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Simulating Pepper Robot in VR

Discussion in 'Robotics' started by amitghimire, Jul 14, 2022.

  1. amitghimire


    Jun 15, 2022
    Hi, I am a beginner in robotics with no knowledge in ROS.

    I want to simulate pepper robot (a humanoid robot) control using kinect motion control in unity. To make the simulation as realistic as possible with the robot motion constraints(joint dofs and velocity constraints), I want to use pepper robot modeled with articulation bodies combined with IK. Is there any resources on how do we create our own robot model with articulation bodies?

    I have also tried the urdf importer with urdf file in this link but I think I hit the maximum articulation node limit. All I want to be able to do is to simulate the robotics motion realistically when I am controlling the robot with kinect. I am not even sure if articulation body is the right way to approach this so any guidance will be highly helpful. Thank you so much for your time.
  2. ActiveSim


    May 10, 2019
    I think you are on the right way. I found multiple other questions to this topic in this forum.
    Currently I import something and modify it in Unity until it is running. Some help is maybe here and here.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
    amitghimire likes this.
  3. Ivan_br


    Nov 10, 2015
    It may help if you look at a project called Fetch VR, they used Unity (2020.3.26f1), Unity's ROS-TCP-Connector, ROS, and VR (Oculus Quest 2) to control a robot to fetch objects.

    Project link -
    amitghimire and ActiveSim like this.
  4. amitghimire


    Jun 15, 2022
    Thank you for your responses. I could not import the robot using unity-robotics framework but used ros-sharp to import pepper robot from ros. Ros-sharp does not use articulation bodies but I was able to import the robot following this tutorial and animate(not perfect but still working on it) using kinect. Thank you for your pointers everyone.