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Send Two Video Texture Streams from a Single P2P Connection (iPhone -> Standalone)

Discussion in 'Unity Render Streaming' started by jacksonbarnes, Oct 10, 2022.

  1. jacksonbarnes


    Sep 13, 2017

    I'm trying to send depth map AND color frame camera data via two textures (from the LiDAR-equipped iPhone 11) over to the receiving peer which is just a standalone build using Unity Render Streaming. I want to then derive the point cloud data and project it to the scene using both the depth AND color textures from the sender peer (iPhone), but only one texture stream seems to show up depending on the order in which the stream starts first on the sender peer side (iPhone).

    For the sender peer (iPhone) in Unity, I'm using two Video Stream Sender components each with their corresponding render textures for both the depth map data and color data, then in the Single Connection > Streams list property, I've referenced the two Video Stream Senders in the scene.

    For the receiving peer (Mac) in Unity, It's very similar to the sender but I've got two Video Stream Receivers with their corresponding render textures and both are referenced in the Single Connection > Streams list property in the same order as the sender peer.

    Looking around online there is little documentation for this use case so I'm reaching out here to see if I'm doing something wrong or if maybe the iPhone/Unity Render Streaming just doesn't support my use case or if anyone knows a way to combine and compress the depth and color data to a single texture that would be awesome so I don't have to send two texture streams, either way, I'd be interested in finding out an answer.

  2. kazuki_unity729


    Unity Technologies

    Aug 2, 2018