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[RELEASED] Balls Destroy Puzzle Game Template

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by VEvilDevil, Oct 16, 2017.

  1. VEvilDevil


    Jan 21, 2013
    Hello all,
    I'm published a Balls Destroying Game Template, it's not a Match Three game type, but it's the same puzzle.

    You can buy it here:!/content/100907

    Demonstration video:

    This package presents a Balls Destroying Game Template. Made according to specialized Code Style and a SOLID design patterns. Game process is shown in the attached video. Implemented various features:

    * Custom Data Encipher(for encripting, decripting, saving/loading files data)
    * IOManager(Read/Write binary and xml files)
    * Localization Manager
    * Directory Util(For Unity_Editor and Android platform)
    * UI Panels Manager(For Manager UI GameObject Panels in game scenes)
    * Custom Timer Extension(Used for start any actions after timeout and etc)
    * Layout Slide Roll Extension(Implements a Roll with Bonuses in the main game scene in a game process)

    * Ball component
    * Balls sprite destroy animation
    * Bonus component
    * Different game modes creation. For example this package contains a Debug(InGame) Mode with Localization(EN, RU) and Settings(Choose language and on/off sound)
    * Bonus Manager(For manage in game bonuses - "Spawn one row" and "Revert last step"
    * Game Grid functionality
    * Game Score functionality
    * Main Menu with Localization(EN, RU) and Settings(Choose language and on/off sound)

    Full source code and installation manual is attached
  2. Tergon


    Jul 15, 2013
    Looks interesting, I really liked this kind of game years ago (it was in the times of WinXP or even Win98), though I really don't remember the name of it – if someone does, please tell.

    I also have a couple of questions about this project.
    1. Are the bonuses shown in video and mentioned in description included in project? (btw, the slider control for bonuses looks cool ;) )
    2. How does UI Panels Manager work, what functionality does it have?
  3. VEvilDevil


    Jan 21, 2013
    Thank you!

    1. Yes, the bonuses are included in the project.

    2. UI Panels Manager makes working with panels cleaner by wrapping usages of SetActive method and providing an interface that allows control of all game panel showing. It helps with switching game screens (panels), showing messages, etc.