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[Released] Simple Data Tables ($3.00)

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by SamCarey, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. SamCarey


    Apr 19, 2016
    Simple Data Tables is an editor extension that allows game data to be easily stored in a structured table. No coding knowledge is required to create a new table or add/edit its contents.

    Data tables could be used for a multitude of different purposes, including, loot systems, quest information, inventory storage, option presets, unlockable skills etc.

    Data tables can store:
    - int
    - string
    - float
    - bool
    - Vector 2 (float and int)
    - Vector 3 (float and int)
    - GameObject
    - Color
    - MonoScript
    - Transform
    - Texture2D


    This pack contains 14 easy to implement functions which can be used to read, add and edit data tables.
    Method List.PNG

    Although no coding knowledge is required to create/add data to a table, some understanding of C# functions is required to retrieve data at runtime.

    Attached Files: