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[SOLVED]How to assign RectTransform within a script and not in the engine?

Discussion in '2D' started by Bolchev, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Bolchev


    Aug 3, 2015
    Hello I'm developing a 2d space shooter game initially starting with quill18creates tutorial scripts but eventually going off the rails complete to make the game my own. I have animations, game menus health bars droppable hp and all kinda other cool systems I didn't think I could make. Of course a lot of help I received from the Unity community and youtube tutorials so a big thank you to these guys that make the time to make these video tutorials and explain things in a very understandable way.

    Now however I've encountered another problem. I'm found a tutorial on how to create a health bar and implemented in into my script, and it works I add it to the game object I assign a RectTransform in the editor and the slider moves properly. However as soon as I save the game object with a prefab with the script and assigned RectTransform. The defined RectTransform automatically goes back to none. And I cannot assign anything to it.

    This is a problem because in my game the player has 3 lives. Which means a spawn script and a prefab with and assigned RectTransform to it. So since Unity allows me to assign the RectTransform only while the object exist on the scene, but not to save it in a prefab is there a way to define it directly in my scripts?

    Here is my script:

    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.UI;
    using System.Collections;

    public class BetterHpScript : MonoBehaviour {

    public int health = 100;
    public int maxhealth = 100;
    public float invulnPeriod = 0;
    float invulnTimer = 0;
    int correctLayer;
    public RectTransform healthTransform;
    public float cachedY;
    public float minXvalue;
    public float maxXvalue;

    SpriteRenderer spriteRend;

    void Start() {

    cachedY = healthTransform.position.y;
    maxXvalue = healthTransform.position.x;
    minXvalue = healthTransform.position.x - healthTransform.rect.width;
    correctLayer = gameObject.layer;

    // NOTE! This only get the renderer on the parent object.
    // In other words, it doesn't work for children. I.E. "enemy01"
    spriteRend = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();

    if(spriteRend == null) {
    spriteRend = transform.GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>();

    if(spriteRend==null) {
    Debug.LogError("Object '""' has no sprite renderer.");

    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) {
    if (col.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") {
    health --;
    if (col.gameObject.tag == "Health") {
    health ++;
    HandleHealth ();

    if(invulnPeriod > 0) {
    invulnTimer = invulnPeriod;
    gameObject.layer = 10;

    void Update() {

    if (health >= maxhealth) {
    health = maxhealth;
    if(invulnTimer > 0) {
    invulnTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

    if(invulnTimer <= 0) {
    gameObject.layer = correctLayer;
    if(spriteRend != null) {
    spriteRend.enabled = true;
    else {
    if(spriteRend != null) {
    spriteRend.enabled = !spriteRend.enabled;

    if(health <= 0) {

    void Die() {

    private float MapValue (float x, float inMin, float inMax, float outMin, float outMax)
    return (x - inMin) * (outMax - outMin) / (inMax - inMin) + outMin;

    private void HandleHealth ()
    float currentXvalue = MapValue (health, 0, maxhealth, minXvalue, maxXvalue);
    healthTransform.position = new Vector3 (currentXvalue, cachedY);
  2. Bolchev


    Aug 3, 2015
    My problem was solved by a youtube streamer I'm posting it the code with the solution in case anyone needs it:
    healthTransfomr = GameObject.Find("The name of the green part of your healthbar").GetComponent<RectTransform>();