20 26 90 16 38 82 84 46 78 42]
    even : 14 [10 16 20 26 28 38 42 46 72 78 82 84 90 92]
    odd : 6 [91 55 79 95 75 63]
    all : 20 [91 55 79 95 75 63 10 16 20 26 28 38 42 46 72 78 82 84 90 92]

    Bold = sorted.

    2. I sort together in `all` and prints the even and odd to check, it works only on the even number and not sorting the odd numbers. (a bug?)

    Screenshot 2018-06-01 15.49.29.png

    all : 20 [52 70 2 38 12 74 52 36 86 44 25 99 3 31 81 11 73 19 77 35]
    even : 10 [52 70 2 38 12 74 52 36 86 44]
    odd : 10 [25 99 3 31 81 11 73 19 77 35]
    all : 20 [2 12 36 38 44 52 52 70 74 86 25 99 3 31 81 11 73 19 77 35]
    even : 10 [2 12 36 38 44 52 52 70 74 86]
    odd : 10 [25 99 3 31 81 11 73 19 77 35]

    Bold =
    not sorted.

    When I restart the program enough time that I get an odd chunk in the front (I guess this is nondeterministic? Does not matter in real use anyway) this time it only works for odd number and not even numbers. (a bug?)

    all : 20 [63 93 47 87 71 23 77 49 27 53 73 68 66 90 76 62 8 86 70 96]
    even : 9 [68 66 90 76 62 8 86 70 96]
    odd : 11 [63 93 47 87 71 23 77 49 27 53 73]
    all : 20 [23 27 47 49 53 63 71 73 77 87 93 68 66 90 76 62 8 86 70 96]
    even : 9 [68 66 90 76 62 8 86 70 96]
    odd : 11 [23 27 47 49 53 63 71 73 77 87 93]

    Bold = not sorted.
  2. timjohansson


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 13, 2016
    This looks like exactly what I would expect to happen, it is not a bug. (Well, maybe the indeterministic chunk order could be considered a bug)

    What GetChunkArray does is give you a NativeArray of the data in a single chunk, it is not intended to merge chunks. Since a shared component splits the data in two chunks it is impossible to get a chunk array for all data. You can get an array for the second chunk by calling GetChunkArray(firstChunk.Length, all.Length);

    Even if you get rid of the shared component you would not be guaranteed to get a single array with everything since it is still split into multiple chunks when exceeding some size limit.

    GetChunkArray is there to enable advanced optimizations based on the chunk layout, not as a convenience function for operating on all data as a normal NativeArray.

    Also, sorting like that looks very dangerous in most cases since it will only rearrange the component you are sorting - leaving all other components in their old place. If you actually did manage to merge the chunks like you want and sort (by replacing the shared component for odd/even with a regular component with odd/even flags and keeping the number of entities low for example) the even/odd flags would be invalid since they would not be moved together with the numbers.
    Afonso-Lage and 5argon like this.
  3. 5argon


    Jun 10, 2013
    I see. I was looking for a way to write a job that for loop on ComponentDataArray and can do some early exit based on some conditions. But maybe I am not thinking in the ECS way.

    For example in this case, find the first number that is over 50 in all data and return that number. If I have some system to sort them once, all other systems could assume something and early exit when it found something over 50 when if not I have to run through everything to make sure.

    Is the ECS way is to think of all data as equal and not as a sequence? Is the best we can do is to sort in-job every time after an inject?

    If that is so all search-style system will definitely cost O(n) because it at least have to go through all the data? Also might make sorting in the job irrelevant if the job has to go through everything once anyways. But at least ISharedComponentData is there to reduce the total search space.
  4. timjohansson


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 13, 2016
    Not sure I understand exactly what you mean by exiting based on some conditions. You mean you always want to keep the data sorted based on some property?
    That doesn't sound like it will solve many performance issues since it is pretty bad for parallelism, what you would generally want is to add some kind of tag on the stuff you want to ignore so it is not part of the data you process, and then process the data you should in parallel.
    So you would have a first system that goes through the data once and adds an Above50Component to everything above 50. The other systems do subtractive injection on the Above50Component and never sees them.

    Sorting is usually at least O(n*log(n)) so sorting would have a higher time complexity than checking everything multiple times (since doing a million O(n) operations in a row is still O(n)). And keep in mind if you have 4 cores you need your single threaded complex structure to be at least 4 times faster to compete with the naive parallel linear search.

    There are of cause a lot of cases where a different data structure for searching your data is required. What we usually do in those cases is to build a custom data structure for spatial lookups of the data as part of some system. We have examples inserting all data into hashmaps and then looking up spatially based on that. You can also use a reactive system to update your spatial search structure only when the entities you searched for has changed.
    recursive, 5argon and Afonso-Lage like this.
  5. Vicotin


    Mar 18, 2014
    Can I use "NativeSortExtension.Sort" to sort componentData and the?Is there a better way to sort the entities with Ecs?Thank you a lot!
  6. DreamingImLatios


    Jun 3, 2017
    Be more specific about the problem you are trying to solve.

    If you are trying to sort entities within an archetype and then lock the chunks, then you can write out all the components into NativeArrays and sort the arrays and then write them back to the entities. This only works if your entities do not have shared components.
  7. Vicotin


    Mar 18, 2014
    if there are entities with the the simple component like this:
    public struct TestData : IComponentData
    public int num;
    how to sort the entities?And how can i excute the system just once when i want?
  8. DreamingImLatios


    Jun 3, 2017
    Just export the entities and component you care to sort using EntityQuery API or IJobForEachWithEntity into one or more NativeArrays (depending on what algorithm you use for sorting). Then sort, and you'll end up with a NativeArray of entities in sorted order.

    If you are using NativeSortExtension.Sort, you need to define your own struct which holds an Entity and your sortable component type and has a method to do comparisons. Then you need an NativeArray of that struct and write it out using IJobForEachWithEntity.

    However, if you are sorting over a singular int or float value in a particular component, you may want to use a radix sort instead. In that case, keeping the entity and component parts in separate arrays will be more performant.
  9. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    Sorry for necro posting. Assuming we maintain 2 separate Arrays and perfrom Radix sort on the first integer one. After sorting, the second array has to have the matching indexes as the sorted one. How would you deal with that?

    Thank you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2019
  10. DreamingImLatios


    Jun 3, 2017
    I actually keep more than 2 separate arrays for my use case. My use case is to sort SOA data with a floating point key, in which I sort 8 bits at a time. It goes something like this:
    1) Allocate the temp count and prefix sum arrays. Count is cleared to 0. Prefix sum is unitialized.
    2) Create a "front" and "back" array of a special indexing struct type which contains the 4 byte keys and the original index.
    3) Create backup arrays of all the data that needs to be sorted (not necessary if your input and output can be separate arrays).
    4) Run through the data and fill the count arrays and the "front" array.
    5) Calculate the prefix sums of all the counts.
    6) Apply the radix sort logic on the first byte to copy the "front" array to the "back" array.
    7) Apply the radix sort logic on the second byte to copy the "back" array to the "front" array.
    8) Apply the radix sort logic on the third byte to copy the "front" array to the "back" array.
    9) For the fourth byte, instead of copying the loop variable index of the back array to the prefix sum index of the front array, you instead read the original index out of the back array and copy your backup arrays' value at that index into the original array (or copy the original array into the new output array if that's your thing).
    10) Profit!
    Deleted User likes this.