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Ruby's Adventure "10. World Interactions - Projectile" Issues Feedbck

Discussion in 'Getting Started' started by mitchmunro, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. mitchmunro


    Jun 20, 2019
    Looked for a place to submit feedback and I was directed to the forums. After looking for 10 mins or so, I couldn't find a more appropriate place to post this, so if one exists, let me know!

    I have been learning Unity through Ruby's Adventure, and just finished lesson "10. World Interactions - Projectile". Link:

    I noticed some issues and wanted to raise them so that the creators of the tutorial can know and so that people learning from this tutorial can find the answer.

    I noticed in that the scripts in "Step. 11: Check Your Scripts" seem incorrect and make your game not work as intended. Here are the two issues I noticed:

    - EnemyController Script: After stating "Your EnemyController script should now look like this:" the tutorial lists a bunch of code. At the start, in the declaring function section, it has this "bool broken = false;", when earlier in section 8 of the tutorial we were told to set "broken" to true. Without this, the enemies don't walk as they should.

    - Projectile Script: After stating "Your Projectile script should now look like this:" more code is listed. The first function is "void Start()", but earlier in Section 6 of the tutorial we were told to change that start function to "Awake()". Without this the projectiles don't move.

    I am still very new to unity, so I forgive me if used incorrect terminology. Hopefully this helps, and they creators of the tutorial can change it so people learning aren't as confused as I was at first!
    JTylerLi likes this.
  2. Valjuin


    May 22, 2019
    JoeStrout likes this.