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Script to Find Component Based on Input Component Type

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by Xepherys, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. Xepherys


    Sep 9, 2012
    I'm trying to create a function in C# that will take a GameObject and a Component<T> and return an attached Component from base, child, or parent elements.

    Currently I have this:

    public static T GetCombatComponent<T>(GameObject go)
    T _ret;

    _ret = go.GetComponent<T>();

    if (_ret == null)
    _ret = go.GetComponentInChildren<T>();

    if (_ret == null)
    _ret = go.GetComponentInParent<T>();

    return _ret;
    and am calling it like this:

    DamageListener _dl = CombatMethods.GetCombatComponent<DamageListener>(c.gameObject);

    Obviously this isn't quite right, but I'm not sure what would work. Basically, in this case I want to return a DamageListener attached somewhere on c.gameObject. But in another place I might want to return a DamageTalker or a DeathScript or a CharacterSheet, so making this work helps create an easy method for getting what will always be a single instance of a Type, but that might be in various places on the hierarchy.
  2. Xepherys


    Sep 9, 2012
    Well, I'm answering this rather than closing it only because the written function may prove helpful to someone else down the road. It appears that, despite my best efforts, I was only saving the one script and not the other - thus there was no completed function to call from the one script. Or it was something else, but the code looks the same and it's suddenly working, so... yay?