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[Request] Custom, or different, project name text

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by Molix, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. Molix


    Apr 24, 2009

    We use a project structure like:


    i.e. for a given project repo, there are more things than just the Unity project, so for consistency across our 25+ apps, we always put the Unity project folder into a Unity/ sub-folder.

    This works well, except it means that our Unity Hub loading screen just says "Unity" in large, bold, blue letters a bunch of times, and you really have to squint at the little grey letters below it for the full path to see which project you're actually going to load. The same goes for the status bar context menu, which just says "Unity" a bunch of times, but in that case you can't tell them apart at all, so we can't use that feature.

    Any chance the project name could be configurable? A custom string, or a relative path, or if the path is certain blacklisted words, then go up, etc.

    It is a small thing, but I thought I'd ask. I'm liking the Hub overall and use it daily.

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