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[RELEASED] UniStorm 5.2 - AAA Volumetric Clouds, URP Support, Weather, Sky, Atmospheric Fog, & More!

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by BHS, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. DesertRaven


    Jul 15, 2012
    I'm not only getting the 15 error messages but also the "unistorm" script, among other formerly associated scripts (e,g the one for my first person controller), can now not be loaded any more.

    Looks like you guys have way's to go before releasing this version. Maybe test it first then publish? I'll roll back and wait until these and other issues are resolved. I have no time for this.

    And this is a thing to be said about the assets Store in general, there should be a standard to what can be published and how assets need to be structured.
    Also that assets sold, need to just work out of the box without extensive workarounds and re-scripting.
  2. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009
    If your first person controller isn't working, which we didn't even make, then you obviously have some import errors.

    The system worked 100% when it left the computer to the asset store. What happens is that Unity's Asset Store packaging system and tools aren't perfect yet. Sometimes there will be exporting or importing errors and we have provided the best solutions to fix them. Others haven't seemed to have a problem since we have updated the system with 1.6.1. We will be updating the UniStorm and we will reorganize everything better.

    Those 15 errors, which we have covered many times and is covered on the first page of the documentation, is that sometimes you will have to reimport the image effects even if you don't have pro. This isn't our fault but sometimes Unity loses a needed file in order for all the image effects to run properly. I don't know why it happens, it's a Unity bug, but it's a simple fix. Just go to Assets> Import Package> Image Efect (Pro Only) and reimport the image effects and your errors should go away. If you have anymore problems just let us know.

    Nothing against you, but people can't keep blaming the developers for these kind of errors. I know we're not the only ones who have them because I have read plenty of posts on it. It's always packaging errors and we don't know how to fix them until we submit the package and people tell us about them. UniStorm 1.5 was flawless and so will 1.6. We will submit an update within the next couple of days.
  3. DesertRaven


    Jul 15, 2012
    My Blame, or critic, wasn't on you and your product, but on Unity and their asset store standards it seems to be that on the one hand they want independent developers to be able to sell assets, but there is a lack of control and integrity. Also if like you state they have issues on their side then that is frustrating for both the developers and their customers.

    My FPC was working just fine before I imported the UniStorm 1.61 package. after removing it entirely guess what? My FPC worked just fine again.

    I'm not just posting here to bash your product, there seems to be some serious flaws, and still I claim to say, assets are supposed to work right out of the box.

    Also I have to say, if you have been telling your customers many times to re-import the image assets, haven't you asked your self why don't we just fix this? Or is this not fix able? I'm confused here.
  4. patrickt


    Mar 23, 2011
    Could you provide an example of setting up Unistorm entirely by script and attaching it to an existing character/camera?

    I've read the documentation that came with Unistorm 1.6 but it doesn't cover anything about dynamically loading the system, when I attempt to follow the instructions provided (Moving the "Player" prefab objects over to our player avatar and copying the camera components) we still get errors related to a terrain object in addition the sky looks completely messed up.

    In our software the character and camera don't exist prior to the level being loaded, everything is generated dynamically from assetbundles.

    A short code example including instantiating the prefab and moving all the necessary items to an existing Player and Main Camera would be very appreciated.

    Also, where should the prefab be placed in relation to the scene? When it's placed at 0,0,0 which is the same location as our player start everything looks very messed up, we tried adjusting it so that our player position was near the Player in the prefab but that seems like an odd location (300, 940, 133) There's no possible way we can visually adjust the system, it must be done by script with proper coordinate offsets.

    In short, what position should be root of the prefab be placed at relative to the player?
  5. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009
    Did you try reimporting the image effects like I suggested? That's usually the problem.

    As I've said before this problem is not fixable by us, this is a Unity problem. There is nothing we can do, but to best help our customers through it. Other systems have the same problem. This is due to Unity losing the main image effect script when importing or exporting and this is what causes the 13 to 15 errors. It has nothing to do with our system.

    We will be making video tutorials through our website soon, but until then I will walk you through everything.

    The position of the system isn't important. As long as the cloud sphere and the horizon are positioned in the middle of you terrain, and the right height, you're fine. You can place your character doesn't matter. You can adjust all the components individually. The reason the sky looks messed up is because the system won't run if there are any errors.

    You need at least 1 Sun Shaft and 1 Global Fog image effects attached to your camera in order for the system to run; even if you don't have pro. You have to also attach your camera to the camera object spot in the editor; if you're using your own camera.

    As for the terrain problem, your terrain goes there, hence terrain object. This is what allows UniStorm to access the terrain and give you dynamic snow.

    As for dynamically loading everything, we are developing a way to do this, but it also could cause more problems with people not having certain object in their scene, or having them named something different. For the image effects I think we can have them dynamically loaded and script the proper setup through script. The camera could be done through a tag, but we will be updating the system.
  6. DesertRaven


    Jul 15, 2012
    I did re import as you said and I could not get my scene that worked with version 1.5 to work. The error messages did not go away no matter how many times I re-imported the image effects.
    So now I just created a new scene and am trying to adjust the position of the system. I'm not sure where the center in the y axis is supposed to be relative to the terrain.
    But at least with a new terrain and scene I've gotten rid of the errors. I also did not insert any other assets at this time.

    Hope to get it to work, I tried the demo scene and it looks amazing. Just wish I could choose different cloud types. :)
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2012
  7. patrickt


    Mar 23, 2011
    Right I got most of that from the documentation.
    What if we don't have a terrain object? Is there any way to disable that functionality?

    Also you say "As long as the cloud sphere and the horizon are positioned in the middle of you terrain, and the right height, you're fine." I understand that, but where is the middle of the system? I need a coordinate offset that you'd consider to be the middle. If the very middle of my ground is at 0,0,0 where should the system be? There is no way for a script to determine what "in the middle" is.

    Essentially what I need to know is how do I create Unistorm using a script. I have no ability to place or tweak anything through the editor, it must all be handled by script at runtime.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2012
  8. shwa


    Apr 9, 2012
    Have just downloaded the latest version. 1.6.1.

    when i run the demo: UniStorm1.6Demo

    if i set the weather forecast to 3, when i hit play, it jumps to 4 immediately.
    if i set the daylength to 200 or 1000, it jumps to 4800 when i hit play.

    This wasn't a problem for me in 1.6.

    any idea what's going on?


  9. makeshiftwings


    May 28, 2011
    Downloaded the update and it still overwrites a bunch of stuff in Standard Assets and breaks the image effects folder, requiring reimporting the original package. Please PLEASE don't put things in the Standard Assets folder, ESPECIALLY not overwriting actual standard assets! You can see what you're overwriting by creating a new blank project, importing all the standard assets, and then importing your own package. When the list shows up asking what to import, note everything that is going into the Standard Assets folder. All of that should be removed or put somewhere else.
  10. sonicviz


    May 19, 2009
  11. SNS_Case


    Oct 7, 2011
    Agreed. Also, does anyone (anyone at all) know where the center of the Unistorm prefab actually is? I've messed around with that for probably hours now and have never really come to a solid conclusion. I can get a rough guesstimation going in some scenes, and others I'm just clueless.

    It would be great if you just put an empty game object at the suggested center and named it appropriately.

    Also, what schwa said about editting values in the Unistorm script. I wrote a small interface via enums to quickly set seasons, weather, TOD, etc without scanning through all the variables, and while that seems to work on start, it doesn't look like the assets are being released correctly if I try to change it at runtime.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2012
  12. makeshiftwings


    May 28, 2011
    I think most of the transforms in the prefab are just guesstimates; since the whole thing is so big it doesn't make that big a difference if you move it around a bit. In my project I set the main Unistorm parent transform to the middle of my terrain and reset the positions and rotations on all the children to 0's, and the only thing that really seemed necessary to change back was that all the cloud layers (or the cloud parent) need to be rotated 270 on the X axis, otherwise the clouds are messed up.
  13. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009
    Not sure are you getting any errors?

    The reason the Standard Assets folder is needed is because you have to have the image effects or there will be a missing script error. What we are thinking of doing is loading the image effects at run-time including their proper values so we can submit the UniStorm without the image effect.

    There is nothing we did that causes the image effects to be erased. What it could be is that we are using an older version of the image effects, from 3.3 or 3.4, so it's more of a Unity problem overwriting its own image effects. I'm pretty sure this is what's causing the problem. We will figure it out and release an update fixing everything.

    There is no middle of the system. Use the clouds as a reference and position them in the middle of your scene. The system itself can be anywhere, the only position that matters is the clouds.

    Same as I as above.

    As for the values, I'm not sure what the problem is. I will take a look at the code, sorry for any convince. We will be patching UniStorm with 1.6.2 and it should fix this and all other problems.

    We appreciate everyone being patient, the problems will be fixed soon. Thanks for the help and suggestions.
  14. andererandre


    Dec 17, 2010
    After playing around with it I found some minor and major areas of improvement:

    • The different weather types and moon phases should be enums.
    • Is it possible to let snow fall on things in a scene that doesn't use any terrain?
    • In the prefab all child game objects have random positions and rotations. You say only the positions of the cloud layers really matter, but I found that if you reset all child positions and rotations it causes quite a few issues. This could use some streamlining.
    • Speaking of cloud layers, why are the cloud layers full spheres instead of half spheres? The bottom halfs of the cloud spheres have ugly artifacts anyhow so they could be removed.
  15. brandon_cto


    Oct 23, 2012
    I already purchased Unistorm 1.4 in your website.
    But I don't know that how can I get this.
    And, I just finded that Unistorm already exists 1.6 version.
    Can I upgrade my this purchased?? Please understand my English and reply to me.
  16. markfrancombe


    May 26, 2009
    From the docs:

    Moon Phase Change Time and Start Time
    This setting is done by decimals due to the way our system is setup. If you want to start the game at night set the start time to 0 and the moon phase change time to .4. If you want to start the game during the day put the start time to .4 and the moon phase change time to 0.

    Im a little confused by this... Can you explain.. what I need to know is, how can I calculate what, 18.00 would be? or midday or ...
    Im doing a fly through of landscape at dusk and I want to arrive at my destination, just as it becomes dark, but Im not able to figure out the right time...

    It would be nice if this value was absolute.. Like IF you pick a day length of 1400 then 18:00 is actually 18.. and 12 is 12 etc... the decimal thing is confusing...

    cheers.. Mark

    PS.. did I just read snow??? SNOW.. I dont have snow... damn.. is there a new version? I NEED SNOW:. IM IN GODDAM NORWAY AFTER ALL!!!
  17. markfrancombe


    May 26, 2009
    Oh.. and one more thing while Im at it...

    Im getting nice(ish) effects for my flythru, but ts not showing up in the game view..

    Watch video...

    First, you can see that in the Scene view its gets a bit stormy, but this is NOT showing up in the game view (same as the Camera inset)... also there a bit of a jump in darkness mid way...

    Is this something to do with positioning of the UniStorm assets? I had to moce my terrain to 0,0,0 to get the road building tool to work, and Im not sure if that threw off Unistorm... Now I just see blue sky.
    The cloudy effect you see in the Camera view at the end, when camera has stopped is a particle effect I have made for smoking up the street right next to the building... not Unistorm.

    thanks in advance..

  18. Mihai93


    Jul 14, 2012
    Hey i press F12 -> 03 code but terrain dont drop snow why what is wrong??
  19. shwa


    Apr 9, 2012
    1. How do i brighten/affect the lighting on the clouds only?
    I'm finding the clouds much too dark in the daytime, in storm mode, weather forecaster of 3.
    Both when it's raining and when it's snowing.

    2. Am running the scene in the 1.6.0 demo. (UniStorm1.6Demo)
    High Cloud 1 is in the cloud folder.
    When the weather forecaster is set to 7/ clear sky, these clouds still show in the sky, and they don't move.
    Any idea what's going on here?

    3. Should the snow on terrain be working with either demo that came with 1.6.0 ?
    e.g. simpleDemoSnowTerrain
    or UniStorm1.6Demo

    Meaning, do i have to go thru some steps to make it work?
    If yes, what are they?
    (i've tried it with dynamic snow enabled, in the editor, but it didn't work.)

    ** i see snow projection and snow projection objects in the editor. what should i be selecting for this?

    4. Time. and Temperature range.
    If the minute/hour/day counters are set at 0, and the month counter is set at 1, year counter is set at 2012, does this mean things are beginning on January 1, 2012? If yes, is it a "typical" 365 day year? Are leap years possible?

    How is the temperature range figured out, e.g. what is February's range, and where can we change the potential range in the scripts? People in Jamaica have very different temp ranges than those in Norway.
    Does the initial temperature chosen by the developer affect the entire year?
    (e.g. if i choose 60 degrees to start with and leave the defaulted times as they are.)


    Am a big fan of Unistorm. I'm just starting to get a handle on 1.6.0, and am very happy i've got it functioning, though i want to get more of a handle on it.
    I am still using 1.4 in another project.

    Last edited: Oct 24, 2012
  20. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009
    Thanks for the suggestions most of these will be taken care as of update 1.6.2.

    If you want snow on objects you assign that object the snow shader provided. The terrain snow shader is a different shader.

    The moon phases are too complicated to explain. If your start time is during the day 0.4 then your moon phase change time should be set to 0. If your start time is at night 0 then your moon phase change time should be set to 0.4. We are working on making this less complicated and being able to set them according to hour.

    The reason you can't see the clouds is because you have your camera set at a far clipping plane of 1,000. Set it to 10,000 and you will be able to see everything.

    Snow only happens in winter and if it's 32 or below. Have you checked these two things? I'm pretty sure it's one, the other, or both.

    1. You have to have fog enabled in order for the clouds to be affected by the time of day. If you want to make the storm clouds brighter you would go to the storm cloud materials and make them a brighter shade of grey. They are still affected by the time of day but this will make them less dark entirely.

    2. I believe this has been fixed as of the 1.6.1 patch, but we'll double check to make sure.

    3. The snow projection confusion has been removed, it was a snow system developed prior to the snow system we use currently. The snow projection objects have been removed as of the 1.6.1 patch. You should get the newest version of UniStorm which is 1.6.1.

    As for how the snow works, there is separate documentation covering all the information about the snow system. You just add the terrain snow shader to your terrain, the bump textures, and the snow textures and that's it. The snow takes a little while to build up so you can't run the scene for a could seconds and expect to see it. It takes about 5 mins for full snow cover.

    4. Yes, but there is no leap year.

    The 4 seasons can be changed to the months you'd like by changing a couple numbers in the script. If you want to know how PM us and we will also cover this.

    The temperature numbers are all calculated within the script by us. If you want to change them we will tell you how via PM. The system picks a random temperature within the range of each month though. This range was programmed by us. It's not hard to change.
  21. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009
    Those of you who want to try UniStorm before you buy, now you can. You can play them demo below, but it is limited.

    Try the UniStorm Demo Here:

    UniStorm Demo No Dynamic Weather or Seasons

    This demo will show you the quality of UniStorm. There is no dynamic weather or seasons in this build, not even script wise, this is one weather type, Partly Cloudy 1. This is the only way we would post a playable demo. You can see the quality for yourself. You can adjust the time of day with the slider, see the sunsets and sunrises, see the stars and moon at night, and more.

    Every color you see can be adjusted and tweaked to your liking. As well as many other components and features.
    If you want to see more weather types or seasons, you can watch the videos.

    All other weather types have the same quality as this one. This is just 1 of the 14 weather types that are included with UniStorm.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  22. madmike6537


    Aug 20, 2012
    Couple questions before purchase. My game has matches with short day and night cycles, like five minutes each for day and for night. Can I adjust the length of the cycles? Also could i set each match to start with different parameters? Thx.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  23. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009
    Yes the day and night cycle is fully adjustable. What do you mean by parameters? Different parts of the scene?
  24. madmike6537


    Aug 20, 2012
    Thanks for the reply - let me clarify. The game is multiplayer - and there are matches that last 30 mintues to an hour. Since thats not long enough to go all through the seasons i was thinking it would be cool if I could set each match to start with a different season? For example, maybe start one where there would be a thunderstorm partway through, then on a different game - it might snow. Etc.

    Would this be possible?
  25. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009
    Yes this is all possible. Would the matches be happening at separate times or would they be happening at the same time? If you have different matches happening at the same time each match would need a different system. If they are not happening at the same time you can use one.

    At the start of each match you would set the season by the month number. Would you want the day to last 30 to 60 minutes or would you want a few days to pass during the math? Both are possible. The weather would happen dynamically according to each season so yes thunder storms and snow could happen if in the right seasons. If you wanted to trigger them yourself you could also do this.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  26. judah4


    Feb 6, 2011
    Hi, it seems the multiple directional lights used right now double the drawcalls and breaks the batching count. I had to disable the moon light and sun for dynamic snow in order to fix the drawcall amount. You might need to find a better way to optimize this
  27. Builder_Joe


    Sep 8, 2012
    Is this just overwriting the project's copy of those assets or the root Unity assets?
  28. andererandre


    Dec 17, 2010
    Only the project's.
  29. Blacktopsoldier


    Oct 27, 2012
    Just wanna say first that Unistorm is a great package, worth the money. However, I'm having an error and I'm not sure if it's Unistorm or Unity at fault. It seems on multiple operating systems in multiple projects this is happening. When I assign my Terrain to the "Terrain Object" of the Unistorm script, it immediately empties the field in the inspector and breaks the system upon running the game, or simply switching inspector items.

    I've had this problem on Mac and PC using Unity 3. Any idea what could be causing this? I have the right script attached to the terrain object, I know it expects a CustomTerrainScriptAtsV3Snow when dynamic snow is enabled.

    Update: It seems that if I delete the prefab and reassign it from the heirarchy it works until i change something else, then it must be reassigned. Strange..
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2012
  30. Alcatraz


    Jun 17, 2011
    Hi. Thanks for your system! But i have broblem. I use trees from Tropical Nature Pack, with special shader for trees, and i have problems with shaders (trees) + Global Fog Script..
  31. SevenBits


    Dec 26, 2011
    Ohhh... Artifact...
  32. Alcatraz


    Jun 17, 2011
    yeah.. how to fix this?
  33. markfrancombe


    May 26, 2009
    As subject said, im having trouble importing 1.6 into a project that had 1.5 installed. First i tried just importing ON TOP, that didnt work, plus there were old folders called deleted some assests that i was using... now i tried moving things, rocks trees grass etc, that came with Unistorm.. out if the Unistorm folder before I reimported... better, but some kind of pink stuff appeared In the sky, (usually a missing texture. )
    Is the only way to make new clean install and re-Build whole game? or us there a checklist of where stuff should be... Meaning.. exactly... Where should the Unistorm transform be? In relation to My existing artwork, 0,0,0??? or just placed by eye all around My art? Player and Camera complimented Are quite well explained, but the othe, main prefabs, Are not.
    and what is the folder called 0000 something actually for? is that important, has a Nice bit of mountain terrain, but no Unistorm attarched, so its not a Unistorm demo...

    I would quite like a
    "In this package you will find..."
    ...kind of ReadMe!

    but looking very Nice...
  34. patrickt


    Mar 23, 2011
    Any progress on a scripted example of instantiating the system at runtime and attaching it to a character/camera that are already in the scene?

    Since the system doesn't wait for any call to initialize it throws errors for missing components before the script has a chance to attach anything to it. (Right after it's instantiated)

    Also since the customterrainscriptatsv3snow script is c# and the rest of the system is js you can't place the system in the plugins folder to compile in the first pass. This breaks the ability to access the system from C# scripts.

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2012
  35. markfrancombe


    May 26, 2009
    Small update to my post earlier today:
    I managed to get 1.6 working. Took a little time, as I had to build a clean install version of UniStorm, then in Finder, manually draging over new stuff...

    Im getting one small error (so far, not saying there won´t be more)

    The console reports:

    UnassignedReferenceException: The variable terrainObject of 'UniStormWeatherSystem' has not been assigned.
    You probably need to assign the terrainObject variable of the UniStormWeatherSystem script in the inspector.

    So I drag my terrain object into the Terrain Object slot, but when I press play, it disappears and goes back to None(GameObject).

    I tried making the terrain a prefab, but that didnt do anything.

    Any Idea what this is?

  36. makeshiftwings


    May 28, 2011
    Yes, just the project. The "root" Unity assets are stored in a compressed Unitypackage file that can't be altered, but when you import a package into a project it extracts to its own copy. So you can get the real ones back by importing the package itself again. You can't just right-click the Standard Assets folder and choose Reimport though, because that makes it reimport whatever was last imported (in this case, the Unistorm version of Standard Assets).
  37. shwa


    Apr 9, 2012

    I've got shadows working in the day, and at night.
    To do this, i've got shadows turned on on the Sun_Moon and Moonlight directional lights.

    I can't get shadows to work at dawn and dusk.

    Is this possible?

    I hope so.

  38. jesta


    Jun 19, 2010
    I'm having a really hard time installing this package. When I import the package, it creates some image effects in an "editor" folder in the Standard Assets, which generates plenty of errors.

    I strongly suggest you put a prefab without any player or other "helpers" for those like me who already have a big project and just want to add a nice sky. Unisky is super easy to setup, check it out.
  39. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009
    We will take care of this.

    You have to assign the terrain object through the hierarchy. I don't think anyone else has had this problem though it is strange.

    This has to do with the rendering levels in with the Global Fog image effect. I don't know why but it causes a lot of problems. This is a Unity problem but we will work on making the rendering levels higher with the tree shader.

    I can see form the pic that you don't have your horizon lowered to the proper spot, but nothing should be giving you errors unless you don't have an object attached to UniStorm that needs to be there. We are working on having a better system that will grab everything on startup.

    We know what's causing the image effects problem I'll explain below.

    As for your terrain problem I think you have to break the prefab connection then try attaching your terrain object.

    The shadows do appear at sunrise and sunset but it's briefly. I think this can be tweaked script wise, we'll work on getting it fixed.

    This has been asked before and we know what's causing the image effect error, I will explain.

    We are using an older version of the image effects, from Unity 3.4, for some reason when you import UniStorm into a project using the new image effects it cause all sorts of problems and errors. This isn't UniStorm's fault, but Unity's fault. We now know how to fix this problem and it will be fixed with the new update. We will delete the old image effects and use the new Unity 3.5.6 image effects which will fix the problem.

    If you, or anyone else, wants to fix the image effect problem all you have to do is delete the old image effects folder from your project and import the new ones that come with Unity 3.5.6. You will have to reapply the image effects to the camera you are using of you will have errors. Settings for the image effects are covered in the documentation. We will work on updating the image effects with the next patch for UniStorm.
  40. jesta


    Jun 19, 2010
    Thanks, I should have read earlier posts. No more problems now.
  41. shwa


    Apr 9, 2012
    BHS - "The shadows do appear at sunrise and sunset but it's briefly. I think this can be tweaked script wise, we'll work on getting it fixed."

    I'm running unistorm 1.6.0 in this current project that i'm starting to demo to others. I hope the fix/script tweak can also be applied to this version, as i've got a bunch more demos lined up over the next 2 weeks, and would like to have consistent shadows across time.

    Btw, i'm using 1.6.0, as 1.6.1 gave me problems in my project. I'm running Unity Pro 3.5.3 and not crazy about upgrading in mid project.

    BHS, thanks for this and your other replies in my previous multi question post.
  42. crazyhorse666


    Feb 25, 2012
    Could you help me out ,

    got the following error
    Assets/unistorm_v1.5/scripts/unistormweathersystem.js(771,66):BCE0005 unknown identifier: CustomTerrainScriptAtsV3Snow

    i cannot find this script anywhere in my folders

  43. MikeC989


    Nov 1, 2012
    Same thing happened with me, I'll try to see if I can help you with it. What I did was delete the UniStorm package from the project, and then re-import it from the asset store. Soon as you do that and get it back into your project folder go to the top of the Unity window and click Assets- Import Package- Image effect (Pro Only). This should get rid of the errors. Others had this problem and it was said to do this. Let me know if that fixed it. Edit*** Make sure to delete all the folders that came with the UniStorm package to be sure to get a new clean imported package. This is how I did it to be on the safe side, although a new UniStorm import may not be required, but importing the image effects again should be done, and should fix it.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  44. DesertRaven


    Jul 15, 2012
    Right, while we are at it, would it be possible to provide a "C#" and JS version, like 6 times nothing did with UniSky? I would like to have all my scripts in my projects in "C#" to keep things organized and consistent.

  45. crazyhorse666


    Feb 25, 2012
    Thks Mike 989 ! ;-)
    Damn i tried this but still same error
    i am using unity 4.0 beta ,
  46. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009
    I'm not sure it was there when we submitted the pack, once again another Unity import error not a UniStorm error, I'm not sure why it's happening. Did you check the plugin folder?

    Maybe we will have to see. Converting 4,000+ lines of code would take some time.
  47. BHS


    Dec 21, 2009

    We are thinking of removing the snow on the terrain from the main UniStorm system because it seems to cause too many problems. I think you can still have snow on all none terrain objects though. Those of you whole want it could go to our website and download a package file which you could then import. This hasn't happened yet, but it would take care of all the annoying import errors everyone is having due to the terrain snow. Keep in mind we aren't the developers of the terrain snow. We are talking with the developer to get everything figured out.
  48. MikeC989


    Nov 1, 2012
    I'm actually trying to get the snow to work right now, I tried using the 4 bump textures from the demo that was on the terrain, but I see now that is pointless cause it wont work correctly. I'm wondering do I need to have these bump textures for the snow to show up, or can I use regular textures on my terrain in the Bump 0-3 section?

    Cause I got the landscapes part1 from asset store and I don't see any bump textures for the textures on the terrain. Do you need bump textures for the snow to stick? I'm thinking you do cause the snow won't show up on mine.

    Would I make that in something like blender? <--EDIT*** I figured out you can make the Normal map texture by taking the texture you want to use, CTRL D it (duplicate) rename it to whatever you want _Normal then in the inspector window (while you have the texture selected) click Texture Type - Normal map, and then apply. (This is for anyone wondering how to do it) I'm still not 100% sure if they are needed, but they probably are, and if anything it makes the terrain look better.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2012
  49. MikeC989


    Nov 1, 2012
    yw, and yeah sorry, not sure what it could be then, I'm completely new at using this thing too, and I'm using the free version of Unity.
  50. markfrancombe


    May 26, 2009
    Quick slightly sad message:

    Is there a way of downloading 1.5 again..? I am not having any luck with 1.6.


    Unfortunately I went ahead and replaced 1.5 with 1.6 in my game... had lots of problems and couldnt get it to rain or thunder...

    Now I spent a whole evening with a clean project ONLY Unistorm and a bit of terrain, and, trying out the demo project.

    The main folder is named 1.5, which seems a bit lax...
    in the documentation there is a doc referring to version 1.2...
    There is a weird folder called 0000 terrain snow, that doesnt seem to have anything to do with Unistorm at all, at at least the demo file inside named simpleDemoSnowTerrain has no unistorm prefab in it...
    The MAIN Unistorm demo file Scenes/UniStorm1.6Demo has no water (OK that might be a Pro thing, Im on the Cheapskate version) but doesnt work, nothing changes if I select a different weather type, its always just slightly snowing...

    I think, like most I was attracted by snow, (specially as my game is set in Norway), but the rest of it is a bit wonky.

    Like MikeC989 I had a missing terrain error that dissapears on runtime...

    It all just seems a little broken?

    So, any chance I can get 1.5, I stupidly didnt save it anywhere, but that was working lovely!!
