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[RELEASED] Corgi Engine - Complete 2D/2.5D Platformer [new v8.0 : advanced damage system]

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by reuno, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. KOPEW


    Jul 30, 2019
    Can I make rotation of the sprite by ground angle with tradition / default method, not Spine (Q1)? And if it yes, can I set the limit of rotation (Q2)?

    Attached Files:

  2. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @Cunny-Lang > Yes, you absolutely can, slope orientation is completely unrelated to Spine, it impacts the model, however it's made. And the ability also lets you control min and max rotation angle (as well as rotation speed, weapon rotation, behaviour in the air, and more).
    KOPEW likes this.
  3. KOPEW


    Jul 30, 2019
    @reuno it means that I need to separate model from main game obj? Now sprite renderer and animator components placed at main game obj.
  4. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @Cunny-Lang > Yes, you need to separate them, it's a good practice in general, and especially for this ability to work.
    KOPEW likes this.
  5. Serotonina


    Oct 5, 2019
    Hi @reuno! First of all, thank you for all the love and work you put on the Corgi Engine: it's an amazing engine to learn and build from.

    I'm here to ask you something regarding weapons, particularly about projectile weapons. I'm trying to make a semi-auto weapon with a burst: every time the player shoot, N projectiles will come out one after the other in rapid succession (much like here: I've tried tweaking the option in the Projectile Setting script, but I can't seem to find a way to do it without working on your code: am I missing something?

    Thanks in advance!
  6. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @Serotonina > There's no such feature at the moment, but feel free to use the support form to request it.
  7. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    Good news everyone, I've just pushed v6.5 of the Corgi Engine to the Asset Store. As usual, it fixes all known bugs to date, brings new features, and improves things across the board.

    Here are the full release notes :

    - Adds the MovingPlatformFree component, that lets you turn any object into a (potential) moving platform. You can then drive that object's movement however you like (via a script, physics, or even by dragging it around in the scene view) and any Character that steps on it will follow and behave like it would on any "normal" moving platform
    - Adds the MinimalMovingPlatforms demo scene to showcase some of the most "extreme" moving platforms the engine can handle
    - Adds the CharacterFallDamage ability, which lets your characters take damage when falling from a certain height.
    - Adds the MinimalFallDamage demo scene to showcase that.
    - Adds the AIActionDash, and a new type of enemy that uses it, the RetroBlobDash in the RetroAI demo scene
    - Adds CharacterCrushDetection, a new ability that lets you detect when your character gets crushed, and lets you act on it, causing damage or death
    - Adds the RetroCrusher prefab to demonstrate that new Crush Detection ability, and an example of it in use in RetroVania (first room to the right when entering the level)
    - Adds the ProximityManager class, a system you can use to dynamically enable/disable ProximityManaged objects in your scene based on their distance to the player, disabling objects that are far from the camera/action to save on performance. Also adds the MinimalPerf demo scene, showcasing the difference between a scene with and without that setup.
    - Adds AIActionMoveAwayFromTarget, a new action that will make a character move in the opposite direction of its current target
    - Adds support for gravity and moving platforms combinations
    - Adds a delay option to the FinishLevel class to enable longer end level animations without any external manipulation
    - Adds an option to CharacterHandleWeapon to allow shooting from ladders natively (false by default). The RetroCorgi demo character can now shoot from ladders.
    - Adds force application modes (set or add, instead of the default add up until now) to SurfaceModifiers
    - Adds an option to reset forces on exit to SurfaceModifiers
    - Adds a normalized method to MMProgressBar.
    - Adds force modes to CharacterWallJump
    - Stompable can now be combined with gravity zones and points
    - Adds an option to Stompable objects to define whether or not they can be stomped by dead characters. Yes it's quite specific.
    - Minimum push speed on the PushCorgiController ability will now be compared with greater or equal (instead of greater before). This makes pull without pushing more obvious to setup, and it's now the default behaviour for this ability
    - Adds an option to CharacterJump to opt out of being able to jump down from one way platforms
    - Adds an option on Health components to turn gravity off on death
    - Adds an option to force a character to stop running/walking when colliding with a wall, regardless of input
    - ButtonActivated zones now enforce CanOnlyActivateIfGrounded even in auto mode
    - Greatly improves the slope orientation precision, now handling more complex edge cases
    - Adds an extra check to InventorySelectionMarker
    - Adds extra checks to bind weapon and character animators
    - Adds missing RequireComponent attribute to HealthAutoRefill
    - Adds tooltips to all fields of all classes in the engine
    - Removes multiple (harmless) missing references throughout the engine
    - Tweaks the Rectangle demo character's raycast settings to have it appear more aligned with obstacles when colliding with them
    - Fixes a bug that could cause an error when using the CharacterPushCorgiController ability on an AI swappable character
    - Fixes a bug in the SoundManager that could cause background music to not play again after a certain sequence of enable/exit/disable
    - Fixes an incorrect application of the vertical raycast offset of CharacterWallClinging
    - Fixes a bug that could cause unwanted flips while using a combo weapon in the air while getting damaged.
    - Fixes a bug that could cause wrong freeze frame durations with DamageOnTouch's FreezeFrameOnHitDuration
    - Fixes a bug that could cause lateral jumps into one way slopes to result in improper x position offsets
    - Fixes a bug that would cause a character to not reset properly after dying from being out of bounds while wallclinging.
    - Fixes a bug that would cause SurfaceModifiers to not apply forces correctly when colliding with multiple controllers
    - Fixes a bug that would cause pushable blocks to not fall correctly when not in button based push mode
    - Fixes a bug that would cause KillPlayerOnTouch objects to kill a player more than once (which is harmless but not ideal) if collisions were set to not disable after death on the Player side
    - Fixes a bug that could cause a flying character to not escape gravity correctly after exiting a dialogue zone
    - Removes an extra and useless box collider on a few scenes' level start object
    - Solves an issue with SlopeOrientation and how it forces additional angles on weapon aim
    - Fixes a bug that could prevent weapons from auto equipping

    As usual, expect a few days of delay while the store team validates the update.
    I hope you'll like this new version!
  8. javi_unity402


    Nov 29, 2018
    Thanks @reuno.

    Always so productive.
    luigi7 likes this.
  9. oriolmanya


    Jul 4, 2012
    Hi @reuno, a really nice asset, it helped me a lot to have a kickstart :)
    I'm having an issue with platforms with EdgeCollider2D, both with edge-radius > 0 or = 0.
    When my player hit a platform sideways (So, like stabbing the "belly" on the platform) it produces 3 types of unpredictable and undesired effects:
    1. Sometimes it makes the player jump with a too much velocity (I half-prevent that by restricting the Y-velocity of the character, but it jumps anyway)
    2. Sometimes it pushes the player down, with a lot of force too.
    3. If I enable CorgiController > PerformSafetyBox, still it happens 1 and 2 (maybe happens less), but sometimes even it gets stuck on the platform
    By now I changed the EdgeCollider2D for a thin BoxCollider2D, and the problem is solved, but I would prefer to use the EdgeCollider2D instead.

    Maybe the edge platform is only designed to work as a one-way platform? I mean to stand up with the feet but you can traverse it from below? I guess the Platform Effector 2D is designed to solve this issue, but I've never used it.

    If it cannot be solved, could you give me more information or an example on how I should deal with that?

    Thanks in advance
  10. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @javi_unity402 > I hope you'll like this new version!
    @oriolmanya > As explained in the doc, edge colliders are meant for 1 way platforms. For platforms, use box colliders. Using a 1 way platform + edge collider will solve your 3 issues.
    oriolmanya likes this.
  11. Stab


    Jan 26, 2013
    Hi Corgi! ^_^

    Do I understand correctly that KNOCKBACK does not work with flying opponents? Because the CharacterFly ability constantly updates the forces applied to the controller. What workaround do you recommend? I want the ghosts to knockback on impact.
  12. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @Stab > That's a good question :)
    You're right that CharacterFly holds a tight grip on the forces applied.
    One way to do what you're after would be to extend CharacterFly to implement that behaviour, basically not setting the (usually) movement horizontal force while your taking damage window is open, but instead adding one for example, and then resuming control afterwards.
  13. hippobob


    Feb 26, 2017
    How do I animate a diagonal attack?
    Such as diagonally above or diagonally below the attack animation. I'm not going to use an external gun to show it. Just like Contra.
    It is even similar to using a melee weapon to attack downward after jumping.
  14. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @hippobob > You can use the WeaponAngleAnimationParameter (defined per weapon) to do so. And then using a blend tree is probably the easiest way to set it up in your animator, but that's entirely up to you.
    hippobob likes this.
  15. Bonfi_96


    Oct 2, 2013
    Hey! I'm on 6.4 and there seems to be an issue with the interaction of gravity zones and the auto movement.
    The player corectly flips upside down but it keeps walking in the other direction.
    I've tested it using the 3d scene, played around with all available options but I was not able to solve it
  16. oriolmanya


    Jul 4, 2012
    I'm checking the documentation and I only find it for Moving Platforms, but I assume that when you say "Using a 1 way platform" is setting the Layer to "OneWayPlatforms" or "MovingOneWayPlatforms". I'll give it a try and I'll let you know. Thanks!
  17. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
  18. Bonfi_96


    Oct 2, 2013
    It would be great for consistency! I think I solved it by editing CharacterAutoMovement
    Code (CSharp):
    1.         protected override void HandleInput()
    2.         {
    3.             bool shouldReverse = _characterGravity.ShouldReverseInput();
    4.             if (_horizontalInput != 0f)
    5.             {
    6.                 if (shouldReverse)
    7.                     _horizontalInput = -_horizontalInput;
    8.                 _currentDirection = (_horizontalInput < 0f) ? -1f : 1f;
    9.             }
    11.             _characterHorizontalMovement.SetHorizontalMove(shouldReverse ? -_currentDirection : _currentDirection);
    12.         }
  19. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @Bonfi_96 > That looks like the right fix :)
    I'll definitely add that to the next release's todo list, I can see how it can be expected and confusing if it doesn't work. Thanks a lot for mentioning this!
  20. luigi7


    Jun 30, 2015
    Hello, I am thinking about a mana bar: what would be a clean way to set it with corgi?
    Mana would be working mostly like health being visible in the hud, just added or substracted via code called by something acting like a weapon ability.
    I'd prefer to stay inside corgi, but healthbar is bounded with player id and it seems I can't have two different healthbars for one player, and jetpack it's too much for what i look for.
    More generally, I'd have generic object around the screen with their healthbar in the HUD in a fixed position, is that possible in corgi?
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
  21. masak


    Aug 14, 2011
    Hello, Does TerrainCollider work? I checked NewCorgi3D demo. There is a terrain disabled in the scene. I set active the terrain and disable ground box collider2d. And start playing, a character starts to fall.
  22. Jellybean82


    May 23, 2020
    Hi All,
    Can anyone point me in the right direction for solving an animation problem?
    When I set up a character and use it as player then all animations work as expected and the state of the Character transitions correctly from 'Idle' to 'Walking' .
    When I set up a same character as AI, then the Movement State never changes out of 'Idle' while it is actually moving around and following the player.
  23. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @luigi7 > The engine itself doesn't do any UI, Unity does. So there's no limit to what you can have (including healthbars in the HUD if you'd like). There's a progress bar helper in the asset that you can use if you want to build progress bars (it's called MMProgressBar), but for a new and separate feature like the one you describe, you can build it completely from scratch if you'd like.
    @masak > No, the engine works with 2D colliders, TerrainColliders are 3D colliders.
    @Jellybean82 > That's very weird, I'd recommend looking at any of the demo AI characters (RetroAI is full of them) to look at examples of AIs that idle/walk correctly. If the issue persists, don't hesitate to send more info via the support form.
    masak likes this.
  24. SupremeSmash


    Nov 30, 2018
    I have a death animation set up for the character to fall down to the floor, can I stop the default fall off the screen on death sequence?
  25. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @SupremeSmash > Sure, there are a number of settings you can set on the Health component to determine what you want to happen on death.
    KOPEW and SupremeSmash like this.
  26. SupremeSmash


    Nov 30, 2018
    Nice one, and thanks for the quick response
    reuno likes this.
  27. SupremeSmash


    Nov 30, 2018
    The Masks section of the Rooms System documentation refers to the RetroVania demo scene but it's not in the package
  28. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @SupremeSmash > My guess would be that you're using an old version of the engine. I'd suggest reading the first item of the FAQ. Don't hesitate to use the support form and provide more info if that doesn't solve your issue though.
    SupremeSmash likes this.
  29. SupremeSmash


    Nov 30, 2018
    Yeah, I was using an older version of Unity, learned something new :)
    reuno likes this.
  30. SupremeSmash


    Nov 30, 2018
    Unity version: 2019.2.17f1
    Corgie Engine version: v6.5

    Hi, I installed the Unity version you used in the rooms tutorial, I created a new project, imported Corgi engine and got the following errors

    Library\PackageCache\com.unity.2d.pixel-perfect@2.0.4\Runtime\PixelPerfectCamera.cs(218,13): error CS0103: The name 'PixelPerfectRendering' does not exist in the current context

    Library\PackageCache\com.unity.2d.pixel-perfect@2.0.4\Runtime\PixelPerfectCamera.cs(223,13): error CS0103: The name 'PixelPerfectRendering' does not exist in the current context

    Followed the install process and checked the package manager and 2D Pixel Perfect is up to date.

    Have I missed something?
  31. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @SupremeSmash > I suppose you have :)
    For a start, as explained in the first item of the FAQ I pointed you at earlier, each version of the engine has a minimum Unity version requirement. In the case of v6.5, that's 2019.3.3 or higher, as mentioned in the release notes.
    So if you're on 2019.2.x, you're probably not running 6.5.
    Again, I'd suggest updating to a more recent version of Unity. If that's not possible, and if the issue persists, once more, please use the support form and I'll be happy to help you (link is the same as the FAQ I previously mentioned).
    SupremeSmash likes this.
  32. SupremeSmash


    Nov 30, 2018
    Updated to 2019.3.3 and all is good
    reuno likes this.
  33. Wolfie2000


    Mar 21, 2020
    Hello everyone,
    I have 2 questions and hope the forum can answer them

    1) I have problems with jerky gameplay because of CPU (Profiler) on android. Every 7 to 20 Seconds there are little jerks. Profiler identifies Script and Renderer as most intensive. Are there Tips for clicks in Unity and the corgi Engine settings to get best Performance on android? My Quality Setings are at the fastest Value.
    Maybe you reuno can post the settings you have changed in Unity and corgi Engine for the available Tech demo in Google Play Store to Work on android devices?

    2) I installed the newest Corgi Engine and Unity Version 2019.3.3 . I switched to Android build and use Ui camera with intern Touch controls. In the demos and in new scenes it is Not possible to jump more than one time in the Air by pressing the jump Button. If i force desktop Mode I can jump Up to 3 Times with space. As set in Player settings. Is anyone else facing same Problem?

    Thanks for your Help!
  34. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @Wolfie2000 > 1. The settings I've used to publish the tech demo are the ones that ship with the asset. The engine itself is very low footprint, and from there it's mostly standard Unity mobile optimization that applies. That part is quite game specific, and the strategies you can apply vary greatly based on your game's challenges.
    2. Just tested on device, iOS and Android, can jump 3 times in both, so I'd need more info and context to be able to help. In general, if you think you've found a bug, please use the support form and provide context and details on how to reproduce your issue, I'll be happy to have a look.
  35. mmyh147


    Nov 19, 2013
    I need an example to use MMTouchDynamicJoystick.
    I read the documentation but I don't understand how it's work.
    reuno likes this.
  36. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @mmyh147 > I've planned to add an example of that to a future release, there are no examples of it at the moment indeed. It'd also could use a bit of polish to make it easier and more efficient. I'll push its priority a bit :)
    Boom_Shaka and mmyh147 like this.
  37. EdoMiyamoto


    Sep 4, 2012
    Hello :)
    Currently testing the lots of possibilities with Corgi this week, so far everything is really good !
    However I ran in a small issue and couldn't find anything about this (tried to read the API but I'm not good at this except with playmaker).
    So here's my question: How do you stop player from firing while the inventory is open ?
    (Setup of my scene: The 3D Soldier equipped with machine gun, I added Inventories and InventoryCanvas, I can select what i want, drop, loot etc, and the character really stop moving during the inventory open phase, but the camera shake still goes on and I can still fire) Any help ?
  38. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @EdoMiyamoto > Hello! I'd need to know a bit more about what exactly you did, as I don't reproduce that issue in any of the demos. Does the problem happen there for you, no changes made? If not, can you try looking for differences between your scene and the demos (RetroAI for example's got a machine gun and inventory). If the issue persists, don't hesitate to use the support form to send me more details, I'll be happy to have a look at your issue.
  39. EdoMiyamoto


    Sep 4, 2012
    Just been testing that !
    So, in RetroAI, no issue when the game is paused, I can't shoot.

    I just tried in Corgi3DxTheHunt, which was my base for my level. I added 2 prefabs, Inventories and InventoryCanvas.
    When I press I, the inventory comes up, I can select stuff with keys and mouse, but clicking does fires through the pause (I'm sure it's paused because I can't move, ennemies neither). I think I'm missing something to disable weapon during a pause but I can't find it !
  40. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @EdoMiyamoto > As I said, comparing with any of the demos usually points you at the solution :) In this case, your weapon (the one from TheHunt) is from a demo that doesn't have a pause feature. It's using a CameraShake feedback that works on unscaled time (it'll keep shaking equally even if the game is slowed down or paused). If you'd like it to pause, I'd recommend using an Impulse feedback instead (as is the case in the Retro MachineGun's used feedback).
  41. EdoMiyamoto


    Sep 4, 2012
    Oh ok, I was messing with the scenes and looking at every details so I removed the cameraShake for the purpose of my game but yeah I now understand how guns effects works :) I tried adding the Impulse but I'm new with Cinemachine so I guess it's a lot to learn from this ! Thanks for your answers I'll keep learning and hope to show you the results one day :)
  42. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
  43. stevenx


    Jun 7, 2015

    I'm using Unity 2019.3.10f1 & Corgi Engine 4.6, I basically use default character parameters.

    My question is that when the character jumps on a stair, there is a change that he will ignore the stair below when he lands on the same stair and falls all the way down. It happens more often when I press the jump button and forward button together. I got this more often in non-maximized play mode than maximized play mode, but it still happens when I play in the editor in maximized mode.

    Another question is when the character jumps and lands on the platform where intersects with a stair, there is almost 100% chance the character will ignore the platform and falls all the way down, in this case, the falling speed is a lot faster than when the character normally falls.

    Thank you for your help in advance.
  44. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @stevenx > I tried to reproduce both issues but couldn't. I tested on 6.5 though. You said 4.6 but I suppose you meant 6.4, stairs didn't exist back in 4.6, they were introduced in 6.2.

    I'd recommend testing in a fresh install of v6.5 to see if the issue persists. If it does, please use the support form to let me know how I can reproduce it. I'd suggest doing it in the MinimalStairs demo scene, it includes most of the possible use cases for stairs. I did fix a few controller/1way platforms/stairs related things in 6.5, hopefully that includes your issues. If it's still there I'll happily fix them!
  45. stevenx


    Jun 7, 2015

    Thank you for your kind and quick response.
    You are right, I'm using 6.4 :D

    I managed to reproduce it in MinimalStairs demo scene with the Rectangle character, this is caused when the character moving along a stair that is steeper than 45 degrees(my stair was right 45 degrees).
    The steeper the stair is, the better chance the character is going to ignore the stair while jumps on it.
    If you rotate a stair to 58 degrees and make it really long, the character will ignore the stair half of the time.
    (in Character Jump script, Number of jumps = 1, Jump Hight = 1,Jump restrictions = Can Jump On Ground)

    Sometimes this doesn't happen in the first 10-20 attempts, if you keep jumping randomly for a while, I believe it will happen eventually. Also please try to lower the Jump Hight to 0.5.

    This behavior is also related to the framerate, it happens more often when in low framerate(30fps-60fps)
    I'm not sure if this is has something to do with Unity's Fixed timestep.

    Thank you for your help.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
  46. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @stevenx > As I said in my previous message, please try on 6.5, and if the issue persists, please use the support form to report it, providing detailed repro steps, thanks. Note that stairs can't be more than 45 degrees if you don't modify the controller.
  47. jhaypee1683


    Mar 15, 2015
    Hello I just begin playing with the corgi engine AI few days ago im planning to make a 2d platformer. Im having a hard time making this 2 type of patrol.
    First is the enemy should revolve in a gameobject no matter what the shape.
    Second is to patrol only in a specific distance.

    Is this posible?
  48. reuno


    Sep 22, 2014
    @jhaypee1683 > I suppose you could use path movement for both of these, but there'd be some manual setup. For the first one you may have to extend it to force orientation. Note that a universal crawler AI is in the plans, I can add your vote to it if you'd like.
  49. jhaypee1683


    Mar 15, 2015
    Thanks for the quick reply reuno. I'll check the path movement. On the universal crawler yes please.
    reuno likes this.
  50. Boom_Shaka


    Aug 31, 2017
    It would take a little work, but you might be able to do it with Advanced AI: set up patrol "waypoints" as a series of AI states based on the spawn position (IE: Waypoint1 = SpawnX + offset1, SpawnY + offset1....Waypoint 2 = SpawnX + offset2, SpawnY + offset2) and have "move to" actions for each state. The movement is hard-coded so you'd have to do it for each "shape", but at least it would work for any spawn position.

    I think that should handle the orientation issue as well, as your object should always face the direction it's heading.
    reuno likes this.