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[RELEASED] UIToolkit Element Linker - easy access to your elements

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by da_assets, May 2, 2024.

  1. da_assets


    Jul 20, 2021

    The asset allows you to easily set up linking between your UI Toolkit elements and MonoBehaviour scripts, without the need to use the "Query" method.

    The asset supports 2 ways of element linking:

    1. Using GUID. In this case, you need to use a new set of visual elements inherited from the original UI Builder visual elements.
    These elements have a new field - GUID, which contains a unique auto-generated identifier that is used for element lookup.

    2. Using the element name and/or hierarchy index.
    You can specify just the name, or set a hierarchy of indexes and names, by which your element will be searched in the UI Builder layout.

    Once you have chosen the linking method that suits you, you can easily access your element using a special component.

    Asset Store link:
    GitHub link:
    Manual link: - Manual for developers.pdf
    Last edited: May 30, 2024