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Solved: Problem with duplicated particlesystem

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Firlefanz73, Feb 14, 2021.

  1. Firlefanz73


    Apr 2, 2015

    so on my spaceship for my arcade game I have multiple engine /boosters.

    I attached the "Afterburner" particlesystem to those, works fine.

    But when I bought a larger engine in the game, I want a larger particlesystem.
    So I duplicated the particlesystem (by mouse drawing the particlesystem object with control pressed in the unity editor) and made the startsize larger in the 2nd one, called it "Afterburner fat". I attached this one and now it looks strange, it is not showing the sprites like before, but replaces them with some random non transparent sprites so it looks totally broken...

    I thought this maybe a bug in the afterburner so I tried the same with a particlesystem that look similar from Ultimate VFX asset, but the smae is happening there???

    Why do multiple attached particlesystems work on one mesh but if I duplicate them and attach the new ones they look broken?

    Using Unity 2020.2.3, PC Standalone.

    Thanks a lot :)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
  2. ChazBass


    Jul 14, 2013
    Why not scale the particle system itself by scaling the game object it is attached to? Is it a single PS? Without knowing the details of PS, it is hard to say, but this usually works fine. If multiple or a hierarchy of PS, then you may have to work through some issues.
  3. Firlefanz73


    Apr 2, 2015
    Yes, this is solved now, sorry.
    I had a script on the particlesystem parent that set some material properties, and it did not only for the meshes but also for the underlying particle system...

    Thanks for the answer, got it fixed :)