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Slight modifications to standard shader

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by cpuRunningHot, Jan 25, 2020.

  1. cpuRunningHot


    May 5, 2018
    Please forgive me if this is a trivial question. I have begun to dip my toes into writing shaders, and running into this one issue that perhaps there is an easy answer to.

    I would like to make sight modifications to the standard shader, but all of the examples and tutorials I could find generally show to "replace" things in the standard shader.

    One example of what I would like to do is to alter the overall lighting value in the standard shader, hopefully without having to re-implement the lighting calculations. Something like this

    float3 myLightingAfterShadows(...)
    float3 value = standardLightingAfterShadows(...)

    // Modify value here

    return value;

    so in the above example, if I forced value to 1.0, then everything would be unlit with no shadows ( again, overly simplistic, I'm sure I'd have to do it in a few different places )

    I realize that it will be more complex than this, with multi passes and all of that. The main point is that I would like to inherit the standard values and make slight modifications, rather than re-implement or copy/paste existing shader code.

    Is there a straight forward way of doing this? I'm guessing no ( since I could not find examples ), but I could be missing something obvious.

    Could someone point me towards a good example for doing this? I would be most grateful :D
    Radivarig likes this.
  2. jamespaterson


    Jun 19, 2018
  3. cpuRunningHot


    May 5, 2018
    So I figured out how to achieve what I am looking to do. The problem with most of the examples is that the custom shaders lose much of the functionality of the original standard shader. A few examples are transparency, multi light shadows, secondary maps, etc. So what I was looking for was to have a fully functional clone of the standard shader, and then inject some custom tweaks. I will post more details as soon as I clean up my implementation, but here is the gist of it...

    - Find the source for the Unity Shaders
    - Copy these files to your custom folder and rename them
    - Standard.shader
    - UnityStandardCore.cginc
    - UnityStandardCoreForward.cginc
    - and probably UnityStandardCoreForwardSimple.cging ( I think it may be used for mobile, still investigating )
    - Rename the files ( e.g. Standard_Custom.shader, etc. )
    - rename the references to the cginc files ( e.g. #include "UnityStandardCore_Custom.cginc" )
    - rename the shader ( e.g. Shader "Custom/Standard_Custom" )

    Now, at this point, the new shader "Standard_Custom" will be a carbon copy of the original standard, with ALL of it's functionality intact.

    From this point, most of the action takes place in UnityStandardCore_Custom.cginc

    To make changes to the basic color/light shading, locate fragForwardBaseInternal () and here you can make changes/tweaks/additions to the basic shading and light attenuation, shadows ( for the main light only )

    Then if you want to make and changes to subsequent light/shadows, then locate fragForwardAddInternal() and make the tweaks in there.

    So, say you want to alter the shadows ( attenuation ) for all lights. Then you have to do it in two places...

    UNITY_LIGHT_ATTENUATION(atten, i, s.posWorld);
    // tweak atten here

    and in here...

    UNITY_LIGHT_ATTENUATION(atten, i, s.posWorld)
    // same tweak here

    Anyhoo, I still have to clean up my implementation, but I'm going to attempt to make a boiler-plate template for this and will be happy to share it. It's not elegant like inheriting from a C# class and overriding the desired virtual functions obviously, but with some massaging, it should be good enough :D

    To recap on my motivation for this... I want to create shaders that have all of the functionality of the original standard shader, just with some extra features. Every tutorial I have found for creating custom shaders ends up breaking some key features ( e.g. transparency, multi-light shadows, etc. ) and those features would all have to be re-implemented, and that opens up a clown car of potential bugs, etc. But taking this approach, we are guaranteed to have a carbon copy of the standard shader as our starting point, and then making some tweaks from there.
    jamespaterson likes this.
  4. cpuRunningHot


    May 5, 2018
    Ok, here is my first draft at a boiler plate template for a carbon copy of the standard shader.

    The new files UnityStandardBRDF_ShaderTemplate.cginc contains a clone of BRDF3_Unity_PBS which can be modified ( currently modified to make everything red ) and LightAttenuationModifier_ShaderTemplate.cginc can be modified to change the shadows ( currently modified to make everything 25% darker). I'm not married to this style of injection and may change it as I flush out my custom shader. For the purposes of the shader I am working on, these are the only two places where I need modifications.

    Following this pattern, you can modify other aspects of the standard shader by injecting similar modifications. So just copy this template into a folder of it's own, inject the changes you want to make and you're good to go.

    A key point here is that you do not need to copy over every cginc file from the original, just the ones you intend on modifying. The rest of the #include statements will simply include the original files. When I first looked at doing this, it seemed like a daunting task, but when I realized that only a few files need modification, it didn't seem so bad. The key is to make the modifications cleanly so it doesn't turn into a bug hairy mess.

    For some context, I am working on a heavily stylized toon shader ( not like conventional toon shaders ) that needs to be able to go from full standard to full toon, and anywhere in between. And it needs to affect the shadow of all light sources ( the toon shaders that I have been previewing do not support more than one planar light properly ).

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 5, 2020
  5. chai


    Jun 3, 2009
    Thank you kindly for the example mate, superb and very clean!