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Games Shadows of Pandora

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by RobAnthem, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. RobAnthem


    Dec 3, 2016
    I am working on a project called Shadows of Pandora. unfortunately due to the amount of single-entity license materials I own, I am work on it solo. However, it is coming along nicely. It is a 3rd Person shooter adventure RPG like Fallout or Mass Effect. The character has a massive array of melee and ranged weapons.

    Here is the most recent video of the project.

    The general premise is loosely based on Greek mythology. Where the world is experiencing a unique apocalypse filled with Miasma that is spreading across the world, infecting and changing the environment and entities. With a live mutation system that allows any entity to become mutated by the Miasma and turn hostile to others. Complete with tumors, and appendages. Mutated creatures can also spread mutation.
    The Miasma comes from a place called Pandora, an ancient world that the Titans came from. Something happened I won't get into that caused the barrier between the worlds to tear open and a massive vortex was created in Pandora, that continues to grow and suck things in and spit them out into our world.
    The player is a descendant of Poseidon and gets recruited into an ancient order of Demigods to help stop the crisis, as they are the only ones strong enough to stand against it.
    You will travel around Greece and the neighboring islands collecting objects to help you close the breach. While other smaller breachs rip open that you must deal with called "incursions", which I have a scanning system that helps you discover your goals. As well the player will be able to go to Pandora and be required to do some missions there to inevitably close the breach.

    Currently I have developed the following systems:
    1. Complex combat & Enemy AI
    2. Damage types and resistances
    3. Ailments (Burn, Shock, Chill, Poison, Acid, Bleed, and Infection)
    4. Animals and wildlife with differing behavior (over 10 different combat animals and 14 different small wildlife that interact with each other and other entities)
    5. Dialog and Liipsyncing
    6. Indepth Factions (Allows for complex entity AI and interactions)
    7. Stats & Skills (12 different skills affecting many of the actions you do, the skill system replaces the need for levels and allows for long-term character progression)
    8. Minigames (hacking, scanning, lockpicking, boat battles)
    9. Swimming and underwater interactions
    10. Object interactions (character actually opens and walks through doors, presses buttons on control panels, grabs and jumps over fences, etc)
    11. Complex NPC and entity AI interactions (NPC's walking around, talking, performing actions)
    12. Vendors (highly visual vendor system accessed through dialog with npc's)
    13. Crafting & Schematics (the player acquires schematics and uses them like a consumable, then it adds it to their crafting codex)
    14. Incursions (a system that creates breaches, enclosing the player in a combat zone, and spawns waves and Pandora creatures as well as having various other mechanics to deal with during the incursion.
    15. Fully customizable characters (choose hair, facial features, body weight, skin color, voice tone, etc)
    16. Mission/Quest System
    17. Automated spawn system
    18. Inventory and Equipment system
    19. Ability system for both NPC's and the player
    20. Alert system (actions you take can alert others of your presence, for example firing a gun, or attacking someone, and making a loud noise)
    21. Day/night system
    22. HUD Navigation system (simple skyrim style navigation bar)
    Planned features & Systems

    1. Companions (Allies who will be able to join permanently)
    2. Stealth combat (allow attacks from stealth to deal extra damage and prevent automatic alert calls if the entity is killed)
    3. Dodging? (Possibly add dodging in even though the player can already dodge/roll, I may implement a "Dodge Opportunity" system.
    4. Additional minigames.
    5. Collectible resources (plants, junk piles, etc)
    6. Brawling system (a hand-to-hand no-death combat system where you can challenge many friendly NPC's)
    7. Ability tree (give an additional progression system through unlocking various demigod abilities)
    8. Miasma dissipation system (a system that lets the player remove miasma from certain areas)
    9. Boss system (make a more complex version of the enemy system to allow for long more Dark Soulsish boss fights)
    10. World map system (a map system that will allow the player to unlock and travel to near areas that are cleared of Miasma)
    11. Local map system (fully featured local maps with POI nodes)
    12. Fishing (theres ALOT of water in the game and ALOT of fish, there should be fishing)
    13. Corpse looting (add looting or scavenging of corpses)

    There's probably a lot more I'm forgetting, I'll update it more later.
    I've been working on this project for about 3 months now. Please let me know if you have any input or ideas as things progress.
    rainman2k likes this.