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Select Starting Point from Menu

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by camnea, Jan 16, 2021.

  1. camnea


    Jan 16, 2021
    Hi everyone,
    I looked up for tutorials and articles about it but seems like it's not a common topic, so apologies if it seems a dumb request.

    I created a scene in Unity which the user can explore and interatct with. I read about script to select between different scenes in the application, but couldn't find one where I have ONE scene (I took a random axo on internet), and different starting point I decided for the user to use as start point for the exploration:

    Is there a way to "select" them from a starting menu? Or as a menu/option inside of the scene? Any reference on this?

    Thanks to everyone!
  2. PraetorBlue


    Dec 13, 2012
    You could do something simple like:
    • For each possible starting/spawn point, create a GameObject there with a new script you create called "SpawnPoint". Give that script something like a "SpawnNumber" variable, and se them all to different things in the inspector. Then, from your main menu, you let the player choose a spawn number. Transfer the chosen value across scripts using a DontDestroyOnLoad GameObject.
    • When your exploration scene loads, read the chosen value and spawn or reposition the player to the chosen spawn point.
    mikeohc likes this.
  3. mikeohc


    Jul 1, 2020
    Adding to the suggestion above, you can make an Array of starting points that transform player position to the gameobject transform.

    e.g. Menu Select Screen -> Location0Button -> int startLocation = startPoint[0] -> transform player position to startPoint position.