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Regarding Text to Speech [Dll] for Win32 by ZJP

Discussion in 'Made With Unity' started by tataparcs, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. tataparcs


    Aug 26, 2012
    // Voice Speaker (c) ZJP


    // Windows 32B >> Copy 'Voice_speaker.dll' in windows\system32 folder

    // Windows 64B >> Copy 'Voice_speaker.dll' in windows\SysWOW64 folder

    // Remember to release "Voice_speaker.dll" with your final project. It will be placed in the same folder as the EXE


    // Voice Speaker (c) ZJP //

    using UnityEngine;

    using System;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    public class VoiceSpeaker : MonoBehaviour


    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="VoiceAvailable")] private static extern int VoiceAvailable();

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="InitVoice")] private static extern void InitVoice();

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="WaitUntilDone")] private static extern int WaitUntilDone(int millisec);

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="FreeVoice")] private static extern void FreeVoice();

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceCount")] private static extern int GetVoiceCount();

    // Unity V4.x.x

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceName")] private static extern IntPtr GetVoiceName(int index);

    // other Unity version

    // [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceName")] private static extern string GetVoiceName(int index);

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SetVoice")] private static extern void SetVoice(int index);

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="Say")] private static extern void Say(string ttospeak);

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SayAndWait")] private static extern void SayAndWait(string ttospeak);

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SpeakToFile")] private static extern int SpeakToFile(string filename, string ttospeak);

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceState")] private static extern int GetVoiceState();

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceVolume")] private static extern int GetVoiceVolume();

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SetVoiceVolume")] private static extern void SetVoiceVolume(int volume);

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="GetVoiceRate")] private static extern int GetVoiceRate();

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="SetVoiceRate")] private static extern void SetVoiceRate(int rate);

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="PauseVoice")] private static extern void PauseVoice();

    [DllImport ("Voice_speaker.dll", EntryPoint="ResumeVoice")] private static extern void ResumeVoice();

    public int voice_nb = 0;

    void Start ()


    if( VoiceAvailable()>0 )


    InitVoice(); // init the engine

    if (voice_nb > GetVoiceCount()) voice_nb = 0;

    if (voice_nb < 0) voice_nb = 0;

    // Unity V4.x.x *******************************************

    IntPtr pStr = GetVoiceName(voice_nb);

    string str = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pStr);

    Debug.Log ("Voice name : "+str); // Voice Name

    // Unity V4.x.x *******************************************

    //Debug.Log ("Voice name : "+GetVoiceName(voice_nb)); // Voice Name other Unity version

    Debug.Log ("Number of voice : "+GetVoiceCount()); // Number of voice

    SetVoice(voice_nb); // 0 to voiceCount - 1

    Debug.Log ("Voice Rate : "+GetVoiceRate());


    //Debug.Log ("Voice name : "+GetVoiceName(voice_nb));

    Say("All system nominal. Engine, online, weapons, online.. We are ready. 9.,.8.,.7.,.6.,.5.,.4.,.3.,.2.,.1.,.0.,. Go,.Take off");

    // Say("Tout les systèmes sont opérationnels. Moteurs, en ligne. Armement, en ligne. Nous sommes prêt. 9.,.8.,.7.,.6.,.5.,.4.,.3.,.2.,.1.,.0.,. .Décollage" );




    void OnDisable()


    if( VoiceAvailable()>0 )







    How/Where could I put a code for play/pause/stop button? Because the code is autoplay. Please help me. :)