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Script Inspector 3 - World's Fastest IDE for Unity

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Flipbookee, Jun 2, 2012.


What would you like to see in the next update?

Poll closed May 17, 2018.
  1. Line numbers

    140 vote(s)
  2. Code folding

    234 vote(s)
  3. More color schemes

    43 vote(s)
  4. Customizable color schemes

    71 vote(s)
  5. Search functionality

    152 vote(s)
  6. Lower price :D

    104 vote(s)
  7. No thanks, it's fine as it is :)

    11 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    @Sarper Soher, actually I think this is a design flaw in R# - they could instead of that open each file, do the changes and close it - VS allows undo after closing a file.

    Si3 also allows undo after closing a file, of course :) and at some point after released Si2 I was even considering eternal undo buffers that would allow undoing changes after closing and reopening Unity! I was worried that this will cost a lot of runtime memory but I just realized that I could only load the undo history from a previous session when it's requested! :) Having such a powerful feature in VS for example would have saved me a lot of trouble several times.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  2. strongbox3d


    May 8, 2012

    Your asset it wonderful! I am very happy with it. I am just giving you some feedbacks about features that I used constantly in my projects. For example "Find and Replace" is very important for me since I find myself many times changing the original name of variables, functions and so on, in order to accommodate a more useful name that I thought afterward for those variables, functions, etc. Another thing I would love is to change the position where the help and autocompletion tooltip appears, I find it all the time blocking important code I want to see while typing... that for your peace of mind, happen in every ide I have use including Unity mono and VS, so that is not particular to Si3. If there is a way that I can change the position myself I will do it, but I can't find where to do so.

    Anyway I love Si3 and I am already using it full time!

    Flipbookee and JoeStrout like this.
  3. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Thanks @strongbox3d for your feedback and the likes! Seems like you are also looking forward to use the Rename refactoring more than Find and Replace :)

    The position of the auto-complete popup is a little bit tricky because the popup changes its size and position automatically to fit the available space surrounding the word currently being typed, while also trying to avoid overlapping with other Si3 popups. If you want to change its position the best way to do that would be to change how caretRect variable is calculated in FGTextEditor.cs just before it's passed as a parameter to FGListPopup.Create(...) method call. Just Find in Files for FGListPopup.Create and I'm sure you'll know what to do there ;)
  4. thienhaflash


    Jun 16, 2012
    Man, there's something funny when you hold down your ESC inside Script Inspector 3, even if you are inside the comment block.

    The code hints currently trigger too eagerly and sticky so when I need to change something in the code like adding a quote for several lines, I can not use the arrows keys anymore because it keeps going through the overloads ... Not sure if anyone feels the same but it's been annoying to me for some time, and I keep pressing esc to hide the hints :D Hope that you will fix it soon :) Tell me if it's not clear enough for you, I will try to add a shot :)
    Flipbookee likes this.
  5. SarperS


    Mar 10, 2009
    You can disable "Show Auto-Complete on 'ESC' key" from the preferences as a workaround.
    Flipbookee likes this.
  6. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    @thienhaflash Hmm, I don't know what you mean exactly... :p I got the part where you're talking about parameter hints showing up while editing a string passed as argument to some overloaded method call - the popup shows up and then you're closing it with Escape but then it shows up again... This used to work so that once the popup is closed with Escape it won't show up again unless cursor is moved outside of the argument list and then inside again. Seems like now it doesn't work like that anymore, so I'll check why!

    I didn't get the part about Escape in comments though! Or is that related to the same issue?
  7. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Anyone? ;) :p
  8. JoeStrout


    Jan 14, 2011
    Re. the Quick Find behavior, I don't have any strong feelings about it. It would be kind of a hidden feature, but I see no harm in it. And I can certainly imagine cases where it would be handy.
    Flipbookee likes this.
  9. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Yeah, it will be kind of hidden... a color coded ping should help, I hope :confused:
  10. SarperS


    Mar 10, 2009
    Sounds good to me. You'll have to make a feature overview video showing each and every one of these sometime (especially the hidden ones), so it's your funeral ^_^
    Flipbookee likes this.
  11. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Hehe, I didn't think of that... :p
  12. beit


    Mar 5, 2015
    Hi Flipbookee,

    thanks for your amazing work, I bought today your plugin and I'm really happy with it. I think there is some work to do to improve the workflow, especially with search and shortcuts, but it works really well, and it does what he promise really good. Well done!

    I'm writing because I don't understand how I end up zooming into the code, now I have a giant code font that I don't know how to roll back. I'm on mac and I'm trying gestures but I can't apparently make it work. Is there a simple way to increase/decrease the zooming of your code?

    Thanks a lot,

    Flipbookee likes this.
  13. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Thanks a lot @beit! :D

    Cmd-Shift-Minus will reduce the font size and Cmd-Shift-Equals will increase it. Or you can also hold Cmd and scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over its code view. Pinch gesture should also work but only while hovering the mouse pointer over code view (if I remember well).

    Have you checked the readme.txt? Please read it if you haven't done that yet - there are some really useful tips and non-obvious things to learn regarding the workflow! ;) But I'd love to hear your ideas as well on what can be done to improve the workflow :)
  14. beit


    Mar 5, 2015
    Oh AMAZING :) Thanks!
    The Cmd + mouse work perfectly.
    The Cmd-Shift-Minus doesn't work, but I got Cmd-Minus working.
    The Cmd-Shift-Equal doesn't work, and I didn't find a way to get it working.
    Pich gestures not working.
    (I'm on OS X 10.11 Mac Book Pro, keyboard layout is Swiss French)

    Oh thanks for the readme, I look everywhere else but not in the plugin folder, my bad. I'll go through it in detail.

    Ciao :)
    Flipbookee likes this.
  15. crafTDev


    Nov 5, 2008

    So no one else has come forward with the tabs separating as I have? What script does the joining of tabs happen?

  16. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Hey @jrDev, did you try to create a new empty project? I'm curious to know is the same issue going to happen. Have you maybe tried in a different version of Unity?

    The joining happens in FGCodeWindow.cs and the method is called DockNextTo(...). If possible, please put a breakpoint in it and see will it go in it up until it returns true, which would mean everything went fine and the tab is expected to appear docked next to another Si3 tab... Let me know if you find anything!
  17. crafTDev


    Nov 5, 2008
    Hey Flipbookee,

    I already tried it in a new project, I mentioned it earlier in the thread.
    I did Debug.Log(DockNextTo(this, nextTo)); and it returns false. What's next?
    Keep in mind that it does dock if I didn't hide the window before; if one tab with a script is already opened, it will dock the others when I open them...but if I decide to toggle the windows off and toggle back on is when they all separate.

  18. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Ah, okay. I wasn't sure and I couldn't find it in your older posts...

    Oh, wait! This is not what I understood! :) Okay, so opening new tabs is fine then, right? Except if they were hidden at the time when you open a new tab, because that automatically toggles the hidden tabs to unhide... And unhiding is actually the main issue - tabs unhide but they don't get grouped together?

    So, please close all SI tabs except two of them, dock them to each other and toggle-hide them. Then attach the debugger with a breakpoint at the beginning of DockNextTo. Now toggle-show the tabs and once you hit the breakpoint step through the method line by line, check why does it return false and let me know.

    I checked the code again, everything looks fine. I don't know why is that happening, it could be because of many different things, and that's why I need to know why exactly DockNextTo is returning false.

    It's also strange that this only happens on your machine so far :confused:
  19. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    @jrDev, I was checking this code even more now and it's really difficult to say what is going on your machine without debugging it... Once I find out what's failing there I should be able to come up with an alternative method, which I'll send you to test it first and if we find a method that works it will be included in the official release.

    I just want to say I'm looking forward to receiving your debug results!
  20. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Wow! Unity 5.3 RC1 was released today and it ships with MD 5.9.6, so I decided to check that out and see is there any difference. Well, there is - so far it's been running for half an hour and it hasn't crashed yet ;) but also within that half an hour it allowed me to do as much as I could do with the old MD in 5 minutes :p - for some reason it runs unbelievable slow while keeping my 4 processor cores busy at level of 75%! Must stop this before my laptop melts down :D
  21. baby_jeans


    Sep 1, 2015
    I've just started using Script Inspector 3 today after I was fed up switching to MonoDevelop on my Mac, and must say so far I'm loving it. I've got a couple questions, and after trying to scan the few Forum posts I figured I'd just ask -

    Is there a place with a list of the Keybindings? I was hoping to have bindings for the Code Navigation dropdowns, as well as an alt-tab ability to switch between code tabs in my editor pane. I think there IS an alt-tab window, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to work properly. It'll either bounce between two files, or sometimes it'll show up and race through all the open tab names. Was going to look for it in the script to see if I could fix it, but again, I figured I'd ask as you seem to be one of the most responsive asset devs on here!
    (EDIT: I did find the Keybindings list, though the Alt-Tab doesn't seem to function, and I'd leave the Code Navigation drop down one as a suggestion, unless you wanna point me at a place to add 'em myself!)

    I'm on my way to leaving you a nice 5 Star review though as this seems to becoming my most used asset. I did modify it so Cmd+S would save after muscle-memory hitting that repeatedly wasn't working (I had to remap Unity's Save Scene, which is perfectly fine with me). Too bad I can't seem to do the same for Undo... but I must say that it's also some very readable code you've got in there. Extremely appreciated!
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
    Flipbookee likes this.
  22. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    @CaptainCatnip Thanks for the great review! :D

    I'm pretty sure in a few days you'll prefer to use Si3 even on PC rather than using VS ;) because the difference in speed and convenience is incomparable, hehe, you'll see ;)

    First of all, you and everyone else using Si3 on OS X should add the awesome @inventor2010's plugin posted here:
    (Note that this is a native plugin, so it won't work on Unity 4 Free)

    The plugin besides all Unity's limitations can handle Cmd-S, Cmd-Z, and Shift-Cmd-Z and pass those events to Si3 whenever a Si3 view is focused, so that Save, Undo and Redo shortcuts make much more sense. There's no need to remap Unity's Save Scene then :cool:

    Alt-Tab on OS X (Ctrl+Tab on Windows) works as a tab switching shortcut in Visual Studio - press and hold Alt, then press and release Tab, the list of open Si3 tabs will show up, then while still holding Alt keep pressing Tab or Shift-Tab or simply use the arrow keys to select another script and then release the Alt key. Is this not working?

    Adding a shortcut for code navigation is a great suggestion! The code for this toolbar is in FGTextEditor.DoCodeNavigationToolbar() (as you would naturally guess :p) but it's quite complex and maybe not too easy to add the shortcut. Feel free to take a look in it, but I'll do the same and add a shortcut... Any suggestions, what should this shortcut be?
  23. baby_jeans


    Sep 1, 2015
    Thanks for all the info! I'll mess a bit more with the Alt-Tab but it seems like it's not reliably opening that window after I release Tab. I'll try to get more info or try to figure out what I'm doing incorrectly in the event it's an issue for anyone else. Also, thanks a ton for that plugin from @inventor2010! Muscle memory was fighting with me over those.

    As for the short cut, I'm kind of inclined to go with Alt-M / Cmd+M for the Method drop-down, as that's what Visual Studio does, though I'm not sure what would be best for the Class/Object Drop Down portion (it'd be great if I could arrow over between the two even, but I'm getting carried away here).

    And yes, I may become inclined to using it on PC as well... all day I've been really enjoying the fact it's just in the Unity Editor. It helps Unity feel a lot more like a single complete package.
    Flipbookee likes this.
  24. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Alt+M is what Visual Assist X uses, so that would fit my preference as well :) but on OS X Alt-M is used for typing the Greek letter μ and Cmd-M is taken already for Window/Minimize, so I hope Ctrl-M will be still okay?

    Here you go, prepare yourself to do some magic now. ;) Open FGTextEditor.cs in Si3 and search for this line:
    Code (csharp):
    1. if (GUI.Button(rc, content, path.down ? buttonStyleOn : buttonStyle))
    and then replace it with this:
    Code (csharp):
    1.                 if (GUI.Button(rc, content, path.down ? buttonStyleOn : buttonStyle) ||
    2.                     j == codePaths.Count - 1 &&
    3.                     Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown &&
    4.                     Event.current.modifiers == (isOSX ? EventModifiers.Control : EventModifiers.Alt) &&
    5.                     Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.M)
    Now save this and wait for Unity to compile that. Once that's done press Ctrl-M (or Alt+M on Windows) :D Congrats! You've just changed the source code of a code editor using that same editor and changes are effective immediately while it's still running ;)

    As you can see, the shortcut always activates the last breadcrumb button regardless is that listing types or type members, Being able to move left and right there with arrow keys will be cool!
    baby_jeans likes this.
  25. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Exactly! It almost feels like having a nice little game engine built into your IDE :D ;)
  26. baby_jeans


    Sep 1, 2015
    Pasted that in just now, awesome! Works great for me. The less I have to remove my hands from the keyboard the better ;) Once we get the "Replace" functionality I saw you discussing on here, it'll be very hard to compete with Si3 for me ;) Thanks a ton for the quick help!
    Flipbookee likes this.
  27. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Oh, Replace in Files is fully functional and it was thoroughly tested last week, but it hasn't been released yet. There were a couple of other small features and some fixes here and there planned for 3.0.9, but I was terribly ill for the last three days so I didn't finish them. :-\ I'll check now if these unfinished changes can be isolated, and if yes, I'll submit version 3.0.9 tonight and leave the unfinished stuff to be released, I hope, by the end of this week. Stay tuned! ;)
    baby_jeans likes this.
  28. baby_jeans


    Sep 1, 2015
    Your dedication is ridiculous! Sounds good to me though, but really, no rush if you have some other stuff to finish up.
    Flipbookee and Novack like this.
  29. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Hehe, yeah, there are still two pending bugs that I didn't feel like releasing a new version without first fixing them. These are easy fixes so I hope by tonight they will be fixed too :)

    Edit: I've isolated the unfinished new features as those may take some time to complete.
    baby_jeans likes this.
  30. kdubnz


    Apr 19, 2014

    I find I'm using your SI3 every day. ... a great product!
    Have you given any thought to adding code formatting options to the IDE ?

    Flipbookee likes this.
  31. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Hehe, thanks man! :D

    Yes, sure! Auto-formatting will be added for sure. It's even simple to do that. Half of the work for that is adding UI for selecting all the options for that, the other half is to implement them. If someone is willing to give me a hand with the first half I will really appreciate that! :) Then I'll only have to do the second half...

    There are so many cool features that now require very little work to be implemented, and I'd prefer to go first with Find All References, Rename Refactoring, and auto-adding using statements.

    Version 3.0.9 will need some more testing before the release. It's final now and this is a quick copy-paste of all the change lists since 3.0.8:
    kdubnz, baby_jeans and Novack like this.
  32. kdubnz


    Apr 19, 2014
    While I'm in 'wonder' mode .... how difficult would snippets be to implement ?
    ... just thinking out loud :)

    >>> Half of the work for that is adding UI for selecting all the options for that,

    I can imagine ... I don't quite have the skills in that regard yet :)
    Flipbookee likes this.
  33. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Code snippets are already there ;)

    Check the CodeSnippets folder for reference, each text file in it defines a code snippet. You can customize them as you prefer, or create your own snippets. My favorite one is nn that expands to != null :)

    Have you seen the magic methods? Or the auto-generated override methods? These are even more cool features than code snippets!
  34. kdubnz


    Apr 19, 2014
    I've been using if TAB TAB to get the if template, but that's just from habit with VS and Resharper.

    >>> Have you seen the magic methods? Or the auto-generated override methods? These are even more cool features than code snippets!

    No : Looks like I have some study to do ;-D


    'Magic Methods' sounds suitable for a game editor IDE :)
    Flipbookee likes this.
  35. kdubnz


    Apr 19, 2014
    First time I've looked through the code.
    I definitely have some study to do.

    Thanks Flipbookee !
    Flipbookee likes this.
  36. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    @kdub Make sure to check SISettings, you'll find an excellent example of well designed code! And you'll learn how to expand the Si3 settings by adding only 2 lines of code, one to define an option and one to show it in the UI ;)
  37. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Breaking news! ;)
    Script Inspector 3 - version 3.0.9
    is available now for download from the Asset Store

    And this is the change list:
    - Replace in Files with ability to preview and select which occurrences to replace
    - Global Undo/Redo after Replace in Files
    - New cursor navigation mode that matches OS X text editing apps (optional, customizable, and even available on Windows) - thanks @JoeStrout
    - New alternative shortcut for Duplicate Line(s) on OS X: Alt-Cmd-Down arrow
    - New scope option for Find/Replace in Files: Current Tab
    - Go to method overload definition - thanks @mcmorry
    - Edit-in-memory dialog now shows the filename
    - New hotkey: Alt+M (Ctrl-M on OS X) opens the last code navigation breadcrumb button - thanks @CaptainCatnip
    - Optional non-aggressive auto-complete mode that only accepts completions with the Tab key - thanks @JoeStrout
    - Auto-complete doesn't insist on accepting completions where lambdas are expected - thanks @JoeStrout
    - Type parameter constraints are now used in resolving members and in auto-completion - thanks @thienhaflash
    - Fixed NullRef while resolving overloads of a method with params parameter
    - Fixed NullRef on toggling maximize tab
    - Fixed NullRef in resolving interfaces on a constructed generic type
    - Fixed conversions of constructed generic types - thanks @bocs
    - Fixed NullRef in GetTokenSpan - thanks @thienhaflash
    - Fixed opening shaders with Open Any File dialog - thanks @Sarper Soher
    - Fixed resolving of pre-increment-expression and pre-decrement-expression
    - Fixed the "multiple managers" warning - thanks @jrDev
    - Fixed auto-generating override methods in some edge cases
    - Fixed NullRef in Go to definition
    - Fixed updating text buffers in some rare cases after Undo or Redo
    - Fixed Unity Scripting Reference links for generic symbols
    - Fixed arguments hints so that they remain hidden after hiding them with Esc key - thanks @thienhaflash
    - Fixed selection priority of exactly typed names of auto-completion list items - thanks @JoeStrout
    - Fixed expected argument type for extension methods
    - Fixed keyboard handling in Tab Switcher if CapsLock or NumLock is on
    - Changed on OS X to avoid conflicts: Controlling SI tabs with Alt-Ctrl-Left/Right arrows instead of Alt-Cmd-Left/Right on OS X

    Thank you for all your great suggestions and bug reports! :D

    Happy coding! :cool:
    baby_jeans, mcmorry, SarperS and 2 others like this.
  38. Novack


    Oct 28, 2009
    Fantastic update man! Thanks and Congratulations!
    Flipbookee likes this.
  39. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Waoh, it's so quiet here, almost scary :p
    I can't continue, must wait for your feedback first...
    Novack likes this.
  40. Novack


    Oct 28, 2009
    Hehe. I have not yet had the oportunity to use it. Will give you some feedback as soon as having my hands on it for a while.
    Flipbookee likes this.
  41. baby_jeans


    Sep 1, 2015
    How does Undo immediately after an auto-indent cancelling the auto-indent, and then Undo again to actually undo the input sound? :cool:
    Flipbookee likes this.
  42. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Sounds perfect to me! And I don't know why I didn't add that in the beginning? Auto-complete and smart semicolons work like that already...

    So I'll add that, but also, since long time ago I wanted to rework the auto-indent algorithm and make it a bit smarter and faster (also simpler), so hopefully you wouldn't get to a situation wanting to undo the auto-indent anymore ;)
    baby_jeans likes this.
  43. baby_jeans


    Sep 1, 2015
    It came up for me yesterday when I was makign a property and being weird about the tabs, but I just tried to replicate it now and can't figure out what I was doing as it's auto-indenting fine. I'm also using it on PC for the first time today - giving VS2015 a run for its money - but I did notice on Windows the SI3 tabs are acting as Always On Top windows, where on Mac they don't. Is it possibly a configuration thing in my Unity preferences? I couldn't really find anything to stop it from doing that.
  44. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    No, there's no configuration for that, it's the way how Unity works on Windows, not only with SI tabs but also with any other window including Unity's native windows. There's a handy hotkey for that - Alt+T hides/shows all floating SI tabs!

    Assuming you work on a single screen, there's another nice workflow which I prefer: I dock all SI tabs in the same area where my Scene and Game tabs are, and this is enough for me, but if that feels too small for you then you should try the Alt+Enter hotkey that toggles maximized mode. This will give you plenty of space, but if that still isn't enough I could try to also add a fullscreen / obstruction free mode... Would that be helpful for you or anyone else?
  45. baby_jeans


    Sep 1, 2015
    Oh no, I misunderstood how it'd work. I docked the SI3 tabs with my main Scene/Game/Asset Store window now. That will work for me. Since Alt-Tab on OSX doesn't work when you have more than SI3 tabs in a single window, I thought it also wouldn't work on Windows (Ctrl+Tab) but it does.

    It's weird that the behavior is different between OSX and PC, but I am A-OK with this new setup.

    Alt+Enter maximizing it also is perfect for what I wanted though its too bad the tabs can't be changed when in maximized mode ;) I have a feeling that's a Unity limitation. As for an Obstruction Free / Fullscreen I don't think I'd actually use it much with Maximizing the window being pretty great. I assume with that mode you'd probably eliminate the top bar (with the Save Icon / P4 etc) ?

    Thanks for the info! I feel really needy on these threads ;)
    Flipbookee likes this.
  46. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Well yes, kind of. In Unity when a tab is maximized all other tabs in the main window are actually saved to disk and closed. When the size is restored, those other tabs are loaded from the disk and inserted there where they used to be.

    I say "kind of" because even though this is the way how Unity works I could still make that single maximized tab show all the currently opened scripts somehow inside that single tab. This is something I've been planning to do since long time ago, so if there is enough interest I could try to add that too?
    baby_jeans likes this.
  47. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    I didn't think of that, but yes, since that's the edge of the screen I could make the toolbars slide in from the top when you "touch" that edge with the mouse. :cool: I guess something like that would also make sense then also on the right edge for the vertical scrollbar.
    baby_jeans likes this.
  48. baby_jeans


    Sep 1, 2015
    Well, Alt-Entering a Maximized screen to get back to the normal view, then switching to a new script file and alt-entering back to maximized is not the end of the world (the current way it works). It'd certainly be nice, but I'd wouldn't think its TOO high priority.
    Flipbookee likes this.
  49. baby_jeans


    Sep 1, 2015
    I'm curious what your idea was for Obstruction Free?
    Flipbookee likes this.
  50. Flipbookee


    Jun 2, 2012
    Hehe yeah, I thought just making a frameless maximized window that covers the whole screen will be "obstruction free", but I didn't give it enough thoughts I guess. For example I didn't think what would I do with the toolbar and eventually scrollbars. :rolleyes:

    This wasn't really my idea but by someone who contacted me by email, so I thought I'll share that here to hear what other people think about that.
    baby_jeans likes this.