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Bug Scene View requires a click to refocus, causing issues with navigation

Discussion in 'Linux' started by AlfieBooth, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. AlfieBooth


    Dec 2, 2013
    When moving between the scene view and other editor windows, each window requires a click to refocus before it can capture keyboard modifier clicks.

    This may seem trivial, but it means that to alt+mouse orbit in the scene view, you have to refocus the scene view first. This really actually slows down workflow as switching between the inspector, scene view and hierarchy rapidly is pretty much my whole day.
    Doing a simple editor script that logs the EventModifiers shows that alt is only captured after clicking, rather than when hovering over the scene view.

    I would LOVE resolution for this, as since the amazing 2019.3.0f6 release, I feel the editor has almost got parity with my windows install. It’s only this (and a separate issue to do with having to force the job worker count due to a high core cpu) that keeps me regretfully booting back into windows.

    This behaviour has persisted over installs on manjaro, Ubuntu mate, pop_os, and now in Ubuntu.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    BT.W. As stated before, this new 0f6 release is really amazing.. LEAGUES ahead of previous iterations . Thanks guys.