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relocatable CameraToWorld compared with Hololens unity camera to world

Discussion in 'VR' started by GameDude31415, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. GameDude31415


    Feb 11, 2017
    I am trying to understand the matrices of the locatable camera to world compared with the Hololens unity camera.
    I place the Unity Hololens camera object at the origin of the scene. Then I deploy and put on the Hololens. I walk to the location of a marker and take a photo using PhotoCapture. Then I print the TryGetCameraToWorldMatrix and the transform from the Hololens Unity camera. I expect the location of the locatable camera to be in front of and a little higher than the Unity camera. Instead I get matrices that are in different frames. They are close enough that I think they are related but I cannot figure out how.

    Hololens Unity Camera
    [0.8860495, -0.02733571, -0.462784, 2.97907],
    [0.1067593, 0.983461, 0.146311, -0.4349374],
    [0.4511305, -0.1790453, 0.8743135, 0.5294006],
    [0, 0, 0, 1]

    Locatable Camera returned from TryGetCameraToWorldMatrix
    [0.8868181, 0.0991262, 0.4513606, -2.802217],
    [-0.0168249, 0.9830014, -0.1828253, 0.6130467],
    [-0.4618111, 0.1545389, 0.8734108, 1.034189],
    [0, 0, 0, 1]

    Shouldn't this be trivial?
    LocatableCameraToHololensUnityCamera = locatableCameraToWorld * HololensUnityCamera.localToWorldMatrix.inverse

    But that doesn't work. The result shows them way too far apart.
    Can someone tell me what I'm missing?

  2. GameDude31415


    Feb 11, 2017
    I found the problem. I hate to say that scrolled off the right side of my screen was a call to inverse that I didn't see.
    The numbers are making sense now.
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