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[RELEASED] Corgi Engine - Complete 2D/2.5D Platformer [new v8.0 : advanced damage system]

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by reuno, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. neapolitanstudios


    Feb 17, 2011
    @javi_unity402 Thanks for sharing! I’ll give that a crack when I get the chance.

    @reuno Thank you! That was fast! Is there any ETA on the next release?

    Also, if you’re wanting feedback on the auto movement feature. Another thing I added was the ability to resume moving from stop zones. I did this using the pausemovement and resumemovement functions in the auto movement script. I added an additional option to the drop down box in the trigger script and call the resume function when the jump input is pressed. Now it works like it does in super Mario run. I imagine this would be pretty easy for you to implement if you wanted to. :)
  2. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @neapolitanstudios > Yes, for once I have an ETA for the release. It's right now.

    So good news everyone, v6.7 of the Corgi Engine is now available on the Asset Store. As usual, it fixes all reported bugs to date, and brings quite a few new features : a complete loot system, character persistency, magnets, aim markers, inventory improvements, performance enhancements, and more! It has the same version requirements as 6.6 (Unity 2019.3.3f1 or higher), and hopefully should be available for download soon. Here are the full release notes :

    - Adds a new Loot system, letting you have enemies (and anything else) drop loot on death, or damage, or when prompted. The spawn position, area and settings can be customized entirely. Comes with a loot table system, and loot can be defined per spawning object, or globally, and an example of it in action in the RetroForest demo scene, where killed enemies now drop coins, stimpacks or extra lives at (controlled) random.
    - Adds the CharacterPersistency ability, that will allow you to keep the exact state of your character when moving from scene to scene
    - Adds Bouncy Projectiles, and an example of them in action in the Mountains demo scene.
    - Adds MMApplicationQuit, a simple class you can use to exit your game, easily pluggable to a UnityEvent slot
    - Adds MMAutoExecution, a simple class lets you trigger Unity events automatically, on Awake, Enable, Disable, Start, or on instantiate
    - Adds the LayerManager, a static class that holds ready-to-use references to layers and layermasks, and provides auto initialization for all public layermasks throughout the engine
    - Adds AIActionSetLastKnownPositionAsTarget, a new action that lets you use the last known position of your target as the new target (useful when, for example, you want a character to go where its prey was last seen)
    - Adds the Magnetic class that you can add on any object, and that will let it automatically move towards any target of your choice when it enter its range. Useful for magnetic coins, for example
    - Adds the MagneticEnabler class, that lets you automatically pick sleeping magnetic objects in range (for situations where you'd rather not have the magnetic objects perform range detection themselves)
    - Adds the AimMarker component, that you can use in conjunction with WeaponAutoAim to display an aim marker on, next to, or around your target. Adds an example of it in action in the FeaturesWeapons demo scene (pick the Hitscan Gun).
    - Adds a Random float animation parameter, that updates every frame, randomly between 0 and 1, and that you can use to add variations to your animations when entering a new state
    - Adds a new Curve mode to MMWiggle
    - Adds the RandomConstant int animation parameter, a random int (between 0 and 1000), generated at Start and that'll remain constant for the entire lifetime of this animator, useful to have different characters of the same type behave differently.
    - Adds the ForceStop public method to CharacterHandleWeapon to allow AIs to force exit
    - Adds an option to have the controller run on FixedUpdate rather than Update to accomodate very low framerates
    - Adds remap options and a better inspector to the float and shader controllers
    - Improves the way inventory item drop works. Items created on previous versions will need to have their drop properties redefined.
    - Adds an option to InventoryDetails to display details globally, regardless of target inventory
    - Adds a public method to add proximity managed objects at runtime
    - Adds MMFeedbacks hooks to all steps of the Teleporter sequence
    - Adds an option to AIActionPatrol to detect obstacles via custom layermasks and not just the controller's. This allows, for example, for AIs that change direction when encountering other AIs.
    - Adds options to FinishLevel and GoToLevelEntryPoint to customize fade, delay and freeze (time or character)
    - Adds support for HDR colors to the ShaderController
    - Improves MMDebug's methods' performance
    - Adds an option to the AutoMovement ability to disable horizontal input
    - Adds separate (and optional) deceleration values to the controller, to define unique deceleration values for air and ground movement, in addition of the existing acceleration ones
    - Adds options to CharacterInventory, InventoryWeapon and PickableWeapon to specify what HandleWeapon ability should equip the weapon
    - Adds delay support to AIActionFlyPatrol.
    - Adds the InvertHorizontalAimWhenWallclinging option to CharacterHandleWeapon, that lets you shoot away from a wall when wallclinging.
    - Adds a Stunned condition state
    - Adds an option to WeaponAutoAim to have the aim origin be either set to the weapon or its owner.
    - Adds options to CharacterInventory to automatically add items on init to inventories, and to add and equip a weapon
    - Adds a public method to the Zipline to reset its position (and a debug button in its inspector to test it).
    - Projectiles now move on FixedUpdate
    - AppearDisappear's ChangeState method is now public
    - Adds extra security checks to CharacterInventory
    - Improves jetpack's performance when consuming fuel/refueling
    - Improves all abilities' ResetAbility, making the node swap ability safer.
    - MMHealthBar's initialization now happens at Awake
    - Weapons in ReloadNeeded state now force the weapon to turn off
    - Stompable's detection now runs at LateUpdate
    - Fixes the crouch collider size on the RectangleWithInventory prefab
    - Fixes the MinimalRocketLauncher's aim settings
    - Fixes a missing teleporter fade transition in RetroAdventureLevel1
    - Fixes a bug that would cause gravity points to work incorrectly when the CorgiController's StickToSlopes mode was on
    - Fixes a wrong setup in the Brobro demo character's swappable abilities that would cause the weapon to not flip correctly sometimes
    - Fixes a wrong touch button binding in the Lava demo scene
    - Fixes a potential null exception on AIShootOnSight if only AIs were present in the scene.
    - Fixes a layer issue with the two doors in the RetroPush demo scene
    - Fixes a wrong layer setup in the MinimalMovingPlatforms demo scene
    - Fixes a bug that could cause the weapon to not flip and rotate correctly for a frame
    - Fixes a typo in the billboard displaying the controls at the start of Mesa1
    - Weapon's ForceWhileInUse now takes facing direction into account
    - Fixes a bug that would cause weapons to keep firing after grabbing a ladder with shoot from ladders disabled.
    - Fixes a bug that would cause MMMonoBehaviours inspectors to not draw correctly
    - Fixes a bug that could cause multiple weapons to get equip requests if the inventory contains multiple weapon clones
    - Fixes a bug that would prevent Character.FindAbility to return true for extended versions of abilities when looking for their parent
    - Fixes a bug that could occur when unequipping a weapon from a main inventory while a clone of it was equipped
    - Fixes a bug that could cause AIDecisions to grab their associated AIBrain too late in the initialization cycle
    - Adds the Cinemachine Pixel Perfect extension to all cameras in the RetroVania demo scene
    - Tweaks a few enemy AI behaviours in RetroAI
    - All ButtonActivated classes (Teleporter, DialogueZone, FinishLevel, TimeZone, KeyOperatedZone, etc) now use inspector groups for improved readability
    - Centers the MinimalLevel objects in the scene
    - Tweaks the collider settings of the Retro AIs
    - CharacterJump's JumpTimeWindow delay setting is renamed CoyoteTime
    - Removes unused PickAsMuchQuantityAsPossible attribute in ItemPicker
    - Updates Cinemachine to v2.7.1

    I hope you'll like this new update!
  3. javi_unity402


    Nov 29, 2018
    reuno likes this.
  4. kebabjr


    May 30, 2020
    Hey there, just purchased the Engine and so far loving it. New to the whole game dev stuff but trying my best.
    I have specific question/request though. Are you planning to upgrade switch character/model by adding specific input (instead of seq. or random) to change, or is that it? If it is possible for you and think it might be useful for the general public, of course. Just asking if I should try to workaround this by modifying the script myself and its input although you just released a new patch (awesome updates btw) so it is highly unlikely to make it in time, but perhaps, for my future projects.
    Either way, have a nice day and a new year!
  5. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @fhaaruk > As far as I can tell that's the first time such a feature is requested. I can add it to the todo list of course. I'd say unless a lot of people suddenly start also requesting it, it's unlikely to make it into the next release. Let me know if you have issues implementing it yourself.
    kebabjr likes this.
  6. kebabjr


    May 30, 2020
    @reuno Thanks! I haven't had the time yet, but reading Switch manager code, I am thinking of adding multiple inputs (&inputmanager) to the update() which will be fed to the switchcharacter coroutine which should change to a specific index based on that. But again, I am new to C# and programming in general, so there may be a better way to pull it off. However,if I write code in them, I am guessing next time I import them in a new project they won't be there. Can you suggest me a solution how to avoid that? (Simple copy/paste to a new folder?)
  7. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    kebabjr likes this.
  8. kebabjr


    May 30, 2020
    @reuno Ah, completely forgot about inheritance. Thanks for the link!
    Not exactly sure about how I implement it. Do I make a new script that inherits (eg : CharacterSwitchManager) and just add the necessary override functions, while both scripts are part of the character in the inspector.
    Or, is there a way to call the parent class (like but the whole class) and just add the extended script to the inspector? Maybe something like CharacterSwitchManager xyz = new CharacterSwitchManager(); add it to the Update() and then override?

    Sorry for bugging you with the questions man, your help is really appreciated!
  9. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @fhaaruk > Yes, usually you'll extend the base class, override the methods you're interested in. Or you could create a new class that "pilots" the parent class. You'll find examples of the former in the engine itself, CharacterDamageDash for example.
  10. kebabjr


    May 30, 2020
    @reuno Thanks for that example, seeing in actual practice cleared lots of things. However, one question I asked is still a little relevant. DamageDash overrides 3 functions, but the ones it overrides does not have inputs. Does this mean both Dash and DamageDash script has to be present in the prefab's inspector (so it can get inputs from Dash)? Or, just because it inherits, it will automatically call all the functions by itself with the overridden versions? I'm sorry couldn't find DamageDash in any demo level (perhaps I missed it) to check it how it is implemented in-game.
  11. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @fhaaruk > No, you'd only need one. The methods that are not overridden are left unchanged. I'd recommend reading Unity's documentation about how inheritance to learn more about it, links are in the Corgi Engine documentation I linked earlier.
    kebabjr likes this.
  12. kebabjr


    May 30, 2020
    @reuno Alright, thank you again!
    reuno likes this.
  13. kebabjr


    May 30, 2020
    welp, for anyone wondering, this is how I solved it for now. It is possible that this is not the most elegant solution and because I don't know which key combination would work best, I wanted quick access *to edit the keys. Add this instead of the original manager to a new game object.
    Might help someone:
    Code (CSharp):
    1. using UnityEngine;
    2. using System.Collections;
    3. using MoreMountains.Tools;
    4. using System.Collections.Generic;
    5. using MoreMountains.InventoryEngine;
    7. namespace MoreMountains.CorgiEngine
    8. {
    9.     public class CustomCharacterSwitch : CharacterSwitchManager
    10.     {
    11.         public KeyCode[] customSwitch;
    13.         protected override void Update()
    14.         {
    15. //by not including base.Update(), it simply bypasses "P" key
    16.             for (int i = 0; i < customSwitch.Length; i++)
    17.             {
    18.                 if (Input.GetKeyDown(customSwitch[i]))
    19.                 {
    20.                     StartCoroutine(SwitchCharacter(i));
    21.                 }
    22.             }
    23.         }
    24.     }
    25. }
    Much thanks again to @reuno for his help! (and for the awesome engine ofc)

    Edit: realised new int variable is pointless. Even shorter
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2021
    Boom_Shaka and reuno like this.
  14. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @fhaaruk > That's a very good way to do it
    kebabjr likes this.
  15. kebabjr


    May 30, 2020
  16. FNRocha


    May 30, 2015
    OH it worked nicely! I forgot the "using MoreMountains.CorgiEngine;"
    As always you provide great support, very quick to answer and on point.
    Thank you, this is a great engine.
    I will make sure to leave a good review in asset store.
    reuno likes this.
  17. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @FNRocha > I'm glad it's working now, thanks for letting me know!
  18. unity_YoaP2NCvxCuybA


    Mar 16, 2019
    "- Adds separate (and optional) deceleration values to the controller, to define unique deceleration values for air and ground movement, in addition of the existing acceleration ones"

    Can I make Mario like inertia, movement when he "skids" after changing directions after running?
  19. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
  20. matttardiff


    Feb 27, 2018
    I'm using the Unity Xbox controller mapping reference from online. I'm fairly comfortable moving around the Input manager and while this is not necessarily a Corgi Engine issue, I'm hoping someone from this community can help. My character crouches as expected pull back on the left stick. But she won't play the crawl animation unless I press on the stick (joystick button 8) The problem is, I can not find it anywhere in the Input Manager where I can change or stop that from happening. I've checked the vertical in player 1-4 slots. Any ideas? I wish so bad that you could do a search within the Input Manager
  21. kebabjr


    May 30, 2020
    @reuno hey it's me again, just a theoretical question**. I would like to make a grappling hook weapon, but ALL of the tutorials ask for rigidbodies and joints, in other words, physics -- which the engine does not have. Because I'm a newbie, I don't want to mess a lot with the engine, and add 412321 feature I cannot produce on my own, but rather make games with 2-3% improvements each time and learn from that.
    **The question: is it possible to do a grappling weapon with the raycast methods (aka without physics, rigidbody, joints)?
    I don't want to modify the engine by adding physics just for one single feature, nor not sure how to exactly implement or how it would collide with already built-in systems. Not asking you how to do it (although quite welcome:D) but rather, can you think of a way in a moment to implement a grappling gun? A simple yes or no is also sufficient. If no, I don't think there is a point of 'inventing' something this early in my """""career""""" . Either way, thanks for reading and much thanks if you reply!
  22. Boom_Shaka


    Aug 31, 2017
    @fhaaruk - full disclaimer: this one is over my head, but sometimes I try to answer these questions to test my own knowledge/skill

    Take a look at the zipline code. It seems to me you can place "grip" on the enemy and set your pull speed, then place "anchors" on both player and enemy.

    You'd have to figure out a way to trigger it - maybe have the objects disabled until the weapon "fires"? - but that's where I'd start.

    Discord channel can probably give you some better pointers.
  23. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @fhaaruk > Yes, it's possible, it's just a matter of computing trajectories. Most "good" grappling hooks in 2D games are not using physics. Some people on Discord have done so, maybe you could ask over there.
  24. kebabjr


    May 30, 2020
    @reuno @Boom_Shaka thanks for the response! I’ll try my luck in Discord tomorrow. Not sure if I should post here if I can come up with solution, to not clutter the forum:D
    reuno likes this.
  25. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
  26. unity_YoaP2NCvxCuybA


    Mar 16, 2019
    - Adds the InvertHorizontalAimWhenWallclinging option to CharacterHandleWeapon, that lets you shoot away from a wall when wallclinging.

    Question, I have a character with 2 weapons, one is Melee weapon. and other one is Gun tipe weapoin, I am trying to test the "InvertHorizontalAimWhenWallclinging" by clicking on "Invert Horizontal Aim When Wallclinging" Checkbox on both Character Can handle Weapons, with no results. It just keeps shooting at the wall with both weapons, what do I have to do? Thanks!
  27. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @unity_YoaP2NCvxCuybA > That shouldn't be the case.

    Just gave it a try :
    - fresh install of 2019.4.17f1
    - import Corgi Engine v6.7
    - open the FeaturesWeapons demo scene
    - select the RectangleWithInventory prefab in your Project panel, check InvertHorizontalAim on its CharacterHandleWeapon component
    - press play, grab the machine gun to your right, equip it, run to the wall to the left, shoot while clinging to the wall
    - aim is reversed as expected

    Looking at the code, I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work, unless of course if your weapon can't aim.
    If your issue persists, please use the support form and provide repro steps like these, ideally in any of the demos, and I'll be happy to investigate more for you.
  28. andrin2020


    Mar 9, 2014
    Having an issue updating to v 6.7. The package manager window says I have 6.7 downloaded. I deleted the corgi engine folder and then installed from the package manager but version 6.6 installs again. I have done this 3 times now with the same result. Any thoughts?
  29. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @andrin_man > I guess you're using 2020.1 or 2020.2, which are unfortunately riddled with bugs right now. The package manager especially is barely usable, as it downloads almost systematically now wrong versions of assets. I'd recommend emptying your package manager's cache, and sticking to a more stable release (2019.4).
    Grafos likes this.
  30. liquidsht


    Jun 4, 2020
    Is there a demo scene where there is an example of using the SaveLoadManager? preferably working together with the inventory system, ie saving the game with inventory?
    I am not very good at programming and having trouble to understand where to start with the Save/Load system and also how to integrate it with inventory. Thanks.
  31. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
  32. XavierSubsonic


    Jan 18, 2020
    Hi Reuno, I'm trying to build a character from scratch using the 2D animation tool that comes with unity and the bone system. I've just added the Corgi Controller and I have only one Idle animation on it for now.

    So when I press play it stands in an idle animation on the platform which is fine but the whole character has a little up and down shake and the value circled in red in the screenshot keep switching. It swaps between grounded and falling and the Colliding Below switch from True to False too.
    Not sure how to fix this or what is causing this, any guess would be appreciated. thx


    Attached Files:

  33. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
  34. XavierSubsonic


    Jan 18, 2020
    Ok thx for your quick reply, on some online videos they say its better to have a circle collider for the buttom part to create less friction in slopes but I figured that with your setup since the rays are casted from the box collider that I should delete the circle collider. In the latest version I have only a box collider and it still shakes. I already checked that page and watched that video few times. I'll re-check if I can find the problem.
  35. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @XavierSubsonic > From your screenshots, it seems like there are many issues, and that your character got created very differently than how it should have been. Check the documentation, look at the many examples provided in the asset, and you'll fix your problem. If your issues persist, please don't hestiate to use the support form, and provide exact steps to reproduce your issue, I'll be happy to help.
  36. XavierSubsonic


    Jan 18, 2020
    yeah well I'm trying something different in unity instead of just replacing sprit I have a full rigged character inside unity so I followed few different sources of infos, I might have broken somthing. thanks much I'll start over .
  37. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @XavierSubsonic > Your choice of animation tech, or whether you're working with sprites, spine, 3D models, etc is completely separate from the logic, and entirely open.
    If you follow the guidelines and make sure you nest your character model correctly (see, it'll work fine, regardless of what your model is, the engine is agnostic in that regard.

    But if you add new colliders, or rigidbodies, or don't follow the base structure, it'll (likely) break. Again, don't hesitate to use the support form if your issues persist, and provide enough info for me to reproduce your issue, thanks.
    XavierSubsonic likes this.
  38. XavierSubsonic


    Jan 18, 2020
    Right, fixed it! was super easy. Sorry for wasting your time :S haha
    reuno likes this.
  39. FNRocha


    May 30, 2015
    Hi everyone, I am having trouble making the animator controller with the MeleeCombo, I am using RetroComboSword prefab as an example but I am not finding a scene with a Melee combo example, does anyone know where I can find it?
  40. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @FNRocha > You can use it in any scene, but it's pickable at the start of RetroAI for example.
  41. FNRocha


    May 30, 2015
    Thank you for the information. I do know it is usable in any scene, I am just looking for an example for setting up the animator controller. I am making a 3 slash combo, but the animation transitions are not responsive enough. I am guessing my animator controller is not properly set.

    my current set up is:

    weapon 1 - Start Animation parameter - > MeleeAttack1
    weapon 2 - Start Animation parameter - > MeleeAttack2
    weapon 3 - Start Animation parameter - > MeleeAttack3

    If I try to press the attack button very fast there is some delay between consecutive combo executions, I believe it is happening because when you finish MeleeAttack3 if the attack button is being pressed too fast it goes to MeleeAttack2 or MeleeAttack3.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  42. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @FNRocha > That's indeed likely the case.
    I'd recommend reading Unity's documentation about transitions to learn more about how to tweak them :
    And you can also look at how the RetroCorgi's animator is setup for an example of a responsive 3 attack combo.
    FNRocha likes this.
  43. FNRocha


    May 30, 2015
    It worked Noice!! I had some experience with animation transitions, but I was taught to avoid using AnyState.
    After using RetroCorgi's animator as a guide it was a simple matter. Thank you!
  44. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @FNRocha > That's not bad advice :)
    It's really about knowing when it makes sense to use it or not!
  45. jdcbautista


    Jan 9, 2020
    There are some funky jetpack behaviors that I can't seem to fix.

    Holding the jetpack input even after you've run out of fuel keeps your player in that reduced speed state. So if you're out of fuel, you can still hold the jetpack button to slow your fall. Holding jetpack input also slows down bullet speed, which does not make sense in any context.

    I've tried looking in the CharacterJetpack script but nothing I tweak seems to work. Also tried changing the conditional that enables the jetpack to also require fuel, but holding the jetpack input button slows the player regardless.

    Any suggestions?
  46. Boom_Shaka


    Aug 31, 2017
    No suggestions, just curious - does that only happen when the player is airborne? In other words, if out of fuel and grounded and holding button are you still seeing that behavior? Can you see what state your character is in when this is happening?
  47. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @jdcbautista > I just tried it in a fresh install of v6.7, on Unity 2019.4.18f1, in the Mesa1 demo scene (same result in other demos as well), and can't seem to reproduce the problem :

    Keep pressing jetpack, you go up. Once out of fuel, state reverts to normal, you go back down, even with the button being kept pressed. Then after a while fuel starts coming back as expected, then gets consumed again, according to the cooldown settings (that's the tiny jetpack bursts). No impact on projectile speed (they're two separate systems, they don't communicate).

    If your issue persists, please don't hesitate to use the support form and provide exact repro steps, I'll be happy to investigate more.
  48. Cambesa


    Jun 6, 2011
    Hello Everyone,

    Is there a way I can use the CharacterSwitchManager to switch to a specific character I want to? We have one main character which can change to a different character based on where you are walking closest by. But the only options I see are ranomized character switching or chronologically through a list. I want to switch to a specifc character.

    I hope to hear from you soon!
  49. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
  50. jdcbautista


    Jan 9, 2020
    It happened on the ground too.... But I found it was actually being caused by the time control component being on and mapped to the same joystick button as the jetpack by default.
    Boom_Shaka likes this.