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50% OFF Game Kit Controller: Engine with melee, weapons, vehicles, crafting & more! 3.75

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by sr388, Sep 1, 2015.


What features/systems do you prefer to arrive sooner for next updates on GKC?

  1. AI behaviors options, able to drive vehicles and fire turret weapons

  2. Armor/cloth system: stats, damage resistances, etc… & character aspect customization (fallout)

  3. Cover System and Climb system based on Breath of the wild and Assassins Creed

  4. Online multiplayer (using mirror as first solution and include others later)

  5. VR integration including 1st/3rd person and locked views

  6. Full body awareness (FBA) to see player’s legs, body and arms in first person

  7. More types of controls, similar to Diablo, MOBA & RTS and similar genres

  8. More tools/creator wizards on the asset workflow (tell about them)

  9. Integrations with other assets (tell about them)

  10. More RPG/Scifi elements/mechanics (tell about them)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. tgamorris76


    Apr 24, 2013
    Can there be actual 3d Mesh for the Thrusters/impulse nozzle?

    Like the jet pack the nozzles pop up when you use it. On the sides of the car or mounted just below the turret/mounted weapon
    neodotca, sr388 and Mark_01 like this.
  2. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Of course, a list of transforms for the thrusters could be added and configured and would rotate according to the input, applying force in every one of these thrusters down direction, so the more the vehicle has, the faster the vehicle moves. I will make that option in vehicle hud manager, so it can be configured in any vehicle, instead of adding to a vehicle controller script. This will be added for update 2.4e ;)

    Btw, yesterday, I made the video for the the two new movements abilities of the player, but my internet connection stills unstable, so I wasn't able to upload it. I will try to upload it again, so I can make the possession/override video.

  3. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Here the video showing the new movements abilities for the player: aerial dash and teleport.

    The dash in the air allows to impulse the player in the direction he is facing in third person and in the camera direction in first person. It has options to configure the force of the dash, the cold down amount, if the gravity force of the player is paused when the dash is made and the amount of time until the gravity force is unpaused again. There is also an option to set the amount of dash that the player can make until he touches the ground again and another to configure if the player can teleport to a certain distance in the air if not surface is found or cancel the teleport on this case.

    About the teleport, it allows to the player to move from the current position to another one found using a raycast at a certain distance (similar to the blink from dishonord 1 and 2). This ability is used by holding the run button while the player is not moving, aiming the camera to any surface (if not surface is found, the position to teleport will be forward in the air) and release the button to move the player toward the position found. It has options to slow down the time while the player selects a surface, if the player’s force gravity down is paused or now on this mode and configure a mark object to show better the position to move.

    Here some gifs:



    Here the video:

    Zebbi, neodotca, joshua_42 and 5 others like this.
  4. AlexanderElert


    May 31, 2017
    Podrías agregar la opción de subir/bajar escaleras,saltar/trepar alturas similar a Dino Crisis 2 para la versión 2.4d?
    Similar que en @1:10:55 @
    Estoy esperando mucho esa función básica!
    neodotca likes this.
  5. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hola @AlexanderElert.

    Si, estas features serán añadidas en un future update del asset, aunque no para la versión 2.4d. Este se debe a que necesito animaciones para añadir estos sistemas, ya que por ejemplo para las escaleras hacen falta al menos 3 animaciones, una para agarrarse desde abajo, una para moverse hacia arriba o hacia abajo y otra para terminar de subir las escaleras. El motivo por el que acciones de ese tipo aun no se han agregado es debido a que no tengo experiencia haciendo animaciones humanoides y me llevaría mucho tiempo aprender a hacerlas con un nivel mínimo de calidad.

    Hay una persona que se esta encargando de las animaciones, pero antes de estas, otras mas básicas se van a añadir antes, y a su vez, las capas del animator del player se va a rehacer con estas nuevas animaciones, para que sea mucho mejor que la versión actual. Estas nuevas animaciones deberían estar listas entre el update 2.4e y el 2.4f.

    neodotca and Mark_01 like this.
  6. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    Google translate is getting better :eek:

  7. AlexanderElert


    May 31, 2017
    You can use the animations of Mixamo to solve the problem of the animations..? (not selling the animations but referring to them perhaps.)
    neodotca, sr388 and Mark_01 like this.
  8. AlexanderElert


    May 31, 2017
    I post on this thread (currently waiting for oficial response from the admin)
  9. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Thanks for the translation @neoshaman. I thought about include them too, but I was almost sleeping at the time of that message haha.

    Yeah, I know about mixamo animations, and some users already told me about this and they can be useful to work on the systems needed. But now that a person is taking care of the concrete animations necessary to improve the movement of the player, I am focusing in working on other stuff in the mean while, to avoid more delays with the new version 2.4d.

    But a part of the next update after the current 2.4d will be focused in add the new animations and new systems related to it, so the ladders will be added as well, for both third and first person (an objective of this asset is that every feature added to the player can be used in third and first person perfectly). The climb will take a little more of time, but it will be added as well.

    For that update elements of the locked camera will be improved and new options will be added, like automatically aim to closest target, options to aim up and down without moving the camera and more (similar to resident evil games, if I remember correctly, you are working on a similar game, right?).

    Last edited: Jul 30, 2018
  10. AlexanderElert


    May 31, 2017
    Yes!, and the aim feature is very appreciated too. Thanks so much!
    sr388 likes this.
  11. joeyether40


    Jan 26, 2018
    Does anyone know how to change the camera position of the first person when walking. The character I added is a bit taller than the standard asset and when in first person the camera is inside his head. I was looking for a way to adjust it forward but do not see anything. Also my character gets stretched out after death in ragdoll. all the bones seem to be in right place but I am not sure. I am new to this. Any help would be great. I love the asset and the possibilities it has . I just need to learn it
    sr388 likes this.
  12. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi @joeyether40.

    Thanks for your comment, happy to know you like the asset.

    To configure the height, configure the offset of the camera state, in this case, in the state First Person of the list, in the inspector Player Camera in the gameObject with the same name. The offset to configure is the pivot, so instead of 2, set that value higher, according to the height you need.


    About the ragdoll, check the joints and colliders created when your player was made, to make sure the positions and size of the colliders are correct, like you said, if your model is higher than usual, maybe the joints and collide of the ragdoll needs some adjustments. If you can't configure them properly, we can see that in a teamviewer session, to check quickly the issue.

    danreid70 likes this.
  13. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Btw, I forgot to say something.

    I have added a new option for projectiles to damage the characters/vehicle/objects where impact over time, with option to configure the duration of the damage, amount, rate, and if the damage is applied until the death of that character/vehicle/object. This could be used similar to poison projectiles, fire, electricity, etc...This can be configured in the shooting stats of every weapon.

    I will add also options to configure properties for projectiles like paralyzing, sedative to make the targets to sleep (similar to metal gear 3), turn enemies into friends forever or for a time, etc.... This can be used in weapons for player and the rest of characters, vehicles and powers, anything that fires projectiles.

    There is another stat to be configured in the attachment menu for a weapon, to select the ammo type, like regular, explosive, implosive, piercing, homing, seeker, etc...., so all the properties of a projectile are able to be applied to any weapon shoot (this don't require new code, just configure new attachments elements in a weapon).

    Finally, an option is available on weapons to release and lock the mouse cursor, so in a similar way to the interface system on vehicles, where you press a button to lock and unlock it.

    Like this, you can press elements on a weapon, for example, an UI canvas in world position, similar to a touch screen on the weapon to trigger any function and activate different options and states on it (instead of canvas, actual 3d meshes could be placed as buttons on the weapon to activate these states).

    As example, I have added "apps" and some menus for the smartphone tool, in this case, camera (which contains a menu to enable/disable the possession/override system), music player (using the same radio component and UI than in vehicles) to play music on that device and gallery (with the same component used to manage the captures of the game) to see the captures made with the smartphone.

    I will post gifs and videos about this (and the possession system) in the next days. The update 2.4d goes pretty straight forward right now. Soon I will post the current changelog for this version.

  14. joeyether40


    Jan 26, 2018
    ty I adjusted the z axis forward a bit and that worked great. I feel so stupid for not finding it on my own but ty again
    sr388 and danreid70 like this.
  15. JMyerscough


    Jul 12, 2012
    The dash is awesome! Reminds me of Halo 5. Is it configurable to be able to use it while grounded as well?

    Also love all of the weapon customization coming! Makes it super easy to implement some RPG stuff I want.
    sr388 likes this.
  16. westryder907


    Dec 28, 2016
    How about a cover system so players can hide behind objects and keep out of enemy eyesight? I think that while cover systems slow things down that if it's going to be a Game Kit Controller that there should be this *simplistic* feature don't you?
    sr388 likes this.
  17. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Haha, don't worry, glad to help. Most of elements of options to configure can be found on the script with a related name and most inspectors used to be in the parent or first child of the prefabs and objects, rather than inside a long hierarchy child.

    But don't be afraid to ask any doubt about the asset, here, by MP or the email support (you can find it on the asset doc).

    Thanks, I like to add more dynamic movements and actions to the player. In a future update, I will give a try to parkour aswell. For now, the dash is made to be used on air, but I want the player to being able to use it on ground as well.

    But for the ground, rather than add force to the player's rigidbody (the current system which uses), it would be maybe a translating with a raycast or a moveposition to his rigidbody along with pause the function that make the player to "stick" to the ground when he is not on the air, so the dash movement is not awkward on the ground, but this is not difficult to make, though it will be added after update 2.4d, to avoid more delays.

    Yeah @westryder907, I couldn't be more agree with you. A cover system is something that has been on my list of things to achieve on the asset since I started to work on it. I want to start with it this year, and maybe have it ready befere its end. This is due to there are some elements in the todo list to finish and include first, for example split screen or improve the AI, to include a better behavior and different ones.

    neodotca and Mark_01 like this.
  18. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Ok, here the video for the interface system for weapons. I should had added an example of 3d meshes for physical buttons for some weapon, but I think the smartphone example is good enough for now. But these physical buttons will be added as well.

    Here a couple of gifs:


    And the video:

    Razmot likes this.
  19. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    Do you think it would be hard to had a targeting system on the camera like fatal frame on wiiu, or use a hook for a scoring system that evaluate how well you frame things? like in pokemon snap, beyond good and evil or dead rising 1?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2018
    sr388 likes this.
  20. Zebbi


    Jan 17, 2017
    Can't wait for character movement based motion on first and third person!
  21. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Of course, it should be easy. I don't remember right now how the system was in those games, but I suppose that have a cursor on the screen which it is more visible according to if you are centering the target on the screen, a "hot or cold system".

    That is already used in the system on the smartphone to reveal things in the level, making captures of them in a certain position and look angle to trigger an event (I think I made a video for the two cubes channel about this). That system uses a sound bip to show how close you are to it, so it would only need that the UI canvas on the smartphone shows the said icon according to the looking values, so the icon would follow the position of the target.

    Of course, maybe some addition could be added, according to the rules of the mechanic and maybe trigger the event with even no need to take a photo, just when the current value of the posiiton or looking direction are inside the necessary range.

    Do you mean to allow to use the player using the character controller component of unity? Are you the person who talked me about this (Steven)? It is hard to know who is who by the emails or the nick names on the forum haha.
    In that case, yes, this will be done in a future update ;)

    Zebbi likes this.
  22. tgamorris76


    Apr 24, 2013
    Hi sr388, working with vehicles. The car specifically, i want to make a jeep like car with 4WD but when i make the front wheels powered they dont turn. The car itself turns but the wheels along the Y axis(left and right) refuses to turn.
    Also any chance of including the cargo system with update 2.4d(might have asked this before not sure).
  23. Zebbi


    Jan 17, 2017
    Very exciting!
  24. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Yes, the system only adds torque to those wheels which don't turn, at least the current code works like that. I will add the modification to allow to wheels to turn and have torque, though I am not sure if the car will have a good control with it, but it can be tried.

    About the cargo, I am afraid not, due to I haven't made the helicopter controller script yet, so I have a big vehicle where make and test the cargo system. But for update 2.4e, it will be included.

  25. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Quick update progress.

    I have aded functions on the weapons to set more stats values, which can be configured throught the attachment system, this time, for the type of ammo to use: from regular (the current configured to that weapon), to poison (which triggers a function that apply damage to the target, character or vehicle, for a certain amount of time, with a rate and an amount of damage every time, with option to configure if the damage is applied until the target dies), antidote (to remove the poison state), explosive, extra force of push rigidbodies and trigger and the ragdoll of the characters, sedative for characters (it makes that target to sleep, with option to configure a delay until it starts to sleep, duration and if the target sleeps until receive damage or not).

    Like this, you can select the effect of the ammo used along with the default stats.

    And one of these weapon stat allows to make characters to sleep for a certain amount of time, with options to configure if they only awake when they receive damage, or even with a sleep duration, if they away on damage too. This system has a simple script to place the classical sleep Z letters moving from the head of the character until he awakes

    Finally, there are buttons in the custom inspector of the health component to add and remove damage recievers in all the colliders of the ragdoll, so these characters can still receiving damage even in the state of ragdoll active, with the same accurated system of damage detection, like shoot in the head, the torso, a leg, etc…

    Here some gifs of the sedative ammo, the poisonous and the antidote (these last two on vehicles):

    sedative ammo3.gif

    Here the character is awaken for a damage made with the melee weapon
    sedative ammo5.gif

    In the these two gifs, you can see the new option to add damage receivers to ragdolls, allowing to detect properly the damage in this state and the body part where it is being doing, like the hit on the head, configured as one hit kill.

    sedative ammo4.gif

    sedative ammo6.gif

    sedative ammo7.gif
    I will make a video for this tomorrow and also (once and for all), the possession system. Also, the elements to add/check in the todo list for this udpate are disappearing yeah xd.

  26. danreid70


    Aug 28, 2010
    Too cool!!! Loving this asset! Great work.
    sr388 likes this.
  27. JMyerscough


    Jul 12, 2012
    I absolutely love where this asset is going. I can't wait to see armor and if they get abilities too (gloves attachment that gives faster reload for example)

    I love the damage over time!
    sr388, Mark_01 and neodotca like this.
  28. Mark_01


    Mar 31, 2016
    DOT and sleep are very much like magic spell casting, except you are using a gun instead of
    like a hand or wand. SO i am thinking this could be adapted to make it seem like it is magic
    instead of a gun bullet ?

    Final Fantasy XI ? Had sleep magic spells and sleep arrows for bows ..

    @sr388 / Two Cubes you are doing a fantastic job. This kit is slowly shaping up to be able to do almost anything.
    sr388 likes this.
  29. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    I believe so. I think the idea was that he created separate components that handle these actions, so in theory you could attach these components to any attack and get the effect.
    Mark_01 and sr388 like this.
  30. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Thanks @danreid70.

    Thansks @JMyerscough.

    I can't wait neither for the armor. Just like the attachment system on weapons, it will use unity events, so the cloth/armor system will be able to configure any effect, improvement, curse, stat change, damage increasing, defense,.....anything.

    Thanks @Mark_01.

    Yes, these ammo efects are just basically stats on the projectile system, which is the same component used for everything in the asset which fires, from weapons, turrets on vehicles, powers, etc.. so you can make use them as magic spells, for example launching them (now that I think, I will add an option to include an effect radius for these stats, so for example, you can poison or sleep a group of characters at once).

    Yeah, exactly that. For the current version, the projectile system is attached to an object with a trigger and a rigidbody, so it can be fired or launched from a weapon/power, which has configured that object as the projectile to shoot. This component checks if impacts with an object which can be damage and apply the configure state from the weapon/power which use it.

    I suppose the spells would use some kind of projectiles to work, right? Else, tell me how wold you need this to work, so I can know more about it @Mark_01.

    The video for the ammo types is being uploaded, with a veeeeery slow connection, so in the next hours it should be here xd.

    Mark_01 likes this.
  31. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    When you speak of projectiles, I'm not sure you're covering everything. There's melee, setting a trap, and other stuff.

    So far as I know, attacks can normally be broken down into type of targeting, number affected, and shape of area affected.

    • Selected target - which can be an enemy or a neutral (like a damageable object), the player or a friendly (because a some attacks are damage auras or buffs), or a selected place in the view. There can also be a range, with some attacks having a zero range (like a damage aura or self-heal). Targets out of range cannot be selected.
    • Maximum number of targets, can be the X closest to the origin of the effect, but sometimes if the effect can miss, you might continue till you get X number of hits.
    • The size / shape for an area of effect (sphere / cylinder / cube / cone).

    By changing some of these parameters, you make an attack into a buff, you can teleport yourself or someone else, and you can affect multiple targets within an area.

    If you want to get fancier with it, you can have a chance for a secondary effect that only affects those hit with the primary, contagion or chaining effects, damage over time, chance of continuing damage, time delay, proximity delay, and so on. :)
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
    sr388 likes this.
  32. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Mmmm, this is very interesting. I will add this into the todo list, these elements could make the "projectile" or attack system more complete and customizable (some of these principles are already included). Thanks for suggest them.

    Also, here the video about the ammo type editable ingame:

  33. EvilGremlin


    Aug 12, 2016
    I noticed your poll had an AI option (I voted for it). I just wanted to let you know, the only reason I personally have not purchased this kit yet is the AI. I have wish list:
    • Enemies that change powers or weapons based on what the character is doing (e.g. ducking for cover if they are being sniped).
    • Enemies that use cover in general.
    • enemies that can recognize when their friends are ducking for cover and follow suit.
    • Enemies that recognize corpses and investigate.
    • Enemies that can avoid explosive barrels and other hazards.
    • Enemies that can call other enemies in the local area to them.
    • Enemies that can hear based on character's movement speed, use of items and surfaces being walked on.
    • Invisibility that reduces visual detection range.


    Instead all of that, why not just add behavior designer integration so I can do all of that for myself?

    I notice that you support Emerald AI now. It doesn't have most of the functionality I listed. It is good for monsters.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
    neodotca, hopeful and sr388 like this.
  34. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi @EvilGremlin.

    Thanks for your interest in the asset and for voting.

    Yes, I know the AI is not the smartest yet, but I am working on it in every update, to make it as customizable as possible. Also, I want to add all kind of behaviors and actions to it (all the said above are on the list).

    The good part of the AI on the asset (at least the humanoid), is that it uses the same components than the player, with only a couple of extra components to manage navmesh and his AI. Like this, every action, feature or system added to the player is automatically included in the AI (though some of them could need an extra script or function to "teach" them how to use it, like in the combat system or the weapons to tell them when to use it).

    For example, the cover system hasn't been added, so this is why the player or the AI can't use it yet (though the player can already use a hidden system to be invisible to the AI for example in the grass, under tables, inside lockers, any place and it will be improve with the cloth/armor system to add visibility percentages similar to metal gear solid 3).

    But I totally understand you want a better AI systeml like behavior designer (which I want to try to see how it works and its possibilities). I want to add integrations for GKC, but due to this asset is more a framework (rather than an asset which only covers the controller and needs from other assets to make a game), I am focusing more in complete and expand the core of this asset, so it is as solid and complete as possible, before start with more integrations.

    I am close to reach that state, but there are some parts to finish, improve and add (for example, split screen and multiplayer), and that is why I am giving priority to my asset before the rest.

    Of course, there are assets which maybe already cover part of the systems that I have made, making or will make, but I have the objective to make them as good as possible (and maybe also as good as the rest), allowing to have all them in an only package ready to use.

    But once the asset is solid enough to cover the system left to add, integrations will started, with the most used and useful assets, like behaviour designer.

    danreid70, neodotca and Mark_01 like this.
  35. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    I haven't tested a recent version of the game kit, but I hope to today (if I can get around to it). I think you've already got elements of this, and I think this is in line with what @EvilGremlin is asking for, but what I'd like to see out of the AI is a component system that gives the ability to issue and listen to custom messages, with an option to limit this by range and by sensor type. I agree with you that this sort of structure could be more easily modified by game devs to give new AI features (like taking cover, whether bodies should be investigated or avoided, etc.).

    How I want to break up the AI for my game is essentially by boss, lieutenant, and minion. Bosses can make high priority commands to the lower units, lieutenants can make lower priority commands for minions, and minions can communicate only their observations and personal actions.

    So bosses and lieutenants could give orders to attack, attack a group (return fire, but prefer this type of target, which could be a faction, members within a faction, or a type of object), charge (get into melee range), follow me, retreat, travel to strategic waypoint, protect (me, or other target), take cover, sneak, patrol, perform custom action, and things like that, which you would generally see in a player's pet commands.

    This means a police chief could say, "Protect the mayor!" Or the villain boss could issue a custom command, "Plant the charges!" which would then make the minions run to established trigger waypoints and perform a custom action in order to blow up City Hall.

    Minions would be limited to sharing observations, like "Be alert!" "Enemy sighted!" "I'm fighting!" "Help!" "I found something!" "I'm disabled!" "I'm outta here!" "I've been defeated!"

    Objects could carry passive messages, picked up the character AI when they get in range, like "I'm an explosive." "I'm destructible cover, this is how much cover I provide (like 50%) and this is how much health I have left." "I'm a hazard (fire / electrical / chemical / cryo / laser / etc.)." "I'm a corpse that looks good for looting." "I'm an active enemy." "I'm an active enemy that sees you."

    A nice feature about this system is that, if desired, the communications can be made conditional. Like, there could be a visual sensor, an auditory sensor, a radio sensor, and so on. Thus, an enemy that has lost visual can't receive messages that have a visual aspect, like "you are standing next to a container of explosives," or they can't find new cover. An enemy that has lost auditory can't hear new commands. An enemy that has lost radio but who still has auditory can only hear observations and commands if they are within hearing range.

    Naturally, that opens it up for smoke bombs to not only reduce targeting range and accuracy, but they could potentially interfere with AI, restricting the ability to find cover (by reducing the visual sensor range) and identify objects. Flash bangs could affect hearing as well. That provides the player with more tools to affect the fight.

    Also, if an enemy has sensors that can't be blinded or deafened, like a robot or zombie whose senses aren't affected by such things, then they can stand out and become tougher to defeat. This gives the developer more options to make game play interesting.
    EvilGremlin, sr388 and neodotca like this.
  36. neodotca


    Feb 20, 2016
    I second that!
    tgamorris76 and sr388 like this.
  37. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Mmmm, interesting. I hadn't planned these extensions of the different ranges for the AI yet, but it could be very interesting to use this approximation.

    I haven't thought neither the best way to make the AI able to organize between them, but for example, a system could manage the current AI on a camp, similar to the bases of far cry games (or every group of AI that are place in different parts of the scene) and they would be able to know the state of the others, communicate between them and give orders according to its range and type of behavior configured, like attack, hide, protect, retreat, etc...
    If new AI comes to that part of the level, they are added to this AI manager to receive the state of their partners, and according to their faction and range, acting in a way or another.

    Yeah, info related to objects on the scene is very useful too, triggering an action according to the type of object, even give liberty to the AI to take decisions based on percentages and stats in its "mind configuration" and even according to its health, armor, weapon and remaining ammo, etc... and the rest of AI partners close to him and their states.

    Mmmm, orders received by radio. I like that. Games like metal gear could be a good example of this (there are more games similar to this, though I can't remember more right now xd).
    The player would even able to break the communications (breaking the radio tower or use and EMP) and isolate that group of enemies.

    Yeah, I have planned also to add noise detections for AI from any element necessary, like shooting (that can be avoided with silincers equipped), projectiles impacts (according to the ammo, they will make bigger or lower noises), vehicles, steps from walking and running, thorw objects like stones to make an AI to move from their current position, etc....

    You are right, there would be options to make the AI inmune to these kinds of signals with different customizations, for example for blind enemies who hear much more than regular ones, or deaf with the opposite situation, and combine these values.

    Thanks @hopeful for telling me about this, it is a huge amount of info that can improve a lot the AI. Consider all of this added in the todo list (literally, I will copy paste this post xd). Of couse, for this, the objective is to make the AI as general, customizable and extensible as possible.

    Btw, I have been improving the control of the player in first person for the option to use the animator disabled on that view. That control was already using physics to work, but now the movement is much more precise and tight, including configurable speeds for walking, running, crouching and strafing and a limit of how much velocity the player can reach.

    Mark_01, EvilGremlin and hopeful like this.
  38. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    If I'm understanding right, what you're calling a "camp" is what I'd call a "spawn." In that in the game you'd have a spawn point (actually several of them), and when the player comes into range, the spawn point creates the group of NPC foes that is of the appropriate level and number and type for the encounter. Like, 3 minion orcs.

    In which case, yes, I think it would be helpful to have a "spawn AI" that keeps track of the creatures it spawns. It can give a starting command like wait, wander, patrol, ambush (head to location in attack mode), etc, and it can have some game / AI management roles.

    Yup, and there can be other sorts of considerations, like a variant of radio could be "hive mind," where by telepathy or whatever the boss / lt controls its minions. So if you defeat the boss or lt, then the minions become disordered.

    A feature related to telepathy / hive mind is that once a single connected minion finds the player, then all of the associated creatures should know where the player is.

    Similarly, a faction that uses radio can give bosses and lieuts the ability to say, "At my location." This would advise the rest of the faction in the area that the player has been spotted and the faction can send fighters to the character who radioed it in.

    For players, it gives an extra level of challenge, plus the possibility of manipulation, especially in stealth and multiplayer scenarios. One player could show himself to draw off security forces, while the others take advantage of the diversion.
    danreid70 likes this.
  39. EvilGremlin


    Aug 12, 2016
    Since you brought up silencers... Calling them silencers is a bit of a misnomer. It's kind of like calling all soda Coke. The "Maxim Silencer" was the first sound suppressor marketed. So it's kind of like before soda pop was called soda pop, people just called them cokes. People referred to sound suppressors as silencers in the same way.

    Anyway, my point is, they aren't silent. They are just quiet. If you are nearby a suppressor when it is fired, you will hear it and you will know what it is.

    So let's say I was standing a block away with a suppressed .45 pistol and fired, an experienced soldier would have heard the muffled gun shot and recognized what it was. Though maybe he wouldn't be able to tell where it came from.

    I'm prior military. If a silencer were ever fired in my vicinity while I was on alert (guard duty or whatever) I would know what it is. Some smaller caliber low muzzle velocity guns like a 9mm pistol would probably be harder to discern. Larger and higher speed rounds (with more powder) are easier to hear and harder to suppress. Also, gauze rifles (magnetic rifles) are super quiet because they have no gun powder or barrel friction. Check some out on youtube.

    Obviously, you'll have to think about fun too, not just realism. But maybe when you start working out sound suppressors you could add a variable for the range at which they will be detected even when the player is hidden?

    This is all just food for thought for your AI and stealth mechanics. Use what you can if you want.

    I think sr388 is saying there will be a group AI manager in an area and other AI can join or separate from the group AI manager based on proximity. So if an enemy spawned in the area they would join the group. Or if they were chasing the player and found the group, they would join the group. But if they were just on the map they would not necessarily be a part of the group. I could be wrong though.

    Sounds like a good opportunity to use every publisher's favorite advertising word: emergent.
  40. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    On the silencer / sound issue, I think the amount of sound made by a weapon could potentially be added to its description, along with the damage it does, and so on. Just pop a number - like 45 - into the "loudness" variable, and perhaps that causes it to have a 45m radius sphere for the sound when it goes off. And that sphere trigger gives messages to whoever is inside it that they heard the weapon. Or something along those lines. So if they weren't in an "alert" state before, they would be now.

    As for the spawn AI ... one thing that could be added to spawn management is if a spawn group is decimated it could direct its remaining members to join the nearest other spawn group. But that would probably be a feature way down the road. It seems to me that the best way to develop is usually to do all of the easiest stuff first, so maybe the first thing would be to create an auditory command send / receive system for NPC bosses and go from there.
    EvilGremlin likes this.
  41. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Yeah, exactly that, sometimes, I don't find the proper words to say something (even in my language xd).

    The hive mind sounds good too, to make the enemies even more organized, as like you said, if one finds you, the rest will now where you are (in fact, the AI is already able to communicate between each other, at least in the faction system. If you attack a faction friend of the player, the attacked character will say to those partners of his faction that the player is now an emeny and those at the range of the player will attack him including the first attacked, so that could be extended for the hive mind system).

    Also, like you said, a more organized and realistic group will tell to the other characters that come to its location, instead of configure the player as target to reach and kill directly.

    Very interesting indeed, there is already a good number of elements to improve the AI behavior, including ranges, radio communication/hive mind, group management, objects information on the level, it is just a matter or orgainze them properly and start the work (very probably to the update after 2.4d, as I feel like to back to work on the AI).

    Well, excuuuuse me princess ....just kidding, a bad joke with the meme from the legend of zelda haha.

    Yeah, when I think in a silencer, the word suppressor feels more related to it than the other. I didn't know that about it, thanks for telling me.

    Yeah, is a film mith, people commented that in the scene of John Wick 2, where he and the guy in the high ground try to killing each other using suppressors and literally nobody hear or notice them (though the film is very good and I can't wait for the third) with people at centimeters of distance.

    Some people said that there are good suppressors which kills almost all the sound and flash from the shoot, but mostly to low calibers (and I wrote this before finish to read the above paragraph, but I will leave it here).

    Rail cannons are really interesting too (and could be a type of ammo or weapon in the asset, so they wouldn't need suppressor to remove the shoot sound).

    Of course, it will be similar to footsteps, regular walking will make x noise, and crouching will make a lower sound, but still existing it, so an anemy could detect it if you get too close to him, so same will be for suppressors (I want to add noise visualization to the map window, so every noise made by the player will show an icon with the radius and intensity of the sound). Also for footsteps, the armor/cloth system could have a pair of boots or an improvement to make 0 noises while walking or crouching or make it lower (they will work with unity events, so there are unlimited possibilities for the improvements they can add to the player stats or his weapons/attacks).

    Yeah, you are right @EvilGremlin, I was saying exactly that (like I said, sometimes I don't find the proper words), besides the spawn points for AI, the general script that manages different groups of AI will be able to remove characters from one group which are too far from them or join a few ones which are close enough to other group, updating the state of that group.

    Also, thanks for these suggestions @EvilGremlin, very interesting too. All of this will be considered and used for the AI aswell ;)

    I though about an option to show a little panel in the hud which would tell the player the general stats of a weapon when he draws it, similar to borderlands, including those stats more useful to know, like fire rate, damage, shoot sound (maybe if the game is more a stealth genre), magazine size, etc.... This panel would be only visible a couple of seconds.

    The stats that are shown would be able to be configured in a manager inspector with a list of stats. Of couse, according to attachments and other weapons improvements (by temporal powerups, inventory objects, permanent upgrades, current armor, etc...) the stats values would be updated.

    And yes @hopeful, that sound messages will be very similar to the system used for the sound detection.

    Of course, according to the behavior of remaining AI, they could decide to leave or try to kil the player or any other enemy npc of its faction.

    But you are right, the first is start with the basic structure and build around it. Added all in the todo list.

  42. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    @sr388 - BTW, in reference to the earlier discussion over UNET ... Unity just announced that UNET is on its way to being deprecated in favor of a new networking system to be developed over the next few years.

    I'm guessing that in the near time frame, Photon is the better candidate. Besides ... from what I recall, it's pretty easy to hook up. They give you sample scripts that you can largely just use, and the service is free for developers just getting started.
    neodotca and sr388 like this.
  43. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Quick update progress.

    I have added a component to pause or resume the player actions, in this case, the movement and camera rotation, to avoid him from make any action, though the component also calls to a function which stops all the states in the player that should be stopped, like aiming, grab objects, etc... This component uses triggers to be activated, but it can be called by any other function.

    This is mostly used for cinematic or cutscenes purposes (thought it could be used for any other needs). To test this, I have added another component to configure a list of waypoints to make a cinematic camera path, allowing to configure different speeds for movement and rotation for every waypoint, if the camera looks towards the next waypoint or looks to a center point and a delay to move to the next waypoint (most of its code is very similar to the waypoint platform system, so it has been very quick to add). Also, it has gizmo options so it allows to see easily every waypoint configuration.

    After the path is over, the camera is translated and rotated toward its original values in the player camera, resuming his movement. Another options allows to configure a camera rotation, so after the cutscene is over, he can be looking to a certain direction.

    This component can also disable all the hud elements on the screen and activate again.

    I have not included with timeline and cinemachine yet due to I have to spend some time trying these system again to remember how it worked. But the new component to manage to pause the player and manage the camera is prepared to send and receive function calls via events, to know when the cutscene starts and when is over. Full support of timeline and cinemachine will be included in update 2.4e.

    Here the video:

    Yeah, I saw today too. Very curious to see the system which replace UNET. In the mean time and like you said, photon seems the option that will be used for the multiplayer of this asset. That makes easier to choose haha.

    Thanks for telling it.

    Wetw0rx, neodotca, Mark_01 and 3 others like this.
  44. JMyerscough


    Jul 12, 2012
    I actually prefer Photon. When can we expect it? 2.4f? :p
    sr388 likes this.
  45. EvilGremlin


    Aug 12, 2016

    I have a small suggestion. You may want to consider adding a transform to the player's elbow when powers are equipped.

    While I'm thinking about it. If I were developing this, I'd add "recoil" and "walk" positions too. That would help it feel more natural and shouldn't be hard since you've already done it for weapons.

    -EDIT 2-
    I'm just thinking about what I would want to add if I made a game with this.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
    sr388 likes this.
  46. tgamorris76


    Apr 24, 2013
    Really cool addition the player pause state :) cant wait for 2.4d

    Wanted to mention a bug i encountered too with the passenger system. I added a second seat to an aircraft model and added a co-pilot seat to the IK driving system copying the IK positions from the pilot seat. And it works up to the NPC getting in the seat but when i get off the NPC stays in the seat. It worked fine in 2.4b but seems to have a problem in c. I tried doing it in a new vehicle in case it was to do with the scripts from 2.4b being changed in 2.4c but same problem. NPC gets in seat but doesn't get off.
    sr388 likes this.
  47. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    After update 2.4d is finished, I will start to get more info about photon, to know who it works, what it needs, what changes or additions the asset would need to use it, etc..., and according to the amount of work it requires to integrate in the asset, I will say an estimate date ;)

    Before multiplayer, I want to finish the split screen, which will be made for any number of players (I think the max amount of gamepads unity support is 16, though that is madness, so until 4 players is a good amount, because divide the screen in more parts would make more difficult to see).

    Do you mean to adjust the player's elbow orientation while using powers? I think that with the hand following a transform was enough, but I can add a transform for the elbow, it would be very easy.

    You are right, the current recoil on powers has only a value to configure, so it is the same for all the powers. I will add a configurable position and rotation for the recoil, like on weapons.

    For the walk position, what do you mean? To being able to shoot powers without aim, making the player to face the camera direction and shoot forward? I want to add this, for weapons and powers, very probably to be added in the update 2.4e. If you mean other thing, tell me about it.

    Do you mean suggestions? They are always very welcome, so feel free to suggest all what you have, more than 99% of suggestions are included in the todo list and eventually are added to the asset.

    Thanks men.

    About the bug of the AI on vehicles, maybe it is the ray distance to check if a character can get off from the vehicle or not, checking obstacles. I will check that today and fix it for this update.

    Thanks for telling me.

  48. JMyerscough


    Jul 12, 2012
    Is there going to be a way to use powers and weapons at the same time? For example. I want the player to be able to play as if it were an FPS, but map two powers to L1 + R1 if using a controller, for example.
    sr388 likes this.
  49. EvilGremlin


    Aug 12, 2016
    Exactly. Thanks.

    Perfect. Thanks.

    I mean the hand position while moving in third person. Like with the pistol here.

    I think it would be an easy way to add a bit of finesse. Right now, when you walk in third person your arm is sticking straight out in front of you.

    Basically, anything you can do to make power use with all the features of guns would be excellent. Maybe even a mana pool or psi pool instead of ammo? Just random thoughts. LOL

    I'm glad you are open to suggestions. It's always easier for users if an asset dev listens and is active. Thanks.
    sr388 likes this.
  50. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Yeah, it is planned, though I need to think the best way to do it, due to right now, powers and weapons are done to be used separately, so there are modifications to make to allow to use them at the same time, for first and third person. I will also check bioshock to see how its control scheme, to configure the best and easy way to use them combined.

    Oh, I see, the arm position was configured similar to how infamous games do it. But a walking position could be added, with some sway for the hand, to make it more dynamic and "alive" haha. Yes, most of the improvements on weapons and that can be added for powers will be applied to them too.

    About mana, the powers uses energy, not ammo (the bar is below the health bar of the player), and in every power, you configure the amount of energy used in every use of the power (maybe you are talking about other element, it is a little late in my country right now and it is already difficult to think properly xd).

    And of course, every suggestion is taken into account, so don't be afraid to ask ;)

    Mark_01 and EvilGremlin like this.