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Seperate Cockpit Model Cubemap/Reflection probes

Discussion in 'Unity 5 Pre-order Beta' started by serverguy, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. serverguy


    Oct 28, 2014
    I did a quick search and could not find a solution, my apologies if this is answered elsewhere.

    I have a "space shooter" project where I have a multi-layered camera system due to the scale of my Scene. A camera is on the cockpit model which remains at 0,0,0 on a seperate layer. Another camera is mounted on the "ship" which flys around a large space. It works great, no issues at all.

    The problem with this technique is when I use reflection probes to set the reflection on the "ship" it does not set the reflection on the cockpit model. As the cockpit model is stationary (it does rotate, but thats all) it will only use the closest reflection probe and never change. Any ideas on how to work around this limitation to this approach? I was thinking of somehow setting the cubemap on the cockpit model in code to match whatever is set on the ship material, but cant find out how to do this on the new shader and not sure if that will work with the cubemap "fadiing transition" effect.

    Any ideas are welcome.
