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[RELEASED] HierarchyGO - Supercharge your Hierarchy window

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Abimantrana, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. Abimantrana


    May 26, 2017
    Is a tweak for Hierarchy window, it makes your Hierarchy window more useful by implementing modules that can accelerate your workflow, for example the ComponentLister module which list all the components attached to the GameObject which you can toggle on/off the components right from the Hierarchy, no more selecting that object to toggle its components or perhaps make your Hierarchy easy to navigate by color code it, especially when navigating into those bloating GameObject full of stuff.

    It has been released! Get it here!

    Features: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • Alternating Shade - Shade row alternatively
    • Depth Shade - Color the row according to how deep it nested to the GameObject
    • Separator Line
    • Tree Line
    • Sibling Group Box - Draw rectangle lines in between GameObject's childs so that it is easy to see which childs belong to which
    • Quick Selection - Drag RMB over the names to quick selection multiple GameObjects
    • Modules - Customizable kind of helper in form of button or other kind of informative stuff

    Modules: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • Visibility Button - Toggle GameObject visibility (hold and drag to toggle multiple GameObjects quickly)
    • Tag Selection - Quick way to assign single/multiple GameObject's tag
    • Layer Selection - Quick way to assign single/multiple GameObject's layer
    • Child Counter - Count how many GameObject childs inside GameObject
    • Lock Button - Lock a GameObject to avoid mis-edit its component properties or block the Object from being selected at all
    • Component Lister - List all the attached components to the GameObject which you can toggle on/off (future updates will able more than just toggling)

    Settings: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    It comes with easy to customize and informative settings!

    Notes: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    This Add-on is far from perfection and I am thinking of frequent updates and adding other modules, any suggestion or report please email me at

    Get it here!