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Utilities Permanently 70%off. Storyteller 2023. Dialogue , Interaction, and more (Unity Awards Nominee)

Discussion in 'Tools In Progress' started by Ruchmair, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Storyteler 2019.1b


    Updated My Story window

    When you export with Storyteller Exporter you can choose to export directly to your unity project or an external folder.
    Exporting to an external folder i faster and will be free of useless Meta data

    Story overview export.

    New Storyboard Image settings.
    you now have the option of viewing and working with storyboard in large images or small images and to either make all your storyboard images scale to fit or scale to fill.

    Updated character settings

    Updated Environment settings

    Updated Scene Settings

    New and Updated Export settings
    Artomiano likes this.
  2. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    In summary.

    -export scenes, characters, overview, environment with varying options.
    -you can pick your export location.
    -exports with css, images and audio.
    -exported content is now portable.
    -"Tone" for Action and Dialogue is now "Tag"
    - new optimization system increases storyteller speed.
    -new memory management system reduces greatly the amount of memory storyteller uses.
    -storyboard images are now handles in a different way internally.
    -environments now support images.
    -scenes now support images.
    -new large and small toggle option for storyboard images.
    - option for scale to fill or scale to fit for storyboard images.
    -improved text areas inside the "My Story" window
    - optimized Properties window with the downside of no undo redo for time and name change in properties tab.
    - improved screenshot system to match the new storyboard image settings.
    - finalized internals for Game bridge
    - several bug fixes
    - and many more updates

    Runs on
    Unity 2017
    Unity 2018

    Unity 5 - Dropped. the new systems have outgrown the old system.

    in order to give you these fixes and updates. work on the game bridge had to be halted. today makes about 2 weeks since the halt.

    Game bridge development will resume after Storyteller 2019.1b upload.


    when updating, exit storyteller and select all your template and all your scenes and click e the update button on each that you see in the inspector.

    This update has already been sent to unity, so hopefully it is on the store soon.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
  3. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    New version is now on the AssetStore.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
  4. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Picking up from where I left off working on Game Bridge.

    I can now tap into any function and use it to trigger an event.
    there will be build in event such as route switching , sound effect and voice playback , begin time loops ..

    From Right to Left, you are looking at the Dialoguer , Dialogue Data, DialogeNodeData, Condition and event. The displayed content in the inspector to the FAR RIGHT is that of a single dialogue node selected in the storyteller canvas.

    I can simply select any node in the canvas and give it a specific setting for runtime.

    The data displayed in the inspector in the MIDDLE RIGHT is that is the Dialogue Data Scriptable Object which we can use in a different scene. it holds the entire storyteller canvas data (the parts required for game use).

    The list you see named Active Character Dialogue Set is generated at runtime and whenever you play through your story and change routs . In the dialogue editor in the inspector to the far right the is a property named Active Index. as you increase this value you move through the story.

    To the MIDDLE LEFT you are looking at a single Piece of NodeData representing the .

    To the FAR LEFT you see the Condition system which determines what events will be triggered and under what condition.

    Lets talk TIME TRAVEL.

    As you know , Storyteller has an interesting node named the Link Node . This node was originally designed to keep projects clean by providing an invisible link across two points on the canvas... not very impressive.

    But then it evolved to support movement through time in your story inside storyteller when doing playthrough with the media node and you can see the time jumps in the timeline.

    I say movement through time because your story literally will jump backward for forward to any point in time of your story.

    This is possible firstly because of a property of storyteller which is very different form traditional systems of story creation. With storyteller you actually can control your character interactions on a timeline. very different from linear text based writing...

    The link node exploits this and allows you to set points throughout your story where your character can jump to.This not only allows for a cleaner canvas by for more complex stories to be written.

    Now, you make have 2 , 4 ,10 scenes and 2 , 4, 10 character in scenes , if you move your main character through time , your other characters must also move through time. In storytellers canvas this is mostly a nonissue since you are doing mostly sampling and writing and you can see the result of the time loop in the timeline and BETA Story Sample Editor.

    Imagine that in your story you have several branching events and your character moves 7 events back in time. the events of the future that you already entered will not need to be reset as you can just pretend as if you are entering those events for the first time in the next go around where you will change the branches of the story.

    This is what the result will be like for the time loops in Dialoguer use, this may or may not be included in the first release depending on how things go. But things are looking good.

    I how that you all enjoy the latest Storyteller too :)

    Thank you.
    C_p_H and Artomiano like this.
  5. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Thee is a ALPHA of Game Bridge on github however it is closed to just a few storyteller users for code analysis and texting to see if the foundation is something they are comfortable with.

    Current ALPHA of Game Bridge is running Dialoguer. an extension which takes your storyteller content (dating sim for example) and will at runtime, generate the chain of events for the current route your player will take, each time you change the route, a new chain is generated. this is also how tell tale type game would work.

    all that works well in alpha however its required a custom UI system and a system i call a Condition system to allow for users to say, under what CONDITION an even happens, under what CONDITION do me switch routs. do we switch routes when the sun sets, when a character find an item, when you press a button. That will take a bit of time.

    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
  6. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    I should probably do a Separate Game Bridge thread to help prevent the misunderstanding that Game Bride is part of Storyteller , hmmm
  7. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Dating sim story playthrough using Game Bridge, Dialoguer ALPHA 2019.1.(Released to just a few users for now)

    What you see in this video is just a playthrough of the Dating Sim Template that you get in storyteller.

    These are by far the most complex assets I've worked on and so far. Its much easier to work on a dialogue system for a single game then for every game you can throw at it. It has to be dynamic and flexible enough to work well with two characters and any rational amount you want in it (in one scene)
  8. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    C_p_H likes this.
  9. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    For Game Bridge Dialoguer .

    The condition system is now running. i can use any gameplay scenario to directly influence our story.

    for example. if our characters health is over 70 then x vendor will sell us potions.

    or if character has a beard then he can ask the bartender for beer.

    also story influences gameplay through routs and link node which we can use to move our character through time.

    the condition system is the most exciting component as it removes all limitations on what can influence our stories.

    this is all relating to dialoguer.

    link nodes have not been fully integrated yet.
  10. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    a quick look at the new Condition system which is used to allow us to influence story-flow and have story influence gameplay.

    Again. Game Bridge is released for Storyteller users who want to test out the current Game Bridge. contact us if you are interested in trying Game Bridge Dialoguer.

    One day later

    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    Flurgle likes this.
  11. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    GameBridge Alpha with Dame Bridge Dialoguer BETA is now on github in a public repo here REQUIRED Storyteller 2019.1c (not yet released)


    - Launch Storyteller
    - Open the Templates editor and import the new Dating Sim Template.
    - open the example scene
    -Delete the "Dating Sim Dialoguer" from the scene
    - Create a emprt gameobject
    - Launch Game Bridge.
    - Click Dialoguer
    - Select the current storyteller scene
    - click the little arrow in the upper left of the game bridge window
    - select the "Endou" character node in storyteller and make sure the new "Dating Sim Dialoguer" gameobject i selected.
    - look in the inspector for "Turn On Player" button and click it.

    There are still a lot of updates to be made to the free extension.

    Game Bridge will not be on the AssetStore until It is completely documented and our Scripting API is online and Game Bridge Trigger Managers future is clarified as it may not be necessary anymore.:)
  12. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Storyteller 2019.2 is coming

    Updates :

    Tooltips: Now you will more easily know what every single button is for

    Auto story caching: This improves the ability of storyteller to backup your story project in case you accidentally close unity.

    Auto story caching Time Control: this allows you to set how often you wish for storyteller to cache your project in case you accidentally close Unity.

    Custom Zoom Settings: allows you to set how far out you wish to zoom in any story project.

    illegal connection warning : A red tag UI will indicate where in your story yo have made improper connections using the new "Cleanup" edittor.

    Unused nodes check: you are now able to check for Unused nodes in your scene using the new "Cleanup" edittor.

    Continue To End Nodes: improvement to the Continue to function for end nodes. This allows you to use a media node to play through a characters entire lifetime in a story. this takes you across every single scene you wish to play through.

    -Very important bug fix which all users will need.

    Brand new functions once implemented partially and can work to some degree are put in BETA , this does not imply that storyteller in incomplete. These are new additions
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
    BIC_uni and CrandellWS like this.
  13. Rujash


    Jan 3, 2014
    Hi, I bought this asset but my biggest fear in using it until it's finalized with a game bridge is that a new version will make my story work totally unusable, having to re-do it. Is this an issue, or will all story work done now going to be compatible with future version, even major overhauls?
  14. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    your stories should not be affected. i make updates with my own stories as test subjects first to make sure data is not lost.

    There shouldn't be any more major storyteller overhauls to worry about for now either.

    Game Bridge updates will not affect your stories either since game bridge is not designed to manipulate your story files.
    BIC_uni and Rujash like this.
  15. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015

    Storyteller Scripting API Documentation will be available on our storyteller website once it is completed.

    Initially there was to be no scripting API because game bridge was to come with all the components you need in order to use your story in game but this approach became impractical because it assumes that we already know how you want to use your story data.

    Instead you are given full source code access to game bridge so that you can see how we access story data and use it in game, and will be given access to a Storyteller Scripting API which will further show you how you can access the necessary data in storyteller.

    The two core components for game bridge right now will be the Dialoguer and Character components which are similar.
    except Dialoguer processes story data with a predetermined path and the Character component does not and is currently being tested in a Scenario with three vendor NPC's and one player.

    Since the latest Storyteller release, Link Node and End Node data are what remains to be added to the Dialoguer.
    BIC_uni likes this.
  16. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    @Rujash Our Scripting API isn't online yet but the code in game bridge shows how to access story data and use it in your game. Without the Scripting API documentation it may be a bit tricky so if you need any help setting things up let me know.
    BIC_uni and Rujash like this.
  17. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    After May 15 , Storytellers price will be set to its correct price. we have been unable to alter the price since march. The price is still at its introductory price.
    BIC_uni likes this.
  18. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Here is a look one example scene that is being worked on with Game Bridge. the NPC walkup scene.
    We use the Character component to link our storyteller dialogue data to our individual characters and they will interact under the conditions that you decide on.

    The Character Component will be released in Game Bridge in the official Assetstore asset release.

    How you will need to setup your scene.

    1) select your character and NPC and one by one add a Chacter Component to it by clicking the Character button in game bridge.

    2) If you don't have a DialogueData Asset created then. go to Assets > Create > Game Bridge> DialogueData.

    3) Assign the dialogue data to the dialogue data slot on the character you added the Character component to.And under the dialogue data slot you will see a dropdown list, from that list, select the character whose data you want. an then click Setup/ Re-Setup Character.

    In our example scene we used UI to display our characters dialogue , however this is optional. We will show how you can work without a UI.

    What Has changed.

    For Dialoguer , the setup process is now exactly the same as the as the setup process for the Character Component , however there is no dropdown list of characters to select from.

    In the images above , we have three NPCs and one character in our scene. depending on which NPC the player walks up to , the predetermined conversation will be triggered. the powerful condition system comes into play. for example . If our player is has experience points of under 100 then you can set a condition that lets the NPC decline the Players request for all magic potions.

    A lot more coding will be down to make the out of the box game bridge tools as functional as possible.

    the Scripting API documentation for Storyteller itself will be on when it is ready.
    C_p_H and BIC_uni like this.
  19. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Okay Storyteller users .

    Here is a very cool video showing dynamic storytelling in action.
    Literally all i did was create 5 characters in a storyteller scene, then add some dialogue,routs, actions , the usual.
    Pushed the data to Game Bridge Character component (which i can update at any time with a single button click) then made the proper value assignments in the inspector etc.

    And here is the result.

    5 characters 1 is the player
    4 are typical NPCs and 1 is a Rogue NPC

    the Rogue NPC can literally jump into any conversation you hare having any any point during conversation, it doesn't have to be planned. The system will include the NPC interruption without breaking your conversation with the original NPC.

    Download it here

    Once you have storyteller in your project, this will work for you.

    As you can see, there is still a whole lot of work to be done.
    Last edited: May 5, 2019
    C_p_H likes this.
  20. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    oh, also. the npc walkup template is in the new storyteller package. put the template in a scene and follow the steps.
  21. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    In the description on the AssetStore, information on the scripting API was prematurely added. the scripting API documentation is still being worked on.
  22. PanthenEye


    Oct 14, 2013
    I see the Game Bridge hasn't received updates in a couple of months and is still in 2019.1 beta. Any plans to get it stable soon? I'm testing Articy:draft but it seems to introduce a lot of hassle in how data is being handled back in Unity. A native tool with similar scope would be preferable.

    My worry about Storyteller is the current stage of the Game Bridge which is not stable yet so committing to it seems risky.
  23. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    oops My mistake.

    [QUOTE="Garainis, post: 4791749, member: 432486"
    My worry about Storyteller is the current stage of the Game Bridge which is not stable yet so committing to it seems risky.[/QUOTE]

    Most progress updates have been put out in Discord to users.

    Here are some of the update posts. In order

    Storyteller and the Game Bridge extension are getting big updates right now. This is why there have not been many minor update releases.
    News will start to come out later on.
    A fully detailed example NPC scene is being designed to show a bug free and fully functional Dynamic NPC interactions
    also A scene to showcase a Visual Novel style game.

    There will be many more fully textured characters and animated where necessary. There will a short story behind the game scene.
    Game Bridge Character Component bugs were fixed yesterday and this example scene environment development was started today.
    The aim is one full example game scene showing how each story in storyteller is brought to life in game.

    when It's all done, pushing and updating story data for gameplay will take a few less button presses

    New Find & Replace tool. if you mention the name of a place , thing or character my name throughout your story and you wish to change that mentioned word or name , you can use the Find & Replace window to do so. This can be very hand;y after you rename a character who has already been mentioned throughout your story.

    You will not find these updates on github, since one major release is planned for the Assetstore.
    Game Bridge was submitted to unity but we had some things to fix so it was not put on the store and we decided to just complete all the updates and then put it on the store and I had been sharing the progress on Discord with Storyteller users :)
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2019
    C_p_H likes this.
  24. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Even the Update you see above are now old. I have been testing the new storytelling workflow for creating dialogue for NPCs and a player and it is darn near godlike and bringing it all to life in game take only a few button clicks.

    A videos of the workflow and all will be uploaded as soon as possible now that we have a new machine.
  25. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    A more detailed look at how you will be using game bridge to create dynamic systems without coding.

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2019
    C_p_H likes this.
  26. PanthenEye


    Oct 14, 2013
    Will game bridge be a separate purchase?
  27. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Game bridge and all its source code will be FREE. it is a free extension for storyteller.
    All out extension Assets are free. We wouldn't ask customers to pay twice because that's not cool :)

    The high quality environment assets will come with the storyteller package and the code will be in the Game Bridge Asset.
    C_p_H and wetcircuit like this.
  28. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015

    Quick Update.

    Voiceover and sound effects can be played back nicely and there is a new setting which you will be able to use to determine if a node will play an audioclip even if it has an audioclip.
    The override toggle can let you turn off potential playback for any node with an audio clip .
    This is necessary because the general settings tells all nodes with an audio clip or voice recording that it is to be played.

    On the Right, you can see the new UseTime setting.

    when use time is turned on you can toggle between using the delay or duration of your node as the time before your conditions events are triggered.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2019
  29. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015

    Final BETA of Game Bridge Character and Dialogue are complete and will be submitted to Unity within hours.

    We have no character art for the dating sim scene yet.
    The workflow feels AMAZING . being in control of how the entire story flows and being able to literally see every part of it make the story creation so much better.

    Here is a canvas screen that Storyteller generated for me.
    You can see how short and simple this dating sim example is.

    and now the NPC walkup cene were we looked at creating a dialogue for a RPG style game with NPCs

    Once again , Storyteller generated our canvas screenshot and as you can see this is our ENTIRE dialogue/ story for our NPC Walkup scene. absolutely no coding needed to get this setup and used in game as is shown in the video above.
    C_p_H likes this.
  30. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
  31. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    New game bridge update allows for disabling selected conditions. Making workflows more flexible.
    So now you can test different functions without having to delete any.

    An Updated version of game bridge and Storyteller were released yesterday. ans There are already several upgrade ready. I always feel sorry for sending many upgrades to Unity a month so I will try for just 1 Update a week.


    Storyteller true file size is : >1MB
    Game Bridge true file size : >1MB
    Game Bridge Example Assets size: <80 MB

    You will be Getting a LOT more example assets for example scenes so you can expect that file size to go well over 200 MB. Basically i am giving you most, if not all of my assets in the Storyteller project as example scene material for game bridge.
    C_p_H likes this.
  32. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015

    Next Storyteller and Game Bridge Release will most likely be in two days.

    And the improved workflow is ABSOLUTELY MARVELOUS , i cant express how awesome it feels to be able to create game content using the workflow in Storyteller and Game Bridge.

    Forget games for a moment , you can create content ranging from
    -voiced dialogue,
    -entire Storyboards,
    -Linear Stories,
    -Non Linear Stories,
    -Entire Character Profiles.
    -Unlimited character evolution stats.
    -Unlimited Character Voice samples PER CHARACTER EVOLUTION STATE.
    -Unlimited scenes per story.
    -Template generation for scene sharing.
    -Entire shareable stories for other Storyteller users.
    -Entire Project overview
    -Optional Environment and scene profiles
    -Stories created with voice recordings alone
    -All exportable as HTML which you can easily view in browser across devices... and of course playback and view any storyboard images, all with whatever additional data you exported them with.
    -Automatic high quality canvas screenshot generation for sharing.

    And this isn't even anywhere near half of what it can do.

    With the new storyteller and game bridge workflow updates , working on your dialogue in game is fantastic, whichever nodes you select in your storyteller canvas, you will see data for it in the inspector and at the same time, game bridge makes sure that if you choose to move on to work on setting up another nodes data for you game ,, you can always go back to your previous node simply by selecting the character you were previously working on.

    Storyteller was released late last year , and shortly after release , was nominated for a Unity Award. And that was for the version right after the BETA. This current version is worlds apart from the old storyteller. This one is marvelous.

    Anyway . Here is a new video, However since uploading this video , Storyteller and Game Bridge have gotten new Updates so the workflow has changed but the Part where I talk about importing is still the same.

    It only gets better from here.
    C_p_H likes this.
  33. C_p_H


    Nov 24, 2014
    :D I'm a bit Speechless!

    This is incredibly marvelous in every way indeed and greatly appreciate all your astounding hard work on ST/GB.
    Ruchmair likes this.
  34. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    :D Lot more updates to come !
  35. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Quick Tip.

    When you reopen your story project , you should press Shift + R to re-chain your scene. this refreshes the scene storyflow. you can re-chain all scenes simultaneously from the context menu when.
  36. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Update. So instead of throng a bunch of assets at you all. I instead decided to used specific assets to construct a brand new scene just to show an example of use of Storyteller and Game Bridge in a real game.

    Here are some early screenshots of ONE of the rooms in the example scene which you will be getting. The pieces are Modular BTW.

    NPCs will be places throughout the building. NPC may give you tasks.

    You will get a full Storyteller Scene Asset an its Template Asset form to play around with.
    You get the template as security just in case you break the story project . you can generate it back into a blank storyteller scene and continue testing :)

    Also, I have noticed that it is taking quite a long time for Unity to put the new Storyteller and Game Bridge on the store. This happens. They are working hard :) It will be on the store as soon as they are done reviewing them.
    wetcircuit likes this.
  37. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    The latest Storyteller and Game Bridge Updates are on the AssetStore.
  38. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Update !

    There are nine rooms in this scene. This will be a full but small game example of how to setup the scene and build a fun little game. The tech is fantastic but I dont have enough people to work on all the necessary game components.

    If anyone wants to help setup new animations for the character that would help.

    If you are a Storyteller users I can Give you a copy of any of our Assets in return.

    If you are not yet a storyteller user but would like to help, then I can give you a copy of storyteller and you help setup the animations.

    Some Of the Areas.

    The method of setting up the character interactions and driving gameplay through story is the exact same method used in the NPC walk up scene which you all have access to right now. The only change is the new example scene which gives a more structured body to the scene.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
  39. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Download Game Bridge BETA 2019.1.3 here on the AssetStore

    Example story and scene are there for you to test as soon as you import.
    You must be using the latest version of storyteller :D
  40. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    One of multiple rooms in the example scene that you will get in the next update
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2019
  41. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
  42. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Game Bridge is complete and will be on the AssetStore for free download once all tutorials are complete.
    wetcircuit and C_p_H like this.
  43. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Same is true for Storyteller 2019.3.3. it will be on the Store once all tutorials are completed.
  44. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015

    A couple tutorials had to be deleted because each day Storyteller and Game bridge would get new major updates which would make the previously recorded tutorials irrelevant. each time a tutorial has to be deleted the game example has to be erased since i want to to build it live in the tutorial.

    Overview here is that instead of two sample scenes . you now get three .
    Detective Bot (basic setup for a mini mystery game)
    好きじゃないよ❕ (Basic setup for a visual novel)
    NPC Quest (basic setup for NPC interction)

    These are our free example assets for Game bridge which are included in Storyteller because the Game Bridge asset is free to download and these assets are exclusively you, Storyteller uses .So they are placed in the Storyteller Asset.

    Hopefully tomorrow, Friday 20 2019, i will have completed the Final tutorial, which may end up being over an hour long because the game will be put together live an lots will be unrehearsed you will see a honest use of storyteller and game bridge being used to create stuff.

    After The New Release

    This is which I will get more feedback from you on possible features and function you wish to see. This is the point where Game bridge will be further refined. During this time each response will be processed and understanding that you are actively using it in game , any update you request , i will try to add within a week.

    Thank you all for your support and i am very glad to have gotten so much feedback from you.
    C_p_H likes this.
  45. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    About half the tutorials are done with 1 hour and 27 minutes of video.
    Other portions of the tutorials will be done later on.
  46. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Second half of tutorials paused for a new game bridge update. The new update is being tested across scenes to make sure nothing is broken by the update changes. After that, the tutorials will be continued.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
  47. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Tutorial 5 preview. you will see how game bridge and storyteller are used to shape gameplay.

    These tutorial are not uploaded yet. once all tutorials are completed then they will be uploaded , followed by the sending of the new storyteller and game bridge to the AssetStore.
  48. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    Sorry for the delay, I am getting the room closed off so that I can do better recordings. With the extra time caused by the delay , I have further upgraded Storyteller and Game bridge. you are going to to LOVE IT!. :D The recent update streamlines the workflow and makes pushing story data into game even easier. Timeline has been updated too to allow for optional visualizing of chaining colors in the timeline.

    If you are working on a cutscene then you will be able to make use of the new Realtime Delay which is generated at runtime and can be used to trigger literally any kind of function in unity you need to trigger so you can integrate tour story in to a cutscene to , for example trigger an animation on your characters when a particular dialogue is being processed.

    This just scratches the surface of all the new functions and abilities you get with the new Storyteller and Completed Game Bridge.

    Once both are on the store and you start using them, if you find any bugs or strange behavior , please email me at I will look into it immediately :)

    Until I can continue the tutorials I will be stress testing and improving functions.
    C_p_H likes this.
  49. Rujash


    Jan 3, 2014
    If you keep this up, you might make a 'must have' asset! No wonder you got Unity Asset Award nomination.
    Ruchmair likes this.
  50. Ruchmair


    Sep 20, 2015
    :oops::D:D:D:D:D thank you very much.

    In the middle of recording the remaining tutorials right now