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Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by CreativeSpore, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Good work finding the solution ;)
  2. Peaceful-man


    May 19, 2014
    If you want to change (in game) the map you can rotate the player camera (not the data) of z = 90 or any number you want and should work :D.
    To find the player position press any arrow of the keyboard.


    Spore good work whit the Character Animation Editor and the upcoming fog system :D
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015
  3. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    The Fog System was released two days ago. You can work with it now :D
    Peaceful-man likes this.
  4. Peaceful-man


    May 19, 2014
    ahahahah :D
    Fantastic , I knew that I had let slip something important :D.
    I tested it now and it's amazing , work very well :D!

    P.S. There is a way to paint the fog in a specific area ?
    To create something like in this video:

    Anyway also the new chara is cool :D but also the old one was cool :D.

    About the project of the game : I'm currently creating the medieval area in the game , I'm finding a style to create the construction :D.

    I don't know if it's better this style:

    or this one :

    The first one is much more rigid and realistic , the second one is much more fancy and give me the opportunity to create different size of the room (is't less rigid) but can create confusion during the teleport transition.
    But probably I'll go for the second one, every room is a separate entity.

    When it's ready I'll show some progress on the game :D.
    Just using the second style + fog system :D (for now nothing to really show , just a video :D ) :

    Currently I was creating tiles , graphics and sounds but I already have many maps to create (sketch).
    It must be interesting to see how people will use your own product :D (asset) and also for who would buy it .

    Again thx spore for your work :D , this is a great asset.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015
    CreativeSpore likes this.
  5. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi Peaceful,
    Thanks for your post. You did a really nice work ;)
    You can paint the fog by your self by calling this method:
    Code (CSharp):
    2. byte[] values = new byte[]{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; // each byte is the alpha value for each part of the tile
    3. tileIdx = RPGMapHelper.GetTileIdxByPosition( transform.position );
    4. //or
    5. tileIdx = tileX + tileY * AutoTileMap.Instance.TileMapWidth;
    6. //and
    7. AutoTileMap.Instance.AddFogOfWarSetToQueue(tileIdx, byte[] values);
    About the style question, I prefer this one:
    Colors look better here and the ambient looks great.
    Also, the separated rooms looks better. You can create a camera script to limit the camera inside a region. I have one of a previous game you could use if you want it, so camera stays inside the room area.

    The example video look really great. Good job!
    My tip for player transitions between rooms is to make a fade in/out effect with player sprite to make an smooth transition.

    Thanks again for showing your work. You are right, it's really interesting see people using the asset and I would give me tips about what should be improved or explained better in the documentation.

    I am wishing to see more of your work :D

    Peaceful-man likes this.
  6. Unity_gavno


    Aug 5, 2015

    Attached Files:

  7. Peaceful-man


    May 19, 2014
    Thx for all your helps and tips : method, camera and transition :D.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2015
  8. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    You are welcome! ;)
  9. kaweeka


    Oct 19, 2012
    This looks great Creative Spore.

    I will be picking this up very soon.
  10. SiliconAvatar


    Mar 23, 2014
    Wow, nice work on the fog!
  11. Peaceful-man


    May 19, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  12. Jonathan-Westfall-8Bits


    Sep 17, 2013
    Hey Creative been a while since I posted here so I thought I would ask what your next idea might be for updates.

    PS Great job on the fog of war and will have a nice couple example maps that I will be posting on your forum so people can see how great your product is if that is ok with you.
  13. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi there,

    I don't know what will be the next update. I have some ideas but nothing definitive. Probably I will improve the current features.

    I will be very happy if you can post some of your work :)

    I really like when people show their work with the asset.

  14. sebako


    Jun 27, 2009
    Hey there,

    I just bought the Asset and played with it a bit. Now I am wondering how do I place a single Custom Sprite and attach a collider to it? If I add a 2D GameObject -> Sprite all I can select are Characters but no doors :(

  15. Luschie


    Apr 19, 2014
    Maybe transition between two maps or two rooms /inside/outside?
  16. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Sorry I don't know what do you mean about selecting doors
  17. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Yes, that would be a good option ;)
  18. sebako


    Jun 27, 2009
    No problem, let me explain a little better. I would like to have the door as a character so that I can put a trigger on it and react when the player hits the trigger. But when I draw the door onto the autotile I cannot put a Collider on it.

    How does that work?

    Thank you! Love the asset! It's been really great so far :)
  19. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Ok, you need to add a box collider in the door and in the player and check the isTrigger check box. Also add a rigidbody component to the player and unckeck the gravity force.
    sebako likes this.
  20. sebako


    Jun 27, 2009
    Alright got it, that works now. :) Thank you.
  21. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
  22. SiliconAvatar


    Mar 23, 2014
    When I try the demo I can't move my character. The mouse controls work (to put down tiles). Does this happen for anyone else?

    I was using Chrome.
  23. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Yes, it was happening to me as well :D
    It's fixed now.
  24. SiliconAvatar


    Mar 23, 2014
    Thanks it works now.


    I love that this tool continuously improves & that you're so friendly and responsive.
  25. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Thanks! I try to do my best :)
  26. SiliconAvatar


    Mar 23, 2014
    Do you have any plans for adding the capability to associate data with tiles?

    To give them properties, for example?

    A swamp tile might be poisonous and slow terrain, for example. When I walk on it maybe it plays a certain sound. All of that data could be stored per tile and called in code.

    It is basically just a public list of variables per tile.
  27. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Yes I was thinking about attaching a prefab to a tile. That could be an object playing a sound when player is over it or anything else.
    Maybe I will include that for the next update.
  28. Aeolun


    Feb 14, 2014
    This is great. I'm really happy with it.

    One thing that I'm kind of sad about is I built map transitions, but loading in the map seems to take a while, and the game freezes during that period, so I've taken to blacking out the screen while it happens, but this introduces a slight delay to black out and unfade again. Is there something I can do to pre-emptively load the new map so it can be replaced instantly?
  29. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    I will try to fix it by creating an asynchronous loading method. But right now there is no solution but using a loading screen or using small maps with less loading times.
  30. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Next update will include the Asynchronous map loading feature. I hope it will be available during the next week.

    There will be also a lot of new features based on some requests.
    Here is the list of all features coming in next version of RPG Map Editor v1.3.0:
    • Added Asynchronous loading support to AutoTileMap
    • Improved Pathfinding demo (now it's more clear how it works)
    • Added AllowDiagonals to MapPathfinding
    • Autotiles in the border of the map act like if neighbors outside the map have the same type
    • Maps can be moved and rotated ( use it under your responsibility. I recommend keeping it at reset position and rotation )
    • Added KeepInsideMapBounds to Camera2DController
    • Added SightDistance to FollowerAI
    • Added IsSightBlockedByBlockedTiles to FollowerAI
    • Added Raycast method in RPGMapHelper to throw a raycast line over the map to check for tile collision
    • Fixed exception creating the minimap when the tileset has too many tiles
    • Fixed Waterfall animation artifacts when the subtileset is no the first one
    • Fixed other minor bugs
  31. Jonathan-Westfall-8Bits


    Sep 17, 2013
    Hey Creative I was going through the scripts on the new update and I cannot find the AllowDiagonals. I was wondering if if you can point me in the right direction for it.
  32. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Yes, it is in MapPathFinding.cs line 210.

    Code (CSharp):
    1.         /// <summary>
    2.         /// Set if diagonal movement is allowed
    3.         /// </summary>
    4.         public bool AllowDiagonals = true;
  33. dayero


    Jan 27, 2014

    This looks like a pretty great to for top down games
    But I still have a few questions before buying:

    1. Is it possible or a planned feature to support an external tool to edit maps (VX Ace, Tiled)?
    2. Is support for additional animations that can be added to the base sprite sheet planned (run, attack etc.)?
    3. Are integrations with other assets planned? I'd be most interested in support for Dialogue System, Inventory Pro and Playmaker
    4. What exactly are the capabilities of the enemy controller? If it has any tasks like wander, patrol, seek etc. is it easy to use them in other assets like playmaker or behaviour designer? Does the tile map support marking areas or patrol points for NPCs?
  34. LarryWP


    Oct 31, 2014
    I'm also on the fence with buying this. I just bought RPG Maker MV and am disappointed, so I came back to Unity. When I saw this asset I became quite interested. I like the questions from dayero. I would like to add one more:

    Do characters move only by keyboard and NOT mouse?
  35. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi Dayero,

    About your questions:

    1. I don't think it will be possible right now. One of the things you can do with this editor is editing while playing, and for doing this, the tiles are grouped in chunks of 256 tiles, and there is also special tiles like animated or autotiles with more that one tile in the texture atlas. It makes difficult to support other external tools, at least a 100% support.

    2. Currently the animation system is supporting VX and XP spritesheets to make it simple. I have planned to make my own animation system, but in that case, if someone want's to create a more complex character with different animations and frames, it would be better to use the animation controller instead. What I could do, if it looks useful is add support to other animations by adding more rows to the sprite sheet, like custom user animations. If you think that would be ok, I would probably add this feature in a future update.

    3. I don't have this planned. But if someone is working with any of this system and found a problem I will try to help as much as possible to fix the problem and give more support to that asset.

    4. The current enemy AI allow you to:
    • Follow a target withing a sigh distance
    • Allow blocking the sight ray with map blocked areas
    • Uses a path finding system to find a path to the target
    • Also has a steering behavior to make the movement more realistic
    About patrol, it will be relative easy to achieve. Instead the player, the target could be the next point and once reached, go to the next one.
    You could have a different waypoints with name: (waypoint0, waypoint1, waypoint2)
    To move through all of them, just change the target:
    Target = Find("waypoint" + i ), where i is the current waypoint index.
    Once the waypoint is reached, just increase i like i = (i+1)%3, where 3 is the number of waypoints.
    This will loop "i" through the values 0, 1, 2.
  36. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    There is two player prefabs.
    One is moved by keyboard or game controller
    The other one is move by clicking with the mouse over tile destination or by touching the screen if you are using a smart device.
  37. dayero


    Jan 27, 2014

    Thanks, that helps a lot.

    You are right, import tilemaps is pretty much impossible/useless at least from tiled.
    Extra rows in the animation sheet would be great. They don't need any extra functionality, a just way to add more 4x3 sheets. Even better if you can directly switch between sheets / sets of rows. That way, switch to running / sneaking / attacking would be just a single function call.

    Regarding integrations it would be nice if there is some code documentation on the website. Creating Playmaker actions is not that hard, but without documention sifting through the code is tedious.
  38. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi there,

    I was thinking about adding rows at the bottom of the same sprite sheet. Anyway the CharAnimationController was created to give support to RPG Maker character sets, so it should keep compatibility with them. Adding more animations at the bottom should be ok, but if it gives any kind of problem I will avoid that.

    For using more complex animations, using the animation controller should be a good option.
    A trick to achieve what you want would be change the sprite sheet of the CharAnimationController for another one where instead 4 walking animation you have 4 attacking animations, for example.
    You only have to change the SpriteCharSet and call CreateSpriteFrames.

    About the code documentation. It is included in the package "RPGMapEditor\Assets\CreativeSpore\RpgMapEditor\Documentation\FULLHTMLCodeDocumentation.rar"

    Most people told me the code is well commented and clean and they had no problems to work with it, but I don't mind to create a post with a guide of how to do something if it is needed. Sometimes I prefer to add a new functionality or improve the asset to allow doing something easier than try to explain how to do that. Some people prefer that.

    For example, for playmaker, it would be useful to have a way to make a character to move up, down, left or right.
    I could create a script with a method to move a character in each direction. If this is the case, I can do that really fast and include it in a future update (usually giving it in advance to who requested it), so everybody have it ready to use instead of having to explain how to do that.
  39. dayero


    Jan 27, 2014

    In the meantime I bought this pesky piece of software. Just so I can stop thinking about whether it's any good of course ;)

    First impression: I previously worked with 2d toolkit tilemaps and RPG Maker tilesets and your plugin is about ten times better for that. It is very comfortable and you get results much quicker.

    However now that I had a first look, I have a few new questions:

    First, what exactly is the collision type "fence". The manual only states it's special, but thats it.

    Also, have you any advice on lighting and tints? Extra layers with transparent tiles kinda work, point lights too if you change the material to sprite/diffuse. Both are a bit cumbersome to use however. Do you have any tricks for easy lighting? Or are you planning something to support it directly, like the color channel in 2d toolkit?

    And lastly, how do get the map to work at 1 tile per unity unit? I imported all the tilesets at 32 ppu, but when they get imported into the tileset they are changed to advanced textures and the ppu seem to get lost. I have the camera at 32 ppu too and I can't find any relevant setting on the tilemap itself. From the size of the tilemap it looks like it's using the default 100 ppu right now.

    I haven't really browsed the documentation yet, but that was pretty much what i was looking for. Most plugins have that on the web publicly, so I just assumed it didn't exist. I have no immediate need for playmaker actions, but the first ones that come to mind are more tilemap related, like get tile to check for ground types and associate effects with it, like fire or poison damage, or to assign different footstep sounds to different ground tiles. Shoudn't be too hard, but if I get around to implementing those actions and run into trouble, I will pester you again.
  40. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Thanks for buying ;) I'm glad you like it.

    About your questions:
    A fence collision is used for fence autotiles, because they are thin in vertical but larger in horizontal. There is picture below the description to show it as an example.

    About lighting, you can use lights and make cool effects, but it doesn't work very well if you use the overlay layer for example, for drawing the top of a tree over the characters, because top tiles will look different.
    You can use it if you draw the ground only and add the tall elements like trees, etc like a separate sprite.
    About painting the map vertex like toolkit 2D, the problem is, I decided to serialize the map data so you can save the map in an xml file and load it later. This allow modifying the map in game, for example, and sharing the map easily, but it means I would have to save the vertex color of each vertex in the map. As you can create really big maps, this would be a performance problem.

    What I was thinking was to create lights sources in the map. It's in the top10 of my TODO list and I will try to include it in a future update, but I cannot tell you when it will be.
    The fog of war already use vertex color to create the fog, so you can check how it works, ask me any questions, and try to make some cool effects using something to change the colors while playing, like a lantern.
  41. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    I forgot to tell you about the ppu.
    You can change it in the Tileset.cs file:
    public const float PixelToUnits = 100f;
  42. dayero


    Jan 27, 2014

    Some more feedback/feature requests:

    Setting up the tilesets is really quick and straightforward. A grid on the collision editor would be nice to save a little time and frustation on missclicks. Pick and rectangle fill with a certain collider would speed up some things massively, like putting overlay on large trees or normal collions on a huge selection of ground objects, like rocks/barrels etc. But thats both strictly bonus features. It still takes only around 10 minutes for a whole normal B-E sheet, which is what? 1000 Tiles? would have taken hours to get that right in 2d toolkit. So there is some potential but overall it's already very good.

    Mapping however is a bit frustrating at times. Rectangle fill especially is missed all the time. Erase and Undo is possible but actual buttons would be way faster. Especially since ctrl+shift+z is not really a one-hand thing on a qwertz keyboard layout.
    Also the painting on layers is sometimes either very unintuitive or maybe buggy. I sometimes had trouble overwriting tiles and sometimes I ended up painting on the "wrong" or let's say unexpected layer, like for example a table copy/pasted with a single middle tile on the ground overlay layer instead of the ground layer. Also overwriting the default unity behaviour of how you move the scene view around with dragging right click is a bit annoying. 2d toolkit only does that when you are inside the map. Of course you can do it without the mouse so this is also only a minor thing.
    I realize that with autotiles some actions are not as trivial as with completely independent tiles. A bit polish however would really help a lot. Painting tilemaps is kind of the center piece of your plugin and it's not really quick and fun right now.

    On a side note, i took a quick look at CharAnimationController.cs. I don't fully get the code but it looks like the number of frames per animation is a unnecessary magic number. Isn't it possible to just change that to a inspector variable and give the user the option to use a non-default spritesheet? A lot of RPG maker ressources (all PV Games packs) include 4x8 frame spritesheets. Maybe I am missing some problem but it looks like that would be simple.

    So, thats all I got for now.
    I hope I didn't write to much? Not quite sure if this is useful feedback to you or just extra demands on top of a already very long todo list.
  43. dayero


    Jan 27, 2014
    Another thing: characters that are more than a tile high disappear behind the overlay layer even when they are in front of the object (= lower Y value)
    That also means that you can never step near a horizontal wall from both sides. Horizontal walls have to always have colliders higher than the character, otherwise you will get a bad draw order.

    draw order.png
  44. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi Dayero,

    Thanks for your feedback:

    - About the collisions setting, you can click left and right to loop collision types in both directions, this make it faster to undo collision when missclicking. And drawing a grid or a fill rectangle feature here could be complicated for the improvements it would have.

    - Adding some drawing tools are already in mind for a future update. I agree with you I miss them when drawing maps as well, but I use to draw a couple of tiles, then use right click and drag to copy them and draw again with a bigger brush. Anyway I will try to include this for the next update.

    - The Undo/Redo can be done with Shift+Z / Shift+V, you can use Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + V in game, because in editor Ctrl + key is not working, but you don't need to press both Ctrl and Shift. Anyway, adding a tool button is easy, so count with it for next update.

    - The moving around behaviour is only overwritten when editing the map, and you can still dragging by using the middle button of the mouse.

    - About your problems while painting, you can disable the SmartBrush while painting ( unckeck the option in the inspector when Paint tab is selected and you are editing the map ) and you will paint only over the selected layer. If SmartBrush is enabled when you are painting, there is some automatic behaviour like drawing the tiles with alpha in the layer over the selected layer. For example you are paining grass, then select flower, they will be painted over the grass. But if you want to overwrite all tiles, copy a map tile instead (right click) and you will paint with that tile, useful if you want erase the previous flowers. But if you want to change the ground tiles, like painting a path over grass for example, selecting the path tile and painting over the grass will change the grass but not the flowers. I know it could be confuse at the beginning but it save a lot of time while painting. This is explained in the manual.

    - The CharAnimationController is prepared to be easily modified and include animations with more frames. But I used the magic number to create the Animation Editor and give support to RPG Maker Sprite Sheets XP and VX. They are different, because XP use the first frame as idle and the VX use all frames for movement. If I expose the number of animation frames, it would have to change the editor to manually specify the frames of each animation. Sprite sheets have different resolution as well, and I can split the frames because I know the number of rows and columns for each type, but user would have to configure more parameters if I allow animations with different number of frames. When you need more control about this, probably you will end using the Unity animation because is more powerful.

    - The problem or tall characters and overlapping with overlay tiles is something you need to have into account. The only way to fix this is placing the table in a single sprite, place it like a deco in the map and attach the IsoSpriteController script to sort it properly.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  45. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    I have just submitted the next version of RPG Map Editor 1.0.4 with next features:
    • Scene size reduction when saving maps
    • Improved the map editing to allow bigger maps
    • Improved loading and saving map times
    I hope it will be available soon along this week.

    This version has huge performance improvements for editing big maps, and loading times have been reduced, also the size of the scene. But I am still working in more optimizations to allow creating bigger maps.
    Theoretically there is no limit now in map size, but in how many tiles are painted in the map.
    The map is created with chunks of 62x62 tiles ( this is the maximum size, but could be set to a less dimensions ).
    When you are drawing tiles, the chunks are created if required, saving resources and allowing bigger maps with no big impact in the performance.
    New optimizations and improvements will come ;)
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
    Luschie likes this.
  46. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    New version of RPG Map Editor v1.0.4 now available!
    Luschie likes this.
  47. dayero


    Jan 27, 2014
    I just wanted to make my first test build in a while and rpg editor is throwing an error:

    i tried #if UNITY_EDITOR but that causes other errors.

    edit: if i delete that script i get no errors but unity crashes on the compiling resources folder step. if i exclude the only scene with rpg editor content, it runs just fine.
    the scene uses a bigger atlas (3072x3072, more tilesets than letters that can be assigned), but other than that its nothing special. supersmall map, 32 pixel tilesize, no changes to any of your code.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
  48. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Sorry, I forgot to add the #if UNITY_EDITOR to that script.
    Here is a fixed version of the script:
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
  49. dayero


    Jan 27, 2014
    ok, i deleted the library folder. However it didn't exactly help. The error is still there, however the build process does not crash anymore after i delete it.

    also, the tilemap now turned into a mini-version of itself. Roughly 1/3 of the original size, so i assume it has something to do with changing ppu from 100 to 32. Also the following error ad infinitum, but that may be related to the "minimap":

    Fun fact: When i run it outside the editor after building, the autotilemap is not there at all. I will now try to replicate this on a test project with less other plugins and a smaller atlas

    oh forgot: unity version 5.2.1f1 personal, target windows x86
  50. CreativeSpore


    Nov 6, 2014
    Check my answer again, I found a problem later and edited it :)