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[SOLVED] Move 2d object without setting the velocity directly

Discussion in 'Physics' started by Tetsubo, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Tetsubo


    Jun 26, 2014
    Hello Unity Community!
    Currently I struggle with a problem concerning 2d physics in Unity 5.3.5 and hope you can help me before I go crazy.. I want to take user input and move my object - as simple as it sound. The only thing is, that I want to set the new velocity immediatly - without having a "drag effect" (like a boat in the sea that is changing direction fast or a car drifting round a corner). I have no idea how to do that! Gravity is being ignored completely - it's aTop-Down game.

    Basically I want to use AddForce() on a rigidBody2D instead manually setting hard rigidbody2d.velocity in FixedUpdate(), because I need collisions to work. How to do that correctly?

    Any suggestion on how to use AddForce() to achieve the same effect?! Thanks for Your time, I am open for any suggestions / solutions!
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  2. MelvMay


    Unity Technologies

    May 24, 2013
    You won't stop collisions from working if you manipulate velocity directly. You can use Rigidbody2D.AddForce and set the ForceMode2D to Impulse which modifies the velocity instantly (ignoring mass). There's no special magic here though; it's simply an addition i.e. it just adds your XY force to the velocity so it is still modifying the velocity instantly. It's no different than you doing body.velocity = body.velocity + force. What you should avoid is simply overwriting the velocity because, as you hinted, doing so overwrites whatever force the physics system may apply during a collision.

    That said, if you're using continuous collision detection, you won't ever be overlapping another collider meaning that you're not stopping the physics system from trying to solve the overlap when you overwrite the velocity. If continuous is used, you can still modify the velocity directly. For instance, you're contacting a wall and you set the velocity to move the object into the wall. When the solver runs, it won't simply move the object into the wall; the collision will stop that and the velocity will be updated appropriately. If however you were overlapped on the wall because you are using discrete collision detection then the physics system will apply a velocity to move you away from the wall but if you overwrite that velocity to move into the wall then you'll either keep it overlapped or maybe pass through the wall; certainly the physics system will fight you all the way possibly producing a jittering object whilst its overlapped.

    Also, when you say 'drag effect', you're simply referring to the fact that you don't want to decelerate or accelerate but if you want to change direction instantly then you'll need to modify the velocity directly (or use an impulse force).
    Tetsubo likes this.
  3. Tetsubo


    Jun 26, 2014
    THANK YOU very much for the detailed explaination, @MelvMay ! After extended testing I came to the same conclusions, but after reading your reply I am absolutely certain of my decision. So I sticked to assigning velocity to the rigidbody directly in FixedUpdate().