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Shader Forge vs Amplify Shader Editor

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by AlanMattano, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. AlanMattano


    Aug 22, 2013
    I'm a big an of Amplify and Shader Forge !

    Joachim Holmér has done a great job and surprised me that Amplify comes out with something similar.
    Are complementary? Can we compare them? One is mature (and 90$) one is new (and beta 20$). What are the + and cons of each one?
  2. Owers


    Jul 7, 2012
    I haven't had a chance to use Amplify Shader Editor, but the fact that it uses surface shaders instead of custom vert/frag shaders is a big plus to me. I can understand the appeal of fully custom vert/frag shaders, but I prefer the consistency and cleaner code that Unity's surface shaders provide. It also means that if Unity makes significant changes to their lighting code (like switching from blinn-phong to GGX in 5.3) then you shouldn't have to wait for Amplify to update their Shader Editor to correspond with those changes, like we had to with Shader Forge.

    If Amplify is smart enough to optimise code between vertex and pixel shaders, as opposed to Shader Forge's philosophy of 'put everything in the pixel shader', then I would strongly consider it over Shader Forge.
    ekergraphics and neoshaman like this.
  3. ekergraphics


    Feb 22, 2017
    I've just begun looking into both of these. Is the same still true today? How does 2017.1's scriptable graphics affect both solutions?
    Chrisdbhr likes this.