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[SOLVED]Remove triangle pelvis from rig without having to re-create the prefab of a character

Discussion in 'Prefabs' started by strongbox3d, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. strongbox3d


    May 8, 2012
    [SOLVED]: It most be done outside of Unity

    Hello guys,

    Is there a way to remove the triangle pelvis of a character rig without having to re-create the prefab again in unity after removing this triangle? I use 3ds max 2016 for my modeling and rigging. After I remove the triangle pelvis from my biped rig and re-import it in Unity 2019.2, the animations for the legs don't work anymore in the prefab. The problem is that the prefab has a lot of weapons, and other stuff I added to it inside Unity, so having to re-create the prefab(in which case the animations for the legs work), requires a lot of re-connections.

    So, to be clear the question is the title of this post.

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
  2. runevision


    Nov 28, 2007
    If you created your Prefab as a Prefab Variant of the model, then you shouldn't need to recreate it. If you created it as a regular Prefab without any connection to the model, then you'll need to recreate it, though I would recommend to create a Prefab Variant this time around to avoid this problem in the future.

    A third possibility is that something doesn't work anymore in the model itself. Do the animations work when you play them back on the model itself and not on the Prefab you created? If they don't, you should look into this issue before attempting to fix up any Prefabs. The forum would be the best place for that.
  3. strongbox3d


    May 8, 2012
    Hello runevision,

    Thank you for replaying to my concern. I didn't know that making prefabs as Variants was the way to go. I must have misunderstood the documents.

    The problem is not in the model itself. I already went ahead and removed the triangle pelvis(inside 3ds max 2016) in the model and re-created the prefabs and everything is working the way it should be.
