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Graphics Shadow Falloff missing in Mixed mode lighting

Discussion in '5.4 Beta' started by Tinovdk, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. Tinovdk


    Nov 28, 2013
    Hello devs,

    Thanks for finally supporting Mixed mode lighting. However, it's not quite usable yet as mixed mode shadows are missing the falloff that can be seen in realtime lights. Please compare the images below.

    Unity_2016-01-29_13-04-56.png Unity_2016-01-29_13-09-25.png

    Hopefully this can be resolved in the 5.4 release.
  2. CrashKonijn


    Mar 4, 2010
    Hi Tino,

    I just tested it but the mixed mode lighting still doesn't work in deferred rendering (As stated in the beta release notes). I presume you were waiting for this as well. Unfortunately I can't help you with the falloff but it might have something with this.

    Known issues
    • GI: Fallback from Deferred to Forward when rendering lightmapped objects with mixed-mode lights. Will be fixed later by introduction of baked shadow mask for lightmapped objects.
    Tinovdk likes this.